So Michael got 2 stickers/stars at school for good behavior. Kylee got 2 as well. I asked him if he behaved because he wanted to or because Kylee was behaving, and he told me HE wanted to behave - so I hope that's true!
I wanted to share the accountability chart up there not because I feel like I am an amazing parent. That's far from the truth! But to share something that has worked for - oh, I don't know - 48 hours. :)
This chart developed from bottom to top. I started by using the bottom to preserve space on the board. Then, seeing how effective it was, I decided to keep going. I'll go into each in detail.
The last row of 3 square boxes are his "strikes" for the day. And "Wild Kratts" on the right is his "prize." It is his favorite show in PBS. He likes it more than Abbey. THAT'S saying somethin'.
Every time he is purposefully disobedient, is disrespectful to us (spitting/hitting/attitude), or argues with us about something we are not 'discussing' - he gets an X.
After 3 'X's (strikes), he's out. No Wild Kratts for the day.
The 2nd row of 4 square boxes represents his screen time. Each box represents 30 minutes. Every time he uses up 30 minutes of Wii/computer/TV, he gets a check. Once all 4 boxes are filled, do not ask me anymore for any Wii/computer/TV. You are done for the day.
The set of 8 square boxes represents workbook sheets completed. THIS I threw in for fun. I figured Michael loves to do workbooks so much that he should get a little treat for enjoying activities which foster learning and brain development.
I asked him how many workbook sheets he thinks he should finish to get a prize - and he yelled out "EIGHT!" Why, ok. I was thinking more like 5, but 8 is great.
This time, his prize is candy. But I told him the prize can change all the time. It could be going to get ice cream, or seeing a movie, or staying up an extra 30 minutes one night.
He can take as long as he like to fill up the squares. The longer he takes to fill out the squares, the longer he'll have to wait for his prize!
36 Days
Part of the fun initiative. 36 days until Cars 2 comes to theaters. We are doing a countdown!
I have absolutely no idea. But I do know, this is a system that I, as a pretty undisciplined person, can keep up with. I've done it for 2 days now and it's working out well for me. I "reset" whatever squares need to reset in the morning with Michael.
Best part? We go through the day knowing what is expected of us, and the prizes/punishments are clearly spelled out.
I don't have to yell, feel upset and impatient, frustrated with my little 4 yr old and his attitude at times. I just ask him when we are nearing a bad place, "Michael, is this worth an X? Because you are on your way. It is your decision what you want to do."
So I thought I'd share in case anyone thought it might be useful. I'll give an update in a couple of weeks to see if it is!