He said to me, "Mommy! Did you know that xoxo means hugs and kisses?"
At the time, I thought it was cute, but not blog-worthy.
However, since then, Michael comes up to us and says, "XOXO!" And we give hugs and kisses. He is so enthusiastic about it and it is TOO too cute. And he REALLY squeezes. You can tell it is a big deal to him!
So now it is blog-worthy.
While being cute at the same time - Michael is entering a difficult phase and I'm not quite sure how to handle it. He gets easily frustrated, cries at the drop of a hat about being said "NO" to, and screams at me from time to time.
Not quite sure where my cute little boy went, but it's replaced by this more willful little guy that asks me "WHY" FOR EVERYTHING. By the 60th time in the day, I am a bit tired of explaining everything.
SO - how is this different necessarily than the "terrible two year old" stage? Not quite sure how to explain it, but it just seems that since Michael can express himself quite well - we spend too much time talking about stuff. Lately, it's like he forgot how to listen and obey.
Sigh - I am just really tiring of it. I find myself mentally exhausted and DONE by the end of the day, with just my ONE. I am extra short with him because I'm 1) tired of being interrupted EVERY 2-3 minutes and 2) having to explain myself for every freakin' WHY I get. I think this is where the "Because I said so!" got birthed.
Lately - Michael just gives up on whatever task he's doing SO easily. He can't find the remote - Unmmm: he's only been looking for 2 seconds. GO BACK AND TRY AGAIN. Oh, you can't open that piece of candy? Well, how badly do you want to eat it? If you want it, I suggest you figure it out. I am not here to wait on you hand and foot.
Ok, I'm done venting now. Yes, I love my son. Yes, I think he is wonderful most of the time. But I'm not going to blog every time about how awesome he is and how perfect he is. Because he's not. And it would be misleading for me to present him that way.