Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sen. Jim Bunning, R-Ky., said, "This massive bailout is not a solution. It is financial socialism and it's un-American."
"Just because God created the world in seven days doesn't mean we have to pass this bill in seven days," said Rep. Joe Barton, R-Texas.
Rest of the article can be found here:
Thoughts anyone?
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Hey! Michael's friend Jonah is coming over. I have a craft planned for them!
Oh yeah, what?
We're going to make scrapbook pages!
Aren't there child labor laws against stuff like that?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
So Sad...
Michael went over to this kid to give him a pine cone he had found. But the kid didn't want to take it and ran away, leaving Michael standing alone. And Michael just stood there, with his head hanging down, dejected.
We had given him some space so he could play with other children on his own so we only saw his back with his head hanging down. He stood that way for 2-3 minutes and then Brian went to check on him and saw Michael just so sad.
So sad he couldn't move. So sad he couldn't do anything but hang his head in sadness. It broke our hearts and I almost cried. He tried to play afterwards, but you could tell it wasn't the same. My heart just breaks to think of the many other moments just like this that he will have to endure. Because even as adults, we feel exactly the same way at times. When kids don't want to play with us.
And then we go home and realize there are 2 people who will always love us no matter what! Our parents! ;o) So we tried to be that for Michael and showered him with hugs and kisses. Then we fed him.
I don't think so...
SQUARE on the cheek. Not a tap, not a little shove. A flat out SMACK. First time EVER.
He got put in time out SO fast. He was crying the whole way there and the whole time he was in the corner. He must have thought we were in a new place and so time out didn't exist.
I wasn't sure whether or not to spank him because frankly, it was a SERIOUS offense warranting a spanking. But I usually opt for time out first and that works. Spanking is something I prefer to use as a last resort. I know people have very strong views on this, but this works for us. At least for now.
However, Michael better watch it if he hits me like that again. I can GUARANTEE a spanking for next time.
Other than that, we had a great day.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Please Pray
- A quick and speedy recovery from Hurricane Ike
- Help where help is needed
- Repair and restoration of property and normal life as soon as possible!
I know I am not the only one with dear family members in Texas so I wish I could do anything to be there to help. All I can do is pray and call constantly to check in so I do that!
If you are thinking about Paris...
But here is an excerpt from a newsletter I receive from Rick Steves that I think defines why we travel and why we love it. I just had to post it because it just hits the nail on the head about why we travel. And I hope that it persuades some of our friends who don't wander out too far...to do just that.
"Dear Traveler,
The dollar is getting some strength back, but the out-of-pocket and environmental costs of flying won’t be going down anytime soon. It's natural to ask, is travel worth it?
In our empty-nest years, having traveled makes the life we've lived more interesting to gnaw on. For our children, travel stokes their youthful passions and gives them reasons to think big. And, in this election season, it's agreed that our statesmen and women gain critical understanding through travel.
I believe that to go through life without stepping outside your corner of the world is a lost opportunity. I can't remember meeting anyone who, after all the planning, expenses and challenges of turning their travel dreams into reality, didn't value the experience and consider it time and money well spent.
My parents likely won't be using their passports again — but their travel experiences have become a permanent part of their vocabulary. Just like treasured family photos and that piece of classic sheet music that's been on the piano for years, they have a sparkling chest of travel memories that can be dipped into at will…and is. "
Saturday, September 13, 2008
We got to take communion at the mass the Pope gave. They had people in white volunteer t-shirts giving communion. And with them, were more volunteers holding umbrellas over them so we could see where to go to take the communion that the Pope had blessed. That was awesome. Didn't really matter to me that I took communion from a guy in a white t-shirt that said "Volunteer" with an umbrella over his head.
Before we got there, we were handed a Magnificat. Magnificat is a small book that has about one to two weeks' worth of masses/songs/readings. You can even subscribe to it. We got one for Easter when we were in Austin and we love it. Anyways, it was a French Magnificat and on the cover, it had "Pope Benoit XVI in Paris." And inside, it had the whole service in French and it was labelled as such too with Pope Benoit XVI presiding at the Esplanade at Les Invalides. What an awesome souvenir.
We then left to have lunch at some friends of ours, the Atkins. On our walk there, they barricaded the street and we couldn't cross to get to theirs. We were pretty peeved until we saw the police cars coming...and THEN THE POPEMOBILE WITH THE POPE INSIDE!!! Pretty awesome. It was like a normal car, except with a huge cubicle on top where the pope sat inside high above!
He had his windows rolled down and was waving to us!! Less than 50 feet away. It was amazing and I wish I had had my camera. What a way for God to reward us! More pictures here:
After that was over, we had pizza lunch with the Atkins and our kids played. Michael loves playing with their sons so it is a good time for us to go. We found ourselves a new pinochle couple and a family to vacation with this New Years!
After seeing The Pursuit of Happiness and reading A Thousand Splendid Suns...I have realized I have absolutely nothing to complain about. And after a day like today, our lives are filled with so many blessings...that I am filled with an overwhelming feeling of gratefullness and thanks to God for all that He has blessed our lives with!
Friday, September 12, 2008
First French Word
Yesterday, he helped me make 2 batches of fresh pesto. He pulled off all the fresh basil leaves for me and measured them out. Then, he poured in all the cheese and pinenuts for me. And afterwards, he held the pepper grinder over the blender so I could grind it. I hope he loves cooking as much as Brian and I do one day!
This week we had fun. On Wednesday, we we took the Choo choo to Le Bon Marche and met Jonah and Kirsten. Jonah and Michael played with the Brio train set. But there were no trains there (GO FIGURE! AT LE BON MARCHE!!) so I bought some for him to play with there. We were going to get him some for his birthday anyways!
Then, we all went to McDonalds by our apartment. The boys took naps, and then we went to the park in the afternoon! FUN DAY!
Yesterday, Michael and I met JOnah and Kirsten at Parc Montsouris, my favorite park in Paris. We stayed there for 2.5 hours and met a nice English woman who had a son the same age as Jonah and Michael!
In the afternoon, Michael and I played ping pong on the coffee table and then we made pesto.
I can't even being to remember what I did MOnday and Tuesday!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
No Place Like Home
I nearly wept after seeing the "Welcome to Houston" sign. The happiness to be home as well as the relief of getting off of the plane I had been on alone with Michael for 14 hours was overwhelming! We quickly got down to the business of relaxing and visiting with Grandparents! ;o)
We spent Tuesday afternoons at Toddler Time at the library and many other hot afternoons in the pool that my mom got for Michael! He loved it!
My dad had the great idea to go to Moody Gardens so we did! It was fantastic and had plenty of things to do for an entire day. We swam in their lagoon, visited the aquarium and the rainforest, and had dinner there overlooking Galveston Bay. Michael loved the awesome splashpad that they had:
And here is Galveston bay in the background with Grandparents and Michael:Then, my good friend Renee came down from Austin to spend the weekend shopping, eating, and relaxing! My parents cooked an amazing crawfish and crab boil to welcome her into town. After which, we met an old college friend of mine, Shane, for wine at a local wine bar. On Saturday, we went shopping at the MEGA asian super store, Hong Kong, and had dim sum at Ocean's Palace. DELIGHTFUL! I sure do miss my best friend:Michael and I spent a lot of time sleeping, relaxing, and playing with Grandma and Grandpa. It was awesome to see him eating and enjoying the Asian food my mom prepared! He loved every bit of it and proves that he is, after all, half Vietnamese! Here is a picture of him with my parents near the last day:
Arlington via Conroe via The Woodlands via College Station
After our visit with my parents, Grammy picked us up and drove us to Arlington. Little did we know we were also going through Conroe, The Woodlands, AND College Station! ;o)
We went to Conroe to see the new additions on their new home and swung by The Woodlands to visit with Aunt Tina, Kayleigh, and Great Grandpa! Michael loved being in Aunt Tina's pool. Aunt Tina even got in and showed him how to kick! Michael would kick and then he'd hold his foot in the air like this:
Michael got to visit with the wise Great Grandpa:We had a great time catching up and enjoying the Houston Heat!! Then, we drove to College Station to visit Michael's Godmother, Christina. Grammy bought us A&M shirts and took pictures of us!! I am so happy to have these! A&M holds so many great memories for us. It's where I met Brian; it's where we got engaged; it's where we began our life together! Here we are at Kyle Field!!! Michael is SUPER happy about it:
Michael stayed in Arlington while I flew to Denver to visit my sister! We had an awesome time! First order of business, visiting the Celestial Seasonings Tea Factory! It was amazing. Seriously! We got to taste lots of teas, and we were required to put on a hairnet before going into the factory. When my sister had forgotten her hair tie, I pulled on my knowledge of hairnets at Samsung and helped her get her hair in there and stay! Who knew smocking up would come in handy in real life? Here we are outside the tea shop: Then, she took me all over Boulder and Denver. She fed me, clothed me, and shopped with me. What more can you ask for? On Saturday morning, we went running in an awesome park in Downton Denver. Then, we had lunch with her sweet friend Wendy at a diner, which reminded me of EZ's Diner in Austin. *sniff* Then, we saw the Saturday matinee showing of The Dark Knight and had sushi afterwards. We had an awesome time and ended our trip watching chick flicks before I flew back to DFW.
One of the best moments of being a parent is seeing your child after an absence. It can be just an hour or 2-3 days! It doesn't matter because they always greet you with outstretched arms, a huge smile, and love that never stops raining in. It's amazing! I saw Michael in DFW and found out about HIS fun weekend in Dallas.
He got to go to the zoo and interact with animals:
He helped Grandpa clean the cars, which involves a hose. His favorite thing:
He got to eat PANCAKES. PANCAKES! Gotta miss Bisquick! And he spent lots of time playing fun games and enjoying his Grandparents.
AND! He got to see Dada!
Then Mommy came back! Grammy and Mommy took Michael ALL OVER DFW. We went to a Southern Living Idea House, out to lunch at Piranhas (AWESOME), and fed the fish at the Japanese gardens in Fort Worth:
Then, we visited my good friend Gina and her 2 kids, Sarah and Zef. Zef was born 10 days before Michael. We took them to the pool!
Came back, had lunch, put the kids down for a nap, and had grown up time. TRES AMUSANT!
Then, Grammy watched Michael for me one day so I could have SPA day with Gina! It was awesome. We got facials and massages. Had lunch in our bathrobes. And then got pedicures:
As if that weren't enough fun, we then flew to:
Where our nuclear family was reunited with Brian at the rent a car place! Michael was ECSTATIC to see his dad!We rented a car and drove to meet the rest of the family at Uncle Wild Bill and Aunt AK's new townhome in...
Washington D.C.
We had an amazing time catching up, eating, and enjoying the ALL American life in our nations' GORGEOUS capital. We had a family picnic, went to a baseball game:And explored quickly our nation's monuments at night:
It was awesome. The whole trip was awesome!
There is a reason why the only thing they can put on their license plate is "The First State." Not too impressed with Delaware I was! We stayed in Newark because Brian had to work a bit and the research office is there. We wandered over to Pennsylvania to do some shopping and I must say I ADORE Pennsylvania. Not too crazy about Delaware!
We had a great time anyways though hanging out with the Schleismann's. Tony worked with Brian in Paris and they have already relocated back to the States. Michael and I hung out with his wife and daughter, Joen and Nicolette, during the day and had fun watching movies, playing on the neighbor's playscape, and just relaxing. So there IS something nice about Delaware! We have a friend there now! ;o)
And then we went back to Paris. See some of the blogs below. This is all out of order and I apologize!
I think that's it. Hopefully, no more ginormously long blogposts.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Choo choo
We've been on the choo choo before; it's really funny. When we descend into the metro, he says choo choo questioningly and points down the stairway. When we get down the stairs, I put him down and let him run through the turnstile yelling choo choo the whole time. Then we run down the stairs to see the choo choo. If the train going the opposite way arrives first, he looks at it with awe and says choo choo multiple times while following its path with his index finger as it enters the station. When our train comes, he points at it, and runs towards it as dad corrals him from behind while he's screaming choo choo. Then he stands in front of the door, runs on the train, pulls down the seat in the entry/exitway and scrambles up on top of it and sits properly like he's commuting. Sometimes he scoots to the edge of the seat and holds the handrail because we do it. When the train reaches the next station, he makes his all done sign and launches himself off of his seat, sometimes before the train stops and you have to catch him in mid-air. Then we climb the stairs and exit the metro.
Sunday, we rode one stop from Les Gobelins to Place d'Italie on the line 7, changed trains to the line 6 and took the train another stop to Corvisart and exited. Then when we got off, he starts waving good bye to the train. It was really cute. When we left the station, he looked up at the bridge and waited until another train came after which time we were able to proceed to the park. We went and played at the park which consisted of 45 minutes of throwing acorns, chestnuts, rocks, sticks, pine cones, and even a snail shell into a creek. Then he wanted to see more trains.
We walked to Glacière, took the escalator (his second favorite man-made structure after the train) and took the metro to Place d'Italie, switched to the line 7, got off at Les Gobelins, and got some money from the bank. Then we saw the bus, so we had to take bus 47 one stop to 123 rue Monge and the best boulangerie near us, the appropriately named Boulanger de Monge. He loved the bus and was not happy just to be on it; he had to pull down one of the aisle seats and sit on it for the ride.
Then we ran some more errands and took line 7 back hom from the Censier-Daubenton stop. This time, there were no spaces on the seats. He ran into the train car, looked around and then grabbed the pole in the middle of the car and stood there like he commuted every day. Then we arrived at Les Gobelins, he waved goodbye to the train, and we rode up the escalator as he asked, choo choo?
Sloooow reflexes
Friday, September 05, 2008
Why I Shouldn't Come back to the States
Seriously, I clicked on "Check Out" and then "Place Order." And poof, there went some money!
For this very reason, I believe I need to stay here. It is MUCH harder for me to spend money when I have to ask someone in French if they know if this bat halloween costume is going to get marked down.
Yes, I do realize that I still was able to spend the money while in France due to something called "the internet." But I firmly believe I would be spending much MORE money if I was living in the States.
By the way, Brian wants me to change the pictures I put up for Southwest of France blogpost. He says they aren't our favorites and he's right.