One day, I will actually finish organizing my laundry room - I can't live with my supply of toilet paper and paper towels in my kitchen for much longer
One day, I will finish designing all my brochures for my business.
One day, I will make some final decisions on the curtains in my piano room.
One day, I will purchase this chest for my piano room that I have been coveting - for I don't know - 10 months:
One day, I am going to actually watch TV. Like sit down and watch it. And not feel guilty.
One day, Brian's going to not be awake from 1am-4am due to jet lag. I'd like my non-grouchy/non-sleepy husband back please.
One day, it will stop being cold up here. ANY DAY PLEASE.
One day, my house might magically appear perfectly decorated the way I would like for free and with minimal effort from me.
This is not a pity party. I swear.