- Tuesday afternoon, we went over to Linda Nickell's apartment and Michael played with her cat. Junior was a really good sport, but I would dare say he was not too impressed with old Michael! Michael also saw Dora the Explorer for the first time and he liked that plenty!
- Yesterday, Michael and I went to ilot bebe, which is a government sponsored room full of toys for the kids to play. It has got all of these cute ramps and 3 very nice volunteers who also play with the kids. Most importantly, there is a view of the metro from the window. Pretty popular with Michael. It is free and amazing!
- After this event at ilot bebe, Laura, Oliver, and Henry came over for a kids dinner of homemade chicken tenders and cabbage surprise (rice and cheese with cabbage and tomatoes hidden in there).
- While I was cooking dinner, Laura and I were in the kitchen. We could hear the train tracks being thrown one on top of the other and said, "Well, they're probably destroying the living room, but at least they aren't screaming or crying at each other so we'll let them be."
- We go in there...and Michael and Oliver had actually picked up all the train tracks/cars...and PUT THEM AWAY. They had tidied up the living room for us. Can you imagine how badly we felt after we were JUST in the kitchen lamenting about how they were destroying things? And here they were, being amazing.
- THEN! Laura came over after we had put all our boys to bed and we had a nice cup of tea, some Danish cookies, and a chat. It was lovely!
- Today, Michael asked me to play choo choo with him....so I did. And then he said, "Michael has best mommy."
I repeated and said, "Did you say, ' Michael has the best Mommy?' " To which, Michael said, "Eh." His answer for yes. He said this all quite nonchalantly while playing with his train set so I am not sure if he really knew what he was saying.
But I am willing to take it for what it is!
Also, the ladies from my playgroup came over for dinner tonight at my place! We ordered Thai takeout and I made Mexican chocolate cupcakes with dark chocolate ganache kind of topping. It was good food with good conversation and I am so lucky to have these really nice people in my life!
One more thing, I fixed the hem of my jeans which had come completely undone. And put a button back on my blouse. I like sewing! It gives me the accomplishment of finishing something that is USEFUL.