Thursday, September 22, 2011
Lunch Ideas
It's Michael's 2nd full week of school and I'm already OUT for lunch ideas. Found this blog on pinterest and I'm in love!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Mischievous Michael
So Michael decided to pull the *cough * cough * I'm too sick to go to school today bit with me.
Yesterday, he had a stuffy nose. Woke up from 2am-3am from it. No fever.
Normally, I would have told him to get out of bed. But I was exhausted too from our previous day.
And he continued with the I don't feel well, my nose is stopped up, I'm really tired, please don't make me go to school.
WELL - OK. I'm tired too. You're just covering the letter B, which I know you know. And frankly, I wanted to hang out with him.
SO I did that. We ate breakfast, watched TV together, then we played Wii together, then we played games together, then he had "downtime," then he played on the computer, then we played some more Wii, then we ate dinner, then we did puzzles, math flash cards, his kid's sudoku game, workbook pages, listened to the Saggy Baggy Elephant on CD, then we danced on a stage in the living room, then we swept the living room, stayed up late to greet Dad at 9:45pm when he came home from Pittsburgh, read books.
I would say I felt bad about providing a bad example of not going to school - but we just had so much fun today. He's got the rest of his life to go to school! I've only got him home for just another year or so.
So I stayed home and cuddled with my little one and played with him and it was so much fun.
I love Michael's school by the way. He's been talking about how many syllables are in words. He's been loving the songs they sing and lately, we have to stay after lunch so he can finish listening to the stories they read to him after lunch. They attached a ring of flashcards with beginning sight words for reading. Luckily, they are the easy ones and Michael already knows them (I, a, the). We've been working on them so it's great to have the reinforcement. They gave him a great beginner's bible that HE.LOVES. We read the stories a lot and he can tell me the story of Adam and Eve already with the snake. I just hope that he continues to love school!
Just made me think that they do a lot with reading/letters/phonics at the school, which is GREAT because he really needs more exercises with this. Reading is not something that comes naturally to him.
However, not much happens with Math. The only worksheet I have seen with math has just been one where he has to draw the line from the number on the left to the groupings of items on the right ( 2 to the picture with 2 frogs).
I wonder why that is? Anyone know? I have no formal education in early childhood education so I don't know.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Gone Fishin'
To officially mark our foray into the wilderness and red-neck-dom here in The Middle of Nowhere, PA - we made a trip to the fishin' hole in our neighborhood!
That's right - in our neighborhood - just a walk down the street- where I'm sure lots of ticks live.
As much as I am mocking this Sunday activity for us - it was SUPER fun and highly rewarding.
Rewarding? Fishing? Yup, in our pond - LOTS of little fishes are very hungry. We'd cast the line and within SECONDS, we'd have bites. Within a minute, we would have a fish on the line.
I'm a fan of instant gratification. It's a wonder I made it anywhere in this world. :)
So - pictures galore.
Michael gettin' ready:
Reminds me a bit of Andy Griffith (Griffin?)
Dad helpin' son:
Casting a line - me standing far away - hoping I didn't get hooked in the mouth myself:
Proud of our 1st catch of the day:
We got that one through the eye. Couldn't get the hook off. Finally had to just CUT the hook off and toss the fish back. Yah, there's a fish swimmin' around with a HOOK in his eye in that pond now.Fishin' ain't for the light-of-heart-city-girl-named-Phuong.
Next, we caught a catfish who was lost from Louisiana:
Poor guy didn't even get the worm.Michael's hilarious face with the fish:
Brian, proud of his large catch of the day:
Nasty up close image of the worm that decided this fish's fate:
SUPER fun activity! We had NO idea there were fish in that pond!**End official post - start photography talk **
I took my D50 instead of my new fancy D700 to the pond - good grief. Talk about frustrating! It's got a zoom lens, which my D700 does not have. That's why I brought it. All sorts of exposure blow outs/strange color casts/frustrating. So glad photoshop saved a lot of these images!
Pretty proud of myself - edited 12 images in about 30 minutes. That's a record for me! A little over 2 minutes an image! Depending on the image, I can take anywhere from 3 - 15 minutes an image!
Finally came up with a work flow which lends me to posting my images on Smugmug and posting on the blog. If you are interested, here it is:
LOVE Adobe bridge for organizing images. Thanks KK for introducing me to this!
1) Copy images from memory card, paste into appropriate month/year folder
2) Adobe Bridge - assign 3 stars for every image I want in my smugmug album.
3) Edit whatever images I want to edit. Assign the new edited images as 3 stars. Send the original unedited images to no rating and gone.
4) Select all 3 star images - Batch rename - A_Month Year _ 01 etc for the month. If in the middle of the month, start count on the next number, which Bridge should do automatically.
5) Upload to smugmug all 3 star images.
6) Go back and select 5 star images for "best of book" at the end of the year.
VOILA! And so we start catching up. Next up is OBX to go through this process!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Sneak Peek
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Le Week-end
This past Saturday, (9/10), Michael had his first soccer game.
Michael's hunger/drive/determination for the ball has waned since last year. He's still one of the fastest (if not THE fastest) kid out there.
He can run from the back of the pack all the way to the front of the pack where the kid is kicking the ball - pass that kid and the ball - and take the ball and turn it around.
This year, he decided that running up there was all he had to do. And then he'd kind of piddle around the ball. And then just kind of look at it. Like he forgot that you're supposed to take the ball away, kick it all the way to the other end. And score.
To his very competitive parents - we're just sitting there and seething inside and trying our best not to say anything about anything and be "THOSE PARENTS."
Well, Michael had a great time. And like last year - after the first practice - Brian goes home and assesses the team's strengths and weaknesses and develops drills that help address what needs to improve.
Michael - and the rest of the kids for that matter - really like the snack part of the whole soccer bit:
I am a big proponent of "eating my money" because if I'm gonna spend my money on something, I'd rather spend it on items which will 1) nourish my body in a positive way and 2)be joyful to taste and eat. Life's too short to eat plasticized food. But that's just me and my family. You and yours can do whatever you like and it is no matter to me! I don't judge anyone on that and frankly, I fall off the wagon all the time (as I write this post I am stuffing myself with Barnum animal crackers).
Then, we decided to be "active" and headed to Milburn to pick apples!
Michael hammed it up for the camera for just a hair of a second:
All little boys should have pictures of them doing this with their dads:
These kind of apples were good, but not as good as the orange honey apples! Didn't even know that kind existed! I love Michael's face in this picture:
They did a lot of eating off of the tree:
And I caught Michael through the bushes. This isn't a spectacular shot, but I am practicing trying new things. I liked 1) The composition - like I am peering through a bush and the bush in front of me is fuzzy but what I am looking at is now 2) the post processing in photoshop - I do like that kind of vintage-y sharp look.
Michael hammed it up for the camera for just a hair of a second:
All little boys should have pictures of them doing this with their dads:
These kind of apples were good, but not as good as the orange honey apples! Didn't even know that kind existed! I love Michael's face in this picture:
They did a lot of eating off of the tree:
And I caught Michael through the bushes. This isn't a spectacular shot, but I am practicing trying new things. I liked 1) The composition - like I am peering through a bush and the bush in front of me is fuzzy but what I am looking at is now 2) the post processing in photoshop - I do like that kind of vintage-y sharp look.
What I do not like: Michael's not doing anything terribly interesting and his eyes are shut. But it does capture the idea of a little boy - hunting around an orchard - and delighting on what he finds.
After that - more rest and relaxtion and enjoyment of Brian being back home. Brian traveled nearly 3 weeks out of the last 4. It was really hard on all of us. However, the break does make the heart grow fonder.
After that - more rest and relaxtion and enjoyment of Brian being back home. Brian traveled nearly 3 weeks out of the last 4. It was really hard on all of us. However, the break does make the heart grow fonder.
After many years of marriage - it is true what they say - that you can take each other for granted. At least Brian and I tend to. We get shorter with one another and take the stresses of our daily lives out on each other because we are there.
After Brian's little trip(s), we come back together - so thankful to be together and have each other forever. It is always a nice feeling to know that if you had to do it all again, you know you would because that person still fascinates you and makes you laugh.
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
He Does What He Wants
Michael could probably echo Pinocchio in saying, "I'm a real boy!" I am just amazed at how big he is getting.
My dad used to tell me that when we were babies, he would just look at us and wonder when we would ever grow up. Then, we grew up, and he looked at us and wondered how time could fly by so quickly.
I understand exactly what this means now.
Michael blew through this busy bag idea. I was hoping it would last longer than 2 minutes:
Pretty easy to do. Just get an old takeaway plastic container with a lid. Use a knife to cut an x in the top. Then give them a bunch of cheapo pompoms to shove through the hole. Michael kept saying, "Ow, ow, ow" - but he finished it nonetheless. Not gonna let a little pain keep him from gettin' those pompoms in there.Michael had Christmas in August because Walgreens was having 75% off their summer clearance section. And the girl accidentally gave me 75% off the SALE price. So I went back for a 2nd round of stuff and by then she had asked her manager if it was 75% off the regular or sale - and she stood corrected. Should have been 75% off of REGULAR price.
Either way, here's the loot. I'll go into how much everything costed because it's too funny:
500 water balloons with 2 hose attachments - $1.25
Slip 'n slide with big-ole-pool at the end - $5
Badminton set - $1.17
Ring Toss - $1.25
Bag of 3 bath toy boats - $0.75
BBQ Grill cleaning brush - $1
Playmate Igloo - $3.75 (Probably my biggest score!! Glad I got that on the 75% off sale price bunch!)
Freezer icepack - $0.75
Water Hose Snake - $2.50
Outdoor bowling set - $3.25
Cars sand toy set with backpack,pail, molds, sifter, shovel/etc - $2.50
Recently, Michael built a marble run - all by himself - following instructions in the manual WITH NO HELP from us:
Michael stays a bit later for preschool this year than last - which actually works out well because I get to touch base with his teacher every time! At normal pickup, you get your kid and you leave - not much said about the day. But with Michael's later pickup, I get to see his teacher in a more relaxed setting.
She told me today that Michael did his assessment test for the teachers to see what skill level he is. She said she was pretty impressed with Michael and that he knew a lot for his age!
Pretty proud mama I was!
If you pray, please pray for our friends Laura and Kril Cunningham. Kril is in the hospital because he had a seizure. The doctors think it is related to the severe sinus infection he has been fighting. Either way - it is a tough time for their family and any prayers would be greatly appreciated!
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Milburn Apple Picking
We had so much fun today! We went apple picking and bought about 14 lbs of apples. At $1.39 a lb for freshly picked apples, I went a bit overboard.
Then we walked to the sandpit and played there. I am so happy to have this HUGE clean sandpit with GREAT toys so close to my house. Reminds me so much of Paris and many playgrounds here do not have sandpits. Michael loves loves loves it.
Then, we fed the goats, of course. And there were little newbie goats which is always so cute.
After this, we play on the playground.
Then we attempted to have lunch, but thankfully for my wallet, it was closed.
Bought some baked goodies and one last batch of gorgeous peaches before calling it a day!
Thus is a standard farm visit for us! We just love it there! Michael loved the tractor ride and picking apples was super neat.
It's never too early to go to Disney
After Paris, I was kind of under the impression that it's better to wait to go to Disney - when your kids can actually remember. I took Michael 2x when we lived in Paris to Euro-Disney and he didn't seem to remember it at all.
Then we had this conversation tonight:
Michael: Can you tell me about how I saw Christmas Goofy and how I was crabby, mommy?
Michael: Oh wait, I remember going to Disneyworld!
Me: You do?
Michael: Yes! I played with the Lightening McQueen car! (one of my only retail regrets - not buying him that RC lightening mcqueen car. Apparently it was important and only 40 euro at the time).
Michael: We rode the Peter Pan ride.
Me: Did you like it or think it was scary?
Michael: It was scary.
Me: That's right - you didn't like it.
Me: Do you remember riding the Buzz Light year ride?
Michael: No.
Me: Do you remember watching the old Mickey Mouse cartoons in the theater there?
Michael: No.
Michael: We rode the teacups!! It was so fun!
So you know what? They remember. He was 3. And I didn't make that photobook that year to tell him the stories - so he remembered all on his own.
He was 3. And he's nearly 5 now. I know for sure I didn't talk to him about the Lightening mcqueen car or the teacups. But that Peter pan memory may have been planted.
I hear a very loud cricket. And it probably is in my house.
It's 12:30am - and this is evidence on why I should not nap because I am really not tired, but I am tired of looking at the computer
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