Thursday, April 30, 2009
I took him to the mall for a free puppet show there! We went to the toy store before hand where he played for a long time. Then, he tried to convince me that he wanted to go home. He even made that big eyes brimming with tears and a frown face that makes you want to go, "Oh, fine. OKAY."
But I said we would just stop by and if he didn't like it, we could go home. He agreed to that and we got there to hear the pre-show music coming from the speakers.
In the words of Jason Schumacher, I think "the house music just took over" for Michael because he was interested enough to stay. And when the puppet show started, he was in complete AWE. HE. LOVED. IT. Talked about it for the rest of the day: Puppet show. Michael liked it. Dog puppet. Pirate puppet. Dog talked to pirate.
Today, we went to the Luxembourg Gardens to feed the ducks/fish. Then went to Poussin Vert, the playground there that you have to pay for but it's big and great. And then Michael wanted to go eat at a cafe so he ordered duck with a cauliflower gratin and green beans. Seriously. I told him the menu choices (quiche, beef, duck). He picked the duck. That's my boy for ya.
AND.HE. LOVED. IT. Ate all of his share and a little scoop of ice cream. We had such an awesome lunch, out in the sun, in a Paris cafe.
It is SO. FUN.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
"I will give your life to you as a prize in all places, wherever you go."
~Jeremiah 45:5~
"Photographic technique is a continuous process of shooting, analysis, and then applying that new knowledge to the next shot. "
~Ken Rockwell~
That's it. Just needed to put it down. Now go read the next post and vote!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
You Vote
I am proposing a way to
- Highlight some of the differences between living in America and Paris
- Give you a chance to vote on what kind of life you would want if you had the choice!
- Offer a glimpse into the real life of a person living in Paris. Not a tourists' life.
First UP:
Option 1 - USA: Buy everything you need under one roof for reasonable prices. You usually can buy a week's worth of groceries saving you trips during the week and your fridge holds it all.
Place all your groceries into your car and drive directly to the door of your house where you unload your groceries. While it is quite convenient, your food is not as fresh (even produce) or is quite processed.
Option 2 - Paris: You must grocery shop at least 2-3 times a week because your fridge is half the size of an American fridge. At times, you must go to 2-3 different shops for the food you need for dinner. Food is much more expensive, but the quality and taste are really outstanding if you know where to go. Add in a weekly market trip too where you buy A-M-A-Z-I-N-G produce for good prices...but must do it in French. AND market is not everyday. It only occurs 3 mornings a week.
You must carry all of your groceries either on you, in a caddy, or hang it off your stroller because, yes, if you have young children who are not in school or at the babysitter's...they are coming with you. You walk 5-10 minutes with all your groceries and your children to your apartment.
I prefer Option 2 -Paris.
Which do you prefer?
Monday, April 27, 2009
Daddy Love
WOW. If I went to work all day, he probably would not miss me like that.
Last week, we went to Square Rene Legall...per usual in sunny weather. While we were walking back home...Michael stopped quite abruptly and said to me,
"Watch out for that little guy over there."
I looked over to where he was pointing and it was a 6'2" African-French city worker cleaning the leaves off of the sidewalk. Uhh...I'm going to have to explain to him what "little guy" really means.
Since Michael does not have his own blog anymore, I realized I have stopped posting about his developments. Like when he started making sentences or when he could jump with 2 feet. Well, he can do both of those things now. And he's been doing it for at least a couple of weeks. Oh yes, and he can also do stairs by himself...almost. I wouldn't leave him alone without spotting him...but he can do them.
He can also get on the escalator by himself without much hesitation. Brian is going to have to tell you when he started doing that because I still hold his hand. This is probably more for the fact that I still can't get on the escalator without doing some stupid little nervous foot shuffle first.
There was a Sunday a long time ago...while Brian was gone in Arizona. The Sunday where he was sick. He must have been feeling ok from the fever reducing medication because he asked me to take his shopping cart out. So I let him. And he took me ALL the way to Italie2 (about 10 minute walk away) all by himself. No directions or guiding from me. He knew the way.
When we got there...all the stores were, of course, closed. It is SUNDAY after all. And so I ask Michael, "What are going to do here Michael? All the stores are closed!" He looks up at me and says, "Toy store Mommy."
The resulting explanation of what "closed" meant and the wearing off of fever medication resulted in a huge teary tantrum and me carrying Michael AND his shopping cart the whole 10 minute walk back home.
I think that's all the things I needed to blog about Michael. And I feel badly because with all the time I spend taking pictures of other people's kids...I haven't had that many of my own! Whenever we go anywhere with other families...I tend to spend more time taking pictures of other people's kids more than Michael. THAT STOPS NOW. Ok, Maybe after London when I see what The Thomason's daughter can do in front of a camera!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Nasty Cheeses
There on the cutting board are the Langres fermier de Champagne (nasty looking orange blob), the buchette cendree (literally, the ashen log) - a cow cheese covered in ashes, and the Casinca from Corsica, realtively harmless so Michael could have something to eat. We also have a leftover Comte, the little chunk on the left. It's nutty, Michael hates it, but I love it.
Here in this picture you see the 4th cheese I bought, the Castelviel.
It was wrapped in plastic and when I opened it, it was all slimy. Phuong called it the shiny cheese. Guess which one was the best and which one the nastiest?
You eat all that nastiness on the Langres. As it turns out though, it's absolutely delicious. Creamy on the inside. The Casinca was good, but unadventuresome as predicted. The ash log was really good too, quite a shock, Phuong and I were gobbling it up. But the Castelviel was super-pungent like a munster and a bit spicy. Not for the faint of heart and not terribly good either. Luckily it was the cheapest of the bunch.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Date Night and Photoshoot!
On Friday morning, my babysitter came and I did a photoshoot for my friend's son, Oliver. Here are the results:
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Catch Up
But anyways, Michael really missed Brian and he kept asking where Daddy was. And I told him he was with his friends watching baseball. And that appeased him for the 1st day. Then when we got to brushing his teeth, Michael asked me..."Where did Daddy's toothbrush go?"
"Daddy took his toothbrush to show his friends."
THAT made sense to Michael and so we continued on with our lives.
There was something else, but I can't remember now. UGH.
Monday: Sold scrapbook stuff. Park in the morning. Eat. Nap. Park in the afternoon. Eat. Sleep.
Tuesday: Went to gymnastics class. Forgot it was school holiday. No gymnastics. BLAST IT ALL. SO! Went to park to meet Jonah/Kirsten. Ate lunch at their place. Nap. When boys got up, went to another cool new park. Got dirty. REALLY dirty. Home. Eat. Sleep.
Wednesday: Park. Picnic with Mary/Geo. Michael falls in the gross icky stream water. Home. Nap. Park in the afternoon with babysitter. Mom at dentist for my PERMANENT CROWN!!! WHOOP!
Yes, I am selling my scrapbooking stuff. I am not giving it up entirely, just selling the stuff I don't use and keeping only a small quantity of things.
Now, next question is...can anyone guess how much money the "stuff I do not use" has brought in???
Scroll down for the answer...
Ok, so you didn't have to scroll down that far. 230 euro. SAD that I have THAT much stuff I do not use.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Too Late
Anyways, Saturday night was great. We had fois gras, a salad with strawberries/roquefort/bacon/avocado/egg and then...CASSOULET. They have a flavors of the southwest store right next to their place so that's what we had for dinner. It was so amazing. Cassoulet is my favorite French dish.
We put the kids to bed. They slept without making a peep. And that allowed us 4, to finish nearly 6 bottles of wine and a bottle and a half of champagne.
Today, we took a family nap. All of us, from 1:30 - 4:30. AND I napped from 11:45am - 1pm too.
We were tired.
Friday, April 17, 2009
And the sad thing is...these are not the best. Much more at our online in the menus to the right. I took nearly 350 pictures for the weekend.
We had an amazing Easter weekend. Seriously. It all started with GORGEOUS weather. Sunny days with highs in the upper 60's.
On Saturday, we attended the Message Easter Egg Hunt at the Arenes des Luteces, which is an old Roman arena in the 5th. It is about a 20 minute walk down the street from our apartment!
Michael had fun looking for candy in the bushes:
And of course, we went with Jonah:
After all was said and done, Michael found a good place to enjoy his loot. This was before a bigger came and kicked Michael in the back until he went down the slide:
On the walk home, Jonah decided to have some PDA with Michael. Michael is not too happy about this turn of events:
Then, both families came back to our place and we had lunch! I made Bun Bo Hue, which is a very savory Vietnamese beef noodle soup, not for the light of heart or picky eater. It was not as good as my Mom's, but my cooking rarely ever is.
Then, we put all the boys down for a nap and Kirsten, Ella and I went to the mall. Seriously. Italie2 is down the street and I had to buy dirt and a spade to pot a plant my friend Mary gave me! After which, we went to a tea house in the 13th called L'Oisive du te and had a nice girly gouter!
When we got home, 2.5 hours later, the boys were all still asleep. One by one, they all woke up from their naps and we commenced with egg dying. Michael prefered the direct dunk approach with no utensils: Ella was REALLY impressed with her pink egg: And Michael loved watching Kirsten dye anything: On Sunday, we went to church and had a lazy day at home. It was perfect.
Here in France, you don't get Good Friday off. Instead, you get Monday off after Easter. And it's called The Monday After Easter holiday. I am being serious.
So we went with the Atkins to Vaux le Vicomte for their Easter Egg Hunt! It was great fun! Here is Michael adjusting his riding hat after getting off the horse he rode:
And in case you forgot who the Atkins were! We also went with them to Switzerland:
So, the official egg hunt was in what would best be described as "shrubbery." Michael is hardcore about Easter egg hunts:
After we collected the allotted 5 eggs per child, we re-hid them in a field far away and had another Easter egg hunt with just the 4 boys. Very fun times:
And then afterwards, Michael decided to dine on his chocolates while surveying his chateau grounds: Here's mom trying to get a picture with Michael while he's running around for eggs. NOT a good idea:
And then afterwards, they had this little station full of these little medieval cloaks and styrofoam swords. Can we say, AWESOME?Michael put his to good use by attacking this bush:
All this before nap time at that! And Michael decided to take a 5 minute nap ALL DAY. We went to the Atkins to pick up a monitor and trade pictures and made it home by 7pm. WHEW> What a day. Michael took a 20 minute power nap at 6:30pm and went to bed at 8pm.
It was all so super fun.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Anyway, Michael usually goes in there and then I try to fit in there as well. I usually get one butt cheek on the bench and then I push the accelerator while Michael mans the wheel. Today I crammed myself in there like normal. After a couple minutes, Michael looks at me all hunched over and says "Daddy fat!" Well, yes, it would appear so. Thank you, son.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Thursday, April 09, 2009
It is MUCH harder to be generous and understanding when there are a ton of things stressing you out in your life.
We are trying hard to be generous without complaining. But inside, we are complaining.
And please don't ask me to list all that is going wrong. It is not only the list I posted about a month ago...but now topped off with 2 more things.
And don't think we are dramatic. We've been through some tough times before and although this time is not as tough as before, it is still hard.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Bipolar Paris
Michael just woke up SCREAMING. When I went in there...he told me something hurt and pointed to his chest and asked for a kiss. I did that and he went back to sleep ok.
Being super scared, I went to and the reasons for chest pains were not life threatening so I hope he will be ok. Still scary though when they are old enough to tell you what hurts.
Warning: Asian Superstition Alert
Something in my apartment is bad luck. Something I bought...that was used...or maybe I bought it before and am just now using it. Something...though. It is something. I have to find it and throw it out.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Outdoor Kid Smell and Sunshine and Rambling. the summer/spring/fall...just can't be beat.
Winter is for those who truly like cold weather. And rain. And self-loathing.
So yesterday, Michael and I had a SSD...or otherwise known as a Standard Summer Day. We woke up, ate breakfast, and immediately went to the park for 2 hours. Then, we came home, had lunch, and Michael had his nap.
When he woke up, we went to another park for the rest of the afternoon. I took him running (or in yesterday's case...wheezing while trying to run) with me in the Luxembourg Gardens. Then, we played the rest of the afternoon at Le Poussin Vert, which is the kids playground you have to pay to get into. While there, I heard this funny exchange at the sandpit between 2 kids. The girl was about 9 years old. The boy about 11.
Girl: Hello, where do you live?
Boy: What?
Girl: I'm from Glasgow.
Boy: Ok.
Girl: Do you live in Paris?
Boy: Yes.
Girl: Where do you go to school?
Boy: I don't go to school. I go to school at home. We home school.
Girl: What's that?
Boy: We don't go to school. We have school at home. We home school.
Girl: That's WEIRD.
I have nothing against homeschooling. I just thought this Irish girl was funny for saying out loud something an adult would keep to themself.
After a SSD, Michael had that Outdoor Kid Smell. You know it, where the top of their head smells like sweat and sunshine? That's my goal for the summer. Michael has to get that Outisde Kid Smell or it hasn't been a good summer day.
Today, we went to gymnastics where a very nice friendly French woman gave me information for a very nice school in the 6th where there is a ratio of 2 kids per adult and they actually interact with the kids. They hire professional musicians to come in for music days and take them to theater plays, parks, etc...I am going to look into that too!
What was even more incredible is that this French woman not only recommended the school to me, but she wrote down all the information for the school (address/directrice name/telephone number/name) and called the school to see if there was space for Michael in the fall. She gave this all to me when we came back to pick up our kids from gymnastics.
I don't talk much about the differences between France and America. Maybe I should since we are nearing the end of our stay. But in general, people in Paris, on the surface are quite cold. But really, honestly, they are wonderful people when you share a common bond with them. It can be a shrug on the bus and a knowing glance when someone is being discourteous to others. Or unhappiness that the bus is REALLY late. But they are nice. VERY NICE. And it just takes a little more effort on your own part. Learn the language. Find that bond. And make sure they know you share it. And you are GOLD.
Last week, I confessed to this French mom that I found it hard to raise a 2 year old. That I wonder if I am being too strict. That I doubt myself a lot. And this week, she does this incredibly sweet thing for me.
When you are's the incredibly small things that make the biggest difference in your life here. I don't think I will ever forget what this woman did for me.
I am done now. I just started typing and couldn't stop. Typing diarrhea.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
and here
I also saw a guy "weeding" some rocks. Nice use of government cash there; wait three months and those weeds will be dead for free.
If the fact that living in a desert wasn't silly enough, the powers that be decided that Phoenix should be enormous. We had to drive 30 minutes to get anywhere and I think it would take a good 90 minutes to drive from Chandler to Surprise. I was listening to the radio and the program hosts were criticizing Dennis Leary for saying he didn't care about global warming and then asserted that we should do everything we can to reduce CO2 emissions yadayada. My first thought was, you boneheads live in enormous, spread-out, three-lane highways everywhere Phoenix where you have to import water, food, cold air and old people; if you're so serious, move somewhere hospitable to human life.
Natural History Museum and Jardin des Plantes
We spent the afternoon at the Natural History Museum in Jardin des Plantes:
I just like the motion in this picture. Michael is levatating here, Matrix style:
HOWEVER, once we got outside, the 50mm was indeed my favorite lens of choice. Michael did not agree:
Jardin des Plantes has 2 blossoming trees. Michael is plotting how to next attack that pile of mulch behind him:
Friday, April 03, 2009
Hot Hole
If you like Indian food, try this place:
Muniyandi Vilas
207, rue Faubourg St.-Denis
75010 Paris
Metro: La Chapelle/Gare du Nord
We LOVE it. And it's SUPER cheap. TONS of food. It's basically a sitting Indian buffet. We get our meals...and the owner comes back and asks us if we need more rice or daal or any more of any side item. All included in the 6.90 price. It's awesome. Our whole family of 3 eats, including chai teas for dessert, for 15 euro total. FOR DINNER.
We went tonight and met The Daniels, who introduced us to the place. They lived in India for 4 years so I trust their judgement when it comes to good Indian food!
Now, off to fend off the impending "hot hole" that inevitably comes from all you can eat Indian Food.
Bon Weekend!
Thursday, April 02, 2009
One sign that we spend a lot of time planning trips? This is what Gmail provided for me when I typed in "cont" in the "To" field:
On commence!