Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Merci a Linda Nickel!
So now, you can click on the link to the right that says "CLICK ON ME" and you can see if we are available for your stay in Paris, should you be interested in coming!
Note: We are unavailable starting from Jan 2010 because we are GOING HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
I am tired. Let's not add in that France had it's daylight savings time last night out of all nights. FANTASTIC.
Last time Daylight Savings Time made a difference was when Brian and I had partied all night for a friend's Halloween party...and Brian woke me up at 4am puking in our bed. I cleaned him up, and then promptly woke up at 6:00am to get to work by 7:00am. That was another time that DST was not so kind to me.
What a different life we used to lead...
Saturday, March 28, 2009
So after Michael's night time bath, we had this exchange:
Phuong: Did Mommy hug you all day long today?
Michael: Eh
Phuong: Did you get enough hugs then?
Michael: No
Phuong: You want MORE hugs than being hugged all day?
Michael: Yes (while curling into a little ball in my lap).
My Poor Little Buddy...hope he has as better day tomorrow!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
- Tuesday afternoon, we went over to Linda Nickell's apartment and Michael played with her cat. Junior was a really good sport, but I would dare say he was not too impressed with old Michael! Michael also saw Dora the Explorer for the first time and he liked that plenty!
- Yesterday, Michael and I went to ilot bebe, which is a government sponsored room full of toys for the kids to play. It has got all of these cute ramps and 3 very nice volunteers who also play with the kids. Most importantly, there is a view of the metro from the window. Pretty popular with Michael. It is free and amazing!
- After this event at ilot bebe, Laura, Oliver, and Henry came over for a kids dinner of homemade chicken tenders and cabbage surprise (rice and cheese with cabbage and tomatoes hidden in there).
- While I was cooking dinner, Laura and I were in the kitchen. We could hear the train tracks being thrown one on top of the other and said, "Well, they're probably destroying the living room, but at least they aren't screaming or crying at each other so we'll let them be."
- We go in there...and Michael and Oliver had actually picked up all the train tracks/cars...and PUT THEM AWAY. They had tidied up the living room for us. Can you imagine how badly we felt after we were JUST in the kitchen lamenting about how they were destroying things? And here they were, being amazing.
- THEN! Laura came over after we had put all our boys to bed and we had a nice cup of tea, some Danish cookies, and a chat. It was lovely!
- Today, Michael asked me to play choo choo with him....so I did. And then he said, "Michael has best mommy."
I repeated and said, "Did you say, ' Michael has the best Mommy?' " To which, Michael said, "Eh." His answer for yes. He said this all quite nonchalantly while playing with his train set so I am not sure if he really knew what he was saying.
But I am willing to take it for what it is!
Also, the ladies from my playgroup came over for dinner tonight at my place! We ordered Thai takeout and I made Mexican chocolate cupcakes with dark chocolate ganache kind of topping. It was good food with good conversation and I am so lucky to have these really nice people in my life!
One more thing, I fixed the hem of my jeans which had come completely undone. And put a button back on my blouse. I like sewing! It gives me the accomplishment of finishing something that is USEFUL.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Seriously Stuffed
What was more fun was that The Youngs came over for dinner! Laura, Larry, Oliver, and Henry all popped by for a Sunday night supper and we had a FANTASTIC time. AND! Michael and Oliver did not rip each other to shreds like they normally do. They were so cute sitting at the little table waiting for their dinner. They took turns banging on their table demanding food and would laugh and laugh at each other. So sweet. And then Oliver showed Michael something outside the window and they smiled at each other.
It's only a matter of time before they realize that Laura and I are calling the shots around here and THEY WILL BE FRIENDS!!! :o)
Here's to hoping that your Sunday Night Suppers were equally as rich and artery clogging and full of good friends too.
Kid's Luggage
This one is pretty funny too:
More practically, I like this 3 piece set. But do not need the backpack or the cooler bag. So really, I'm not interested in the set and do not need the boat that comes along with it if I buy the set (Napoleon dymanite reference there). But I like the rolling duffel bag:
Blue frogs? Hmmmm....
And a pirate's life for me!
Any preferences? Thoughts? Any other websites to look at?
Saturday, March 21, 2009
After our run in Jardin des Plantes, we went to Square Rene Legall to see if Michael would be the next Tiger Woods:
I am still working on my depth of field. I took this at ISO100, f1.8, 1/3200th (I think...can't remember the shutter speed). So the golf club end is perfect in focus and everything else is blurry. This is what I am aiming for...but I wish the golf club was a bit lower or in front of Michael's body. But then again, I DID ask for him to hold his club up high so I could try to get a creative "kid with his toy" picture. Did not happen this time, but it is a start:
Friday, March 20, 2009
Doing Stuff
For example, I believe in Texas (and in other states as well)...it is common to go to what is known as a "county fair" or possibly "state fair."
Parisians do that too...it's indoors and takes up the amount of space as 6-7 George R Brown Convention Centers, otherwise known as Porte de Versailles off of Tramway 3. However, there are no corndogs or funnel cake. I know, how do you call that a fair???
So we went Sunday, March 1st with Michael's best friend, Jonah and The Daniels! They checked out lots of sheep with their dads:
And of course, had some pictures with a tractor. In this case, the wheel. Notice our arms helping to stage the event:
Let's not forget the suckling pigs:
Oh yes...and of course, little pigs for the kids to ride on. This was especially funny because they had these little lights that would show up on the pigs stomachs highlighting what pork product you could make. Like "Saucisson" etc. Guess this exhibit was not meant for Jewish people.
Jonah and Michael colored a free picture of a cow while I went around stealing the kids games with the animal stickers to save as toys for our "travel toy bag."
We also found an exhibit where you could buy flavored milks. Like honey flavor and vanilla flavored. What was more impressive...was that it actually tasted like milk from the States because it was delicious and fresh and cold! Here in France, they have UHT milk which is ultra pasteurized and lasts longer. Also...it can be stored at room temperature. Also, it tastes like crap.
SO! We were quite delighted to find some good tastin' milk!! However, we were not quite as delighted as the boys when they found a talking yogurt container on a big screen TV:
That was March 1st. Then, on Sunday, March 15th, it was beautiful. Le debut du beau temps!!! So we went for a walk up Rue Mouffetard to Place Contrescarpe where we stopped at Amorino for some serious sugar. Otherwise known as an ice cream cone. A certain someone was pretty happy about this plan:
Michael and his best friend, driving the emergency vehicle while singing The Wheels on the Bus. Hope they are not responding to YOUR emergency!
Every good square needs a lookout:
And 2 best friends playing together! We love it when they get together!
Oh, I took all of these Jardin d'Acclimatation pictures with my 5 year old digital canon point and shoot camera! Boom, Roasted! I know, that made absolutely NO sense. Just wanted to see if you were paying attention after looking at nearly 20 pictures in a blog post.
Michael fell asleep after 2 minutes of being on the metro on the way home. It was an exciting day and he's napping right now! Looks like we'll miss tea hour/book/magazine swap this afternoon!
BUT on the serious up side? Brian's home early today!! MR. took a half day so we're going to run to the park with our sidewalk chalk and TEAR IT UP.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
2009 is a bad year for us?
- Entire family sick as dogs with the flu over New Years
- Michael and I sick over Chinese New Year
- Michael had his nut incident/hospital visit in February
- I went sledding and had this tooth injury in late February
- Thought the tooth incident would be ok...turned out had to have a root canal. Still working on this tooth healing by the way
- Notified by Air Liquide that we may be returning to the States early.
- Two months later, notified by Air Liquide that we will NOT be returning to the states early.
- And also 2 more personal reasons that aren't going well that I'd rather not post about.
It's only freakin' March 18th. That's A LOT of pretty traumatic stuff to happen in less than 3 months.
So I'm thinking this year, will be a no risk taking kind of year for me. Should have figured it out after Michael's nut incident...but that coupled with the sledding solidified the fact that it's a hard year for at us so far.
My tooth...well, after the root canal, it's still wobbly in there. The dentist says that he does not expect the tooth to be really stable until about a month after the root canal. But he's not doing a crown until he knows that there is not a fracture and that the bone is good. SIGH. So I go back next week to check up. If the tooth is still wobbly, he says it's not great...but we may have to wait some more. If it is better, he says he'll do the crown and it will most likely get better.
OK, enough whining!
AND! HAPPY BIRTHDAY THE MOM! Hope your day and your year goes well!
Monday, March 09, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Last night we went to eat at Dominique and Yui's place which was really fun. Yui made some really good fishball soup and an avocado/shrimp/grapefruit salad followed by a "quenelle" - fish wrapped in butter crust. Also fun for Michael was that they had a cat. He scared it into hiding but he would go into the closet and try to touch in its box. Then we saw the cat come into the living room and then Michael came in with a huge grin and tried to capture it. He was really cute.
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Yada Yada Yada
Any of you had root canals? 'Cause if so, I'd like to hear if it was just awful...or bearable...or a piece of cake!
I also went on Wednesday to get my nose checked out since the end of it is still hurting just a tiny bit when I pick my nose too rigorously or try to push it to one side or another. I went to my ENT (Ear/Nose/Throat) guy and he said nothing was broken and my nasal passages are still straight. So hopefully, I didn't do any other damage. But while he checked out my nose, he decided to check out my ears...
And he decided to vacuum out my right ear. I have a tendency to build ear wax in my right ear by no fault of my own. He kept pulling small-ish pieces of ear wax out and saying, "This is incredible! It's so big! I have to go in again!"
Now, if the ENT doctor thinks it's incredible, you know it's no exaggeration of the truth. Then, he apparently got to a stoppage so big, he had to flush my ear out with water and out came a piece about the size of my thumbnail.
To which he stopped, showed it to me, and said, "You see this? This was in your ear. This is incredible because you have a very small ear canal."
Glad he thought it was "incredible." He must be in the right profession.
He did the same thing to me last year about this time...and the last time I had to get this done, on the same ear, I was at A&M.
Yea! 120 Euro to pull out my earwax. Should have just left good enough alone with my nose!
On a less disgusting note...
On Wednesday, I was cooking steamed salmon with ginger/green onions with Michael. And I let him do quite a bit. Put all the ginger/onions/salmon on each plate to steam, dump in rice to be cooked/etc. And while I was stirring the soy sauce on the stove, he hugged me really big...and said, "I love you Mommy."
Now doesn't that just warm your heart? I might have a little chef on my hands because he really really loves to cook.