Michael has discovered he likes to sing.
It is H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S. For a variety of reasons.
- He has his father's singing genes. Which as you know...
- He has expressed ZERO interest in singing up until this last week. NONE. All other kids singing ABCs...Michael...mute.
- So imagine our surprise when he busts out with almost his entire Chick-fil-A Veggie Tales CD by memory.
- Then apparently U2's Mysterious Ways is also in his repertoire.
- But this is not to say that he is perfect. Quite the contrary. It is extraordinarily funny to see which words he remembers and what he does when they sing too fast for him.
- Best part? Michael LOVES it and he thinks he is GOOD at it. THAT is very funny too but I am so excited he loves to do it that I am never going to tell him otherwise. Judge me if you want. I don't care.
- Car rides are never quiet anymore. Not that they were ever THAT quiet. But now, they are filled with Michael's singing. Which is the best and brings smiles to our faces every time.
I will post a video someday. It is funny enough that we are going to go find our video camera and replace the battery that we couldn't replace while we were in France!
And today...something happened that I remember from my childhood...and it happened to Michael. Your neighbor comes over and asks if you can come over and play.
So as you've read before, Michael's newest friend, "A," came over today and asked if Michael could come over and play. Well, yes.
And I watched him hurry and go and have fun. Brian and I got 15-30 minutes of free time. And then I couldn't hear their voices outside so I started to freak out because we do live near woods and a creek...so i started to worry. But he was with "A" who is 6.5 and her older brother "E" who is 10...so it should be ok? RIGHT? Brian told me to chill out.
Luckily...it was near bedtime anyways so I sent B out to get michael...he was just playing inside at A's house.
Gosh...talk about having to let go and not be so overprotective. Now I see why it was so hard for my parents. I just didn't expect to have to do it so soon!