Then, he wanted to take a picture of me doing the same, but with my little point and shoot. That does not have a wrist strap. Which never was an issue until today.
Michael was very excited about his picture of me. So excited he dropped my camera. And Brian says, "Oh Michael - it's ok. The camera will be ok."
This must be what "OK" is:
Hmm...when you turn it on, it just has a black screen and says "E18." I'm sure that is equivalent to being "Sad Mac'ed." - wonder who's going to get that joke. If you can identify what I am talking about, the first person will get a $5 gift card to Starbucks sent via snail-mail. Post in comments and I will verify! For reals!
Guess I'll be asking for a new point and shoot in my near future. As you know, it is 5 years old anyways - so it is time to upgrade my 5MP camera. NICE!
And my mother-in-law never asks us for anything - and she is so very generous to us all the time. So when she does ask us for something - we are happy to oblige. Except for the fact, that it's always a doozie:
Pictures of all of us in our unisex "Christmas Robes." For some reason, Brian found it necessary to take all his clothes off to wear the robe first.
Next post will recap Christmas - and summarize some traditions we'd like to keep, some we'd like to shed, and some we'd like to have. I will love to welcome you to share some of YOUR favorite Christmas traditions on that post too - so stay tuned!
Merry Christmas to all...and to all a GOODNIGHT!