Sunday, July 29, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
In Germany, there are excellent changing facilities everywhere, the streets/public places are just SO clean, there are ELEVATORS in the metro (!!!) and it was not so crazy busy everywhere. However, German strangers are not as helpful as Parisian strangers. Parisian strangers will help me with my stroller while German ones just stare at me while I struggle.
While we were in Munich, Brian asked me: "Do you think we'll like Paris before we have to leave?" And I said, "AHA!!! YOU DON'T LIKE PARIS EITHER!"
P.S. Brian still has a good attitude about Paris. He just admits that it's not as clean here as elsewhere and that it is a bit busier.
P.P.S. I don't really know what ibid means. I just wanted to use it.
We got to Munich, settled into our Hotel Uhland near the Theresenwiese where Oktoberfest is held and went to get a Doener Kebab. It was delicious. Doener's in France, aka the Sandwich Grec, are simply awful in comparison. And they're awful, period.
Then we headed to Marienplatz using the U-Bahn. Compared to Paris, I think they have an army of after-hours workers who go in there and clean it with a toothbrush. Of course, the network is not nearly as comprehensive, but it was fine for our purposes. We exited on the backside of the Rathaus onto a lovely little park.
Michael has a strong aversion to grass and whenever he is forced to touch it, he minimizes his contact with the grass by standing like a flamingo. If he is forced to sit or be on his all-fours, he just cries. It's pretty funny.
Then we went around to the front of the Rathaus and took some pictures. My mom has a photo of me in maybe 1979 or 1980 in the same spot, so I always like to give her an update whenever I go to Munich. Now she has one of her grandson too. Maybe we can get a better one next time.
Then we went to the train station to meet the real reason Phuong came. I came to take care of the boy but I knew that. Shravi was having her bachelorette party. She's the one in the veil and is also leaving Germany in about three weeks. She was working at the Max Planck Institute on photolithography and went to grad school at tu with me. Her we are at Augustiner Biergarten with the other members of her party.
We had to go back home after having a nice Kaesekrainer plate, sausages with cheese on the inside. After feeding the beast, Phuong left again. She got to go to Hofbraeuhaus with the girls and experience a true beer hall. Then she came home and didn't wake Michael. I was pleased with that.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Find more photos like this on Eisenhower Class of 97 Reunion
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
Funny memory:
Yesterday, while I was cooking, Michael crawled into the living room to play with his toys. I look over there and he's on his back playing with his sippy cup (gnawing the handle, etc). The next thing I see, he's got the sippy cup spout in his mouth and is sucking away happily at the water inside! It's the sippy cup that is easy to get water out of!
So I go over there to hug him and tell him what a good job he did and I find a huge puddle of water on the floor and his back is all wet because he was just laying around in the water that leaked from the cup.
He didn't care. He was happy. So I was happy for him.
After taking 3 days to watch Swiss Family Robinson in its entirety, I think i am prepared to be a mother of 3 boys.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
He is also going through a bit of separation anxiety. Today, when the nanny was holding him, he screamed and screamed and screamed even though I was right there in front of him. So I played with him a bit with the nanny and got him good and distracted and he didn't even notice that I left for my French lesson. Funny Fat Little Baby.
Grandbaby Michael spends many a day charming the French. Today was no different as the boulangere tried to make friends with Michael. Unfortunately, Michael only wanted to buy bread and go home. Oh yes, and get a croissant for maman too. We stopped at Franprix (little supermarket) and bought about 8 lbs of fruit for our fiber intake.
Now, off to study Swiss Family Robinson so I can better prepare myself for life with 3 boys.
Love to all,
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
I was in Zara and Michael started to fuss as usual. So I am carrying him around the store while I shop and push around the stroller. Good thing Michael is helping me as he is apt to do. He likes to push the stroller too. Anyways, I look down and I see this kid, who OBVIOUSLY has the chicken pox and is rubbing his little toy ALL OVER MIchael's stroller and Michael's toy. I AM LIVID and look around for his Mommy which, no surprise, is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. Thank GOD I was carrying Michael.
So I high-tail it to Champion where I buy anti-bacterial wipes, even though Chicken pox is a virus. I wipe down the entire stroller, throw away Michael's toy and wait for the stroller to dry. *sigh* I had to go to the pharmacy to get Brian a prescription so I asked the pharmacist about it and he said it hopefully will not be a problem. He said that the chicken pox are contagious BEFORE the pox appear so hopefully, the boy will not cause any harm to Michael. Plus, I am breastfeeding and have had the chicken pox before so that will protect Michael a little bit. Pray that he doesn't come down with a Fever or pimples!!! AAHHHH!! *&A*@(& FRENCH AND THEIR WRETCHED SICK KIDS!!!
Then, we were walking back from the pharmacy and I decide to cross the street early, even though it means I have to wait for a green walking guy. Usually, I save time and just walk to the next crosswalk instead of waiting for the nearest crosswalk to turn green. Anyways, as I am walking down the street, this huge accident happens across the street IN THE EXACT SPOT I WOULD HAVE BEEN had I NOT decided to cross the street. This car pulls out in front of the ambulance and the two end up colliding. The car ended up hitting the poll in the median. The ambulance ended up colliding into the poll and crosswalk where I undoubetdly would have been with Michael.
I swear I HEARD the accident, looked immediately to my right, and saw the wreck occur, RIGHT where I would have been standing with Michael.
I thanked God over and over yesterday for making me cross the street for whatever reason. It would have been Michael and I in that wreck too and we wouldn't have had any car protecting us. It makes me sick to my stomach to think what could have been. And it makes me be even more aware as I walk around. I stay far away from the curb and am even more aware of the cars going by.
You never know when an accident will happen. I know accidents happen in America too, but I wouldn't be on the street walking around very often like I am here in Paris. I'd be in a car, with airbags and my son would be protected in his carseat. Instead, we are walking around, hoping that God keeps those crazy Parisians from harming us. I know God means well, but those Parisians sure don't like listening to Him.
Love, P
I was in Zara and Michael started to fuss as usual. So I am carrying him around the store while I shop and push around the stroller. Good thing Michael is helping me as he is apt to do. He likes to push the stroller too. Anyways, I look down and I see this kid, who OBVIOUSLY has the chicken pox and is rubbing his little toy ALL OVER MIchael's stroller and Michael's toy. I AM LIVID and look around for his Mommy which, no surprise, is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. Thank GOD I was carrying Michael.
So I high-tail it to Champion where I buy anti-bacterial wipes, even though Chicken pox is a virus. I wipe down the entire stroller, throw away Michael's toy and wait for the stroller to dry. *sigh* I had to go to the pharmacy to get Brian a prescription so I asked the pharmacist about it and he said it hopefully will not be a problem. He said that the chicken pox are contagious BEFORE the pox appear so hopefully, the boy will not cause any harm to Michael. Plus, I am breastfeeding and have had the chicken pox before so that will protect Michael a little bit. Pray that he doesn't come down with a Fever or pimples!!! AAHHHH!! *&A*@(& FRENCH AND THEIR WRETCHED SICK KIDS!!!
Then, we were walking back from the pharmacy and I decide to cross the street early, even though it means I have to wait for a green walking guy. Usually, I save time and just walk to the next crosswalk instead of waiting for the nearest crosswalk to turn green.
Anyways, as I am walking down the street, this huge accident happens across the street IN THE EXACT SPOT I WOULD HAVE BEEN had I NOT decided to cross the street. This car pulls out in front of the ambulance and the two end up colliding. The car ended up hitting the poll in the median. The ambulance ended up colliding into the poll and crosswalk where I undoubetdly would have been with Michael.
I swear I HEARD the accident, looked immediately to my right, and saw the wreck occur, RIGHT where I would have been standing with Michael.
I thanked God over and over yesterday for making me cross the street for whatever reason. It would have been Michael and I in that wreck too and we wouldn't have had any car protecting us. It makes me sick to my stomach to think what could have been. And it makes me be even more aware as I walk around. I stay far away from the curb and am even more aware of the cars going by. You never know when an accident will happen.
I know accidents happen in America too, but I wouldn't be on the street walking around very often like I am here in Paris. I'd be in a car, with airbags and my son would be protected in his carseat. Instead, we are walking around, hoping that God keeps those crazy Parisians from harming us. I know God means well, but those Parisians sure don't like listening to Him.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Since we now work around the boy, we decided to go to Martel's Champagne Caves. The tour was kind of silly. We got to see their old bottling instruments and learn about how champagne was made and bottled. The boy liked to touch everything and not even the Bjorn could stop him.
After drinking four glasses of champagne, Phuong fed the boy at the sparkling bathrooms, the best in France. She only had 1/2 glass of champagne equivalent, which must mean that I had 6 1/2 glasses. Good thing I had an hour to sleep while Phuong was feeding the beast. Unfortunately I had to stay awake and guard our stuff.
There was a lot of stained glass inside, but these windows are somewhat distinct. Marc Chagall designed them in 1974 and they are in his fluid style. Quite a bit different from the traditional stained glass you'd find at Chartres. I think I would have liked this one better if Malcolm Miller, the old English dude who does the tours at Chartres, were there. He's very knowledgeable and witty and enhances the visit tremendously.
Reims actually had a nice city center with a couple of large pedestrian only areas. We were running a bit late but Phuong had time to run into Kookai to take a look at their clothing sales. France only has sales in January and July, so it's pretty much of a madhouse. The boy and I were not as excited as P was. Here's the entrance to a square with lots of cafes and restaurants and a few shops. I think everyone who lived in or was visiting Reims was hanging out here. P's looking lovely.
We headed back the same day using the new TGV that connects Paris to Strasbourg in 2 hours. Our particular train was delayed about 1 hour and 15 minutes by some accident due to a signal malfunction or something. We found out up close and personal how fast the TGV trains go because they did not stop at our station. When the first one went through, it was incredibly loud and Michael started crying but we calmed him down quickly. The next four trains that whizzed through, we covered his little ears.
We finally got onto our train after it was due to arrive in Paris. Michael was well behaved on the train but wanted to touch everything. Here he is looking out of the window at 120mph. At the end of the ride he was sitting on the table and a woman from Hong Kong was playing with him, but since he's scared of strangers sometimes, he just stared at her for like ten minutes. But finally he started playing with her and the Spaniards next to us. Quite the charmer this one.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
In his Cage
And then he eats the mesh windows.
Recently, Phuong was letting him play near the vacuum, the Rowenta Dymbo, so she could eat and he was pressing the on/off button but couldn't depress it completely to turn it on. It would rev up just a bit every time he touched it but not too loudly. Then he turned the stupid thing on completely, and it was really loud. He started bawling and Phuong said when she tried to pick him up, he was trembling.
We had a recommendation from someone about a good restaurant near us, Au Petit Marguery on Blvd. Port Royal ( So we went. And it was delicious. We both got the menu, but Phuong shirked the dessert. Mistake. For starters, Phuong got ravioles stuffed with the shellfish coquilles de Saint Jacques and cheeses in a light bisque style sauce but not nearly as overpowering as the kind you get in Boston. I had some and it was delicious. I had foie gras, a staple of my Parisian restaurant diet. Nothing like buttery liver. Phuong got a quarter (leg and thigh) of duck. It was in a light cream sauce and really delicious. But it was probably cooked to medium at best, true to the French style, and Phuong had some qualms about eating it due to breastfeeding concerns. I got "Noisettes d'agneau" little lamb nuggets also cooked to american 'medium'. Normally in France, lamb has an incredibly strong meaty flavor, but this lamb was delicious. You could still taste the lamb flavor but it wasn't overpowering. The vegetables I had, broccoli and green beans were also well cooked. Typically the French leave the meats undercooked and really overcook the vegetables (to a mush) by our standards. But this place cooked the vegetables really well. They still had their natural color, texture and flavor while being thoroughly cooked. What more can you ask for? I finished my plate and a quarter of Phuong's duck with about 30 cl of red wine, but still had my dessert.
Unfortunately, our nanny called (she had to leave at 13h00) because Michael was hungry and crying so Phuong had to walk two minutes home to feed him. I had ordered the souffle Grand Marnier which had yet to arrive, so it was "not possible" for me to leave. You should have seen this thing. It was huge, only mildly tasted like the Grand Marnier and absolutely melted in my mouth. I wish Phuong had been there so we could have shared it. I think I was full about halfway through my lamb, but there was no stopping me! I ate it all, probably 5 inches in diameter and 3 inches deep.
That meal was what we had been missing in Paris. On our honeymoon, we had eaten awesome dinners, but this was only the second time we'd eaten so well since we've been here. And not having to worry about the beasty boy for the entire main meal made it even more satisfying.
Now we're off to tour Opera Garnier...I think Phuong secretly has some shopping plans in mind, but that's ok. I just hope I can walk after my lunch. Then it's off to Cirque du Soleil tonight in (uggh) Saint-Denis just north of Paris' Montmarte area. Then to Reims on Saturday for some champagne tasting, majestic cathedral and a break from Paris.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Knick Knacks
If standing, he could get over to the table still standing, but then he would fall down. He tried to get back up, got both his hands on the table top, but then decided to chew on the table top so he couldn't lift his torso because there wasn't enough room. After moving the knick knacks a few more times, I took them to his room and put them on a shelf five feet high. He tried to climb up Rawhide, his bouncing horse, to get them, but he just wasn't tall enough.
I felt sad for him so I took him down to the bar on the street below us, and we had a beer.
a) I wore wool pants, an undershirt, a long sleeve button up shirt, and a light merino wool sweater to work on July 2nd.
b) I get to the bus stop but they've decided to go on strike and there's no bus and it's raining. A colleague of mine complained that the bus had operated last summer, but there was no schedule posted yet for this summer.
c) The "L" bus is also on strike.
d) My coworker is only working half the month and the German guy I know, Golo, won't be in this month.
e) I work 3 days in all of August.
It made me sad today when an intern addressed me as "vous", the polite form of "you" reserved for your elders and people you don't know.
Anyways, here are some highlights/lowlights to catchup in the last couple of weeks. Again, my deepest apologies for not keeping up with my end of my promise:
- Michael said "Daddy" and "Dadda" for the first time.
- He started to army crawl...
- Then he started to really crawl.
- And now he is doing a bit of both. Whatever gets him where he wants to go the fastest
- He discovered how doors work and shut our kitchen door.
- When Shravi came and then went to the bathroom, she shut the door behind her. Michael crawled over there and yelled at her until she opened it back up.
- He started pulling up this past Sunday so now he's even crazier than before.
- Michael has NOT said "Mommy" or "Mama" yet. :o(
- Michael bites your shoulder/arm sometimes when you're holding him.
- Michael has fallen off the couch twice. Each time, either Brian or I were there and we still don't catch him in time. Yesterday, he fell head first onto the floor. EEK. The distance was less than his height, onto the rug, and there is no swollen fontanelle and he's normal (knock on wood) so we hope he's ok. ;o)
- Brian turned on the water for Michael to play with during his bath, but we have TERRIBLE temperature regulation on our water and Michael burned his hand a bit and cried.
- It's sales season in Paris and Mommy drags him all over the stores.
I think that's it! 9 month checkup in the coming weeks before heading off to Munich/Bonn. I doubt he's gained weight because he hasn't outgrown his clothes or his diapers...but he's eating well and developing so I'm not gonna stress out about it.
Love to all,
P.S. I updated our pictures in our album FINALLY. Only a month and a half late. AND I haven't done ANY scrapbooking! How am I gonna remember his childhoood??!?!