Today, marks 7 years. How do you post about all that happens in 7 years? I won't even try. I just know that after 7 years, I know I married my best friend, and it was the best thing that ever happened to me.
I am SO glad Brian called me back after getting a door slammed in his face instead of a kiss goodnight at the end of our first date.
Instead of posting old wedding pictures, which I am sappy enough to do. I am going to post pictures instead of us on our honeymoon, IN PARIS. We started our marriage in Paris so it is not wonder our family began in Paris as well.
Brian and I on top of something. I think it's Arc de Triomphe. I, personally, am quite entertained by Brian's hair.
Me with Tour Eiffel back there:
Brian gazing lovingly at a picnic we bought for ourselves on Rue Cler:
Brian on a gutter at the hotel we stayed at on our honeymoon, Hotel des Grandes Ecoles. It's about a 15 minute walk from our current apartment and I go by from time to time just to peek inside:
Happy Anniversary. P, I am pretty lucky to have you as a sister-in-law. It is joyful that you two are more in love each day. I cannot wait to see you guys more in the states.
Happy Anniversary!!!!
Congratulations and happy anniversary! Ya'll look so cute!
Yay!! Happy anniversary!!!
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