This year, Michael is running track for Sacred Heart School. They start in Kindergarten in the spring!
He thought it was HILARIOUS that he was on the "Pee-Wee" team for track. He kept on telling me, "Mom, I'm on the PEEE-WEEE team because I'm in Kindergarten."
Pee-wees only run the 100m, 200m, and 800m. Somehow, we are there still at Bishop Shanahan (Catholic high school where the meets are held) all day because they do not run the races back to back!
Here are the Pee-Wee kindergartners all lined up for the 100m:
First in line is Maggie who looks like she's strangling Mimi. Then, Michael, Liam, and JP.
JP apparently is a good kid, but can't sit still to save his life. Liam's dad has nicknamed JP - Judas Priest. Thankfully, Michael's nickname from him is Michael-Michael-Motorcycle.
Here's the 100m! Michael still kind of even:
Pulling ahead:
Getting farther ahead!
About to win it!
Here's the video! Liam's dad, Matt, is cheering at the end of the video - in case you need a visual:
I believe he won it! :) And people kept asking me if he got his speed from me.
That would be a big fat NO.
And anyone who asks about it gets Brian telling them, "Yea, Besancons start out fast like this and then we peak around middle school. Don't worry."
They also run the 200m, but I did not get pictures of that and Brian's phone died, so no video either.
Here they are all lined up for the 800m, which is quite a long way actually!
Michael was pretty tired at the end of it! Brian went to go get him!
Mimi's (far right) mom, Jill, took this funny picture of some of the Kindergarteners below:
That iPhone5 takes some great pictures!
It was a long, but fun day. The kids have a great time running and then playing with each other between their events. I love how they all cheer each other on! It is so cute. At the end of the day, Michael told me, "Mom - a 7th grader cheered for me!" It's great to see their good sportsmanship!
We have a really fun time talking to the other parents!! It's social hour for us too.
And to make a long day even longer - a bunch of us (Liam's family - the Hillegasses AND our neighbors, The Chans) all went to Victory pub and grill, which is just down the street from Shanahan in Downingtown. Victory is a local brewery and their pub is OUTSTANDING! I had this delicious salmon with browned butter and Brian got some kind of Russian sandwich. All delicious!
Mrs. DeColli even came to one of Michael's meets to see her Kindergarteners run. She is a tough cookie, but has a heart of gold. What teacher nowadays would go to her students' meets like that? Love our school and so glad it's a good fit for us right now.
1 comment:
Some kind of Russian sandwich. A Reuben.
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