I know lots of our friends are hemming and hawing about coming to Paris or not to visit us. Or maybe I should wake up and realize that none of my friends want to come to Paris to visit us! ;o)
But here is an excerpt from a newsletter I receive from Rick Steves that I think defines why we travel and why we love it. I just had to post it because it just hits the nail on the head about why we travel. And I hope that it persuades some of our friends who don't wander out too far...to do just that.
"Dear Traveler,
The dollar is getting some strength back, but the out-of-pocket and environmental costs of flying won’t be going down anytime soon. It's natural to ask, is travel worth it?
In our empty-nest years, having traveled makes the life we've lived more interesting to gnaw on. For our children, travel stokes their youthful passions and gives them reasons to think big. And, in this election season, it's agreed that our statesmen and women gain critical understanding through travel.
I believe that to go through life without stepping outside your corner of the world is a lost opportunity. I can't remember meeting anyone who, after all the planning, expenses and challenges of turning their travel dreams into reality, didn't value the experience and consider it time and money well spent.
My parents likely won't be using their passports again — but their travel experiences have become a permanent part of their vocabulary. Just like treasured family photos and that piece of classic sheet music that's been on the piano for years, they have a sparkling chest of travel memories that can be dipped into at will…and is. "