On Sunday March 4, I convinced Brian to go as a family to see the Lincoln University Symphony perform Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham.
It was free and perfect for kids! They did a great job of it and Michael was particularly enthralled, especially compared to his classmate there to the right:
He sat on the edge of his seat and watched the whole thing! I was pretty proud of my little theater-goer.
In my mind, I have huge hopes that he'll come with me happily to see musical performances. But knowing that he is a Besancon, I'm thinking that going to hear the symphony will probably not be his favorite thing to do.
The orchestra did a great job and brought out each group of instruments to the front to demonstrate to the children the high/low pitches of each instrument.
It was like a Baby Mozart, but in real life.
After the show, they had a Musical Instrument Petting Zoo! So all the kids could try out trumpets, touch violins, and bang on drums.
Michael was pretty impressed with the violin. Embrace your Asian Heritage, son:
Then, we waited in a pretty long line for the percussion section.
Here are father and son, playing on stage:
Michael at the instrument that makes a train whistling noise:
Rockin' out on the drum set:
Can't leave the section without swiping the wind chimes:
And if you run out of music stands, just go to the University of Delaware and pick up some extra:
Michael really enjoyed himself, and that was the goal! He told me his favorite instrument was percussion and that he wanted to start violin lessons! DONE AND DONE!
It was a really great show that was free and super close by. I was glad for Michael to experience something that is important to me, music. And he genuinely enjoyed it - which brought warmth to my heart. There will always be a part of me that remembers being on the stage with all those bright lights and playing music. And loving it. And now as a parent, I wonder if Michael will want any part of that.
Last Sunday, Michael told me:
"Mommy! I like church now! I like the kids liturgy that I go to."
Well how about that. And after that, we find him saying part of the Our Father that he picked up on his own. Michael's funny that way - it will seem sometimes that he is not paying attention or doesn't know something - and then one day - he shows you that he's known all along and was just waiting for the right time to show it to the rest of the world.