Team ABC leaves for the big - TX - this next weekend! So we went down to have one last "hoorah!" before they left.
It has been a real treat to have them so close by, but we can absolutely understand why their move to Texas is at a good time for their career and family life!
On Saturday, we woke up and left the house at 11:00am for Harpers Ferry, WV! Holla, Brandi!
It.was.cold. For some reason, I thought the forecast of a high of 45 and sunny was going to be great weather.
We explored the cute colonial village, had lunch, and then started on a hike. I told Michael to tell Mrs. DeColli:
"My Uncle Bill took us on a journey up a mountain in a snow storm at Harpers Ferry."
It was so cold, I couldn't even take pictures. But it was fun! We saw big fat snow. Going sideways. :)
At the end, Bill took pictures of our families with the grand Potomac behind us:
{insert picture later here}
I loved the color of the river that day. It was this gorgeous neutral blue/grey color. I love the neutrals that we see in winter.
On the way back, we ate dinner in Georgetown at the Tacklebox. Great grilled fish and vegetables! Michael had Munchkin all set up for us to play.
Afterwards we celebrated Carson's 8 month old birthday with a delicious fruit tarte that we ate for him:
Brian fell promptly asleep around 9:30 - as he does almost every visit to Team ABC in DC. AK joked that she should have a bed of nails for him to sleep in so he would stay up and hang out. :)
On Sunday, we got out of the house maybe by 11am again. :) We took Michael on the metro (seriously EXPENSIVE metro) and headed to the White House. Michael informed us that only George Washington didn't get to live in the White House. I wonder if that's true!
Prepare yourself for lots of soccer pictures. Here's the first - almost to the White House with our soccer ball:
Carson was TOO adorable for words - what a cute little guy!
And SO happy!
Our Happy Lil' Guy:
Then, we commenced family pictures in front of the White House!
Here, Bill and Brian yelled at me for not including the White house in my picture - but hey everyone is happy!
Carson cracked us up by blowing zerberts, raspberries and spitting all over creation here. You gotta blow up the pictures to see:
Yes - that's about every man's response to family pictures!! :) It was so cute and reminded me so much of when Michael did the same under the Arc de Triomphe for our family vacation there in 2007!
Cousins! There is a huge age difference and Michael takes about one day to warm up to Carson! But when he does, Michael is really cute and helpful with him:
A very nice and happy guy took our picture for us!
Bill is also very nice and happy and took this picture for us!
Team ABC!
I'm thinking Team ABC with no location attached to them is probably for the best! I am so amazed at their flexibility in their locations!
AND then - the party ended as we had to get the White House police to get our soccer ball back from the enclosed area. They had to get a key to do it. Blow up the picture to see if you can see the ball:
They said they would get it back for us if we stopped playing and went somewhere else.
So we went to the Mall and Washington Monument where the government couldn't tell us what to do.
And so begins KICKBALL:
Moms got in on the action. Carson was home base! :)
I know I heard all of your audible gasps at the sight of me actually in a picture! :) Thanks to Aunt AK for taking a picture of me for me!! :)
Uncle Bill winds up and pitches:
I call this Michael's matrix picture:
Happy Family Picture:
Back to the house to warm up. We took one of the longest metro rides ever for the shortest distance probably. AK had delicious fruits/cheeses/pasta salads/desserts set out for us! We finished up our visit playing another rousing game of Munchkin.
We had a really fun weekend relaxing and hanging out! We will miss them but wish them well on their next journey in their history!