Bon W-E is how the french say good weekend. Voila. French 101 for the day.
Anywho - we started Saturday AM by being late to soccer by about 10 minutes. EEK. Brian's coach. Our friends on the team told us that the other parents were speculating on why we were late.
Yes, everyone. The Besancons do run late from time to time.
Afterwards, we ran a quick errand all the way in Kennett for my ordering session on Sunday in the AM. Then, off for an afternoon playdate with some new friends of ours who are on the soccer team.
We had a fantastic time! Michael and their son played extremely well all together and we didn't hear about any fights until nearly 4 hours later. SWEEEEEET.
The wife is an engineer at Gore and the husband is a Biology AP/Chemistry teacher. It's so nice to meet other lady engineers. There's just an underlying thought process and personality current there which makes it so easy to relate. It also helped immensely that she was way into the Twilight Series, Hunger Games, and liked to shop.
Check, check, check. Her husband was sarcastic, funny, and liked to build fires - so that's a pretty good fit for us.
We stayed probably too long, but it was a good time. Hurried home, changed for our date, and dropped Michael off for "Kids Night Out" at his school. His school plans a night of crafts/activities/songs, etc! For $5, we get 2.5 hours of babysitting while we had a date night!
We ran off to a bar in Kennett to catch the A&M game, which of course wasn't on the TV. But we enjoyed some great beer, had some rillettes and crab nachos, and had a really nice date.
Then it was off to Lowes. Yes, a nice little Saturday we had planned there!
We picked Michael up from school and he was pretty pleased to get a sneak peek at the job board this week for school. He figured out he's in charge of the calendar this week and went on and on about how he was excited about it and that you get this bird pointer thingy. Hilarious.
Long Saturday.
Sunday, I had my ordering session in the AM, which ran much longer than expected resulting in me missing church. :(
I came home and had lunch with my awesome guys. Then ran off to Fair Hill Nature center for a "hike," Michael was all against a HIKE per say, but a walk would be fine.
Well, that walk/hike he was complaining about eventually gave way to excitement when he found a river that he could throw rocks into:
He hung out with Dad on the edge of rocks/banks while Mommy kept yelling, "Be careful! Slow down!" And taking pictures between warnings.He had a great time! Then, we went back home. Brian chopped wood while Michael and I played Wii. Tough life, I know.
Then, we decided to cash in the Fair Hill Inn Sunday Supper for 2 meal that we won at the Silent Auction during Oktoberfest. And we took Michael with us. To a fine dining establishment.
We talked to him ahead of time about being well behaved and what that means in a nice restaurant. He was so good during the meal and it helped that we packed a "restaurant bag" to keep him entertained. He was quiet, well mannered, and drank water from a little wine/water glass. It was so cute, and we were so proud.
We asked him if he liked the food better than Applebees and he said, "I'll decide after dessert."
Too funny.
Michael is CONVINCED he has night vision. When he can see things in the dark by moonlight or street lamp or car headlights, he thinks that is his night vision. The other night, he was looking through his Mario Galaxy book and he said, "Mommy, my night vision is working just fine because I can see my Mario in this book."
So glad we stopped our conversation to hear THAT!
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