- Need plumber to fix my wobbly sink faucet in the kitchen that might be leaking water into my under sink area.
- Heater needs yearly service.
- Paint living room with paint already purchased.
- Sell guest bed. (FYI: Our IKEA pull out couch is way more comfortable than our guest bed)
- Move pull out couch to guest bedroom
- Move computer/desk into guest room.
- Convert guest room into a convertible office/guest bedroom.
- Move main level couches and end tables to basement.
- Sell rug on main level or move to basement with furniture.
- Sew new curtains for piano room with fabric already purchased.
- Move piano room curtains to my room where it coordinates.
- Sew pillows for my bed with fabric already purchased.
Sadly, many of the items on this list - are STILL there. Here is what it looks like using the "cross out" font that I see on all those DIY blogs:
- Need plumber to fix my wobbly sink faucet in the kitchen that might be
leaking water into my under sink area. (fixed leaking water under faucet, but faucet is still wobbly) - Heater needs yearly service.
- Paint living room with paint already purchased.
Sell guest bed. (FYI: Our IKEA pull out couch is way more comfortable than our guest bed)- Move pull out couch to guest bedroom
- Move computer/desk into guest room.
- Convert guest room into a convertible office/guest bedroom.
Move main level couches and end tables to basement.- Sell rug on main level or move to basement with furniture.
- Sew new curtains for piano room with fabric already purchased.
- Move piano room curtains to my room where it coordinates.
Sew pillows for my bed with fabric already purchased.
*shrink away in shame...*
Home Decor Items we HAVE Accomplished:
- Painted Michael's room and installed chair rail
- Purchased new lamps to match master bedroom
- Purchased new couch for main level to replace main level couches that were moved to the basement.
- Decided on color scheme and curtain fabric for main level family room.
- Purchased small organizing cabinet for kitchen area for Michael's supplies and my office supplies.
Not terribly impressive.
- Replace leaking water heater
- Replace door knob on front door, which decides when it actually wants to work.
- Replace doorbell (plastic busted on the front of it)
- Replace kitchen faucet (very wobbly)
- Call Electrician to fix light switch in the garage which always trips the electricity to the garage and kitchen when switched on.
Those are the priority items and need to be done. NEED being the operative word.
To cut down my pretty long list up there, I am going to list 7 interior design goals I would like to accomplish. Mind you, these are not lofty, but maybe I will do a status update on them in a month:
- Research and decide on home office location (basement or guest room) with layout finalized.
- Paint living room
- Purchase curtain fabric for living room
- Sew living room curtains
- Purchase curtain rod for living room curtains.
- Assemble Michael's desk and place it in his room.
I just want to use that cross out font function. THat's pretty fun and satisfies the task list making side of me.
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