Sunday, May 06, 2007


After Michael's apparent head injury, we didn't let him play on his playmat anymore because he had a tendency to roll off it onto the hardwood floors. But today we put a thick blanket underneath it and put him on there. He liked it a lot, playing with all the toys, eating the mirror and sounding the chime toy. He tried to roll around on the mat while I was putting a new sheet on his mattress, but I devised an ingenious solution to the problem of continuing to work while protecting the boy from himself as this picture shows.

Between meals this afternoon, Mom and son watched a little television. It as really cute because Michael grabbed Phuong's arm and held onto it. He's been doing a lot of that lately, reaching for Phuong and looking for his mommy. And as these photos show, he has been sitting up increasingly well.

Much of the day is spent tickling Michael in various ways so that he giggles uncontrollably. This includes tickling his armpits outright, putting your hair in his face, tickling his back or playing various forms of peek-a-boo. It's really funny to hear him squealing and giggling.

He has also been saying dadadada alot and gurgling his breastmilk. Punk.