Sunday, November 27, 2011

Michael's Talking

Last week, Michael had some real gems while livin' large in PA:

Bath time conversation with Mommy:
Michael: Mommy, you can give me hugs and kisses everyday until I go to college. Then, you can give me hugs and kisses when I come home to visit you.

**Then I started to cry because he was so sweet. And then I thought about how one day he would actually grow up and go to college and how I would really miss him and these days.**

At the mall. We ran into one of Brian's co-workers. Michael does his normal shy thing - hiding behind me the entire time. As we are leaving:

Michael: Daddy, does he wear that crazy hair to work everyday?

**Parents looking over our shoulder to make sure we were out of earshot range.**

Michael is in the car and a Pink Floyd song comes on.
Brian: "Ahh! Pink Floyd."
Michael: "Daddy, they don't got no thought control."

This is hilarious to us because Brian uses this saying all the time. I don't know where it's from. I don't even know what it means. But it seemed applicable to pink floyd at the time.

One day, I was lamenting to my parents about something I asked Brian to do that he didn't do and now we are having to deal with whatever he didn't do. Michael says to me,
"Mommy, if I were Daddy, I'd listen to you and do what you say."

And in my mind, I'm thinking - even if you are MICHAEL, you don't necessarily listen or do what I say! But thank you anyways for your support. :)

As I stated in my last post, he grew last night. Yes, last night. I had to loosen all the waistbands in his pants. Today, at lunch, Michael ate:
1 whole grilled cheese sandwich
1 bowl of soup
1/2 serving of lasagna
1 serving of broccoli
1 serving of apple

Which he finished. And then he asked me for another serving of lasagna and soup. OK-THEN.

That's it.


I was on pinterest (shocker, I know) today - and I ran into this quote.

While it is something I think often, it really hit home for me today.

Today, I noticed all of Michael's pants/pajamas are high waters on him all of a sudden. I was looking at the back of his head and wondering when it got so big. Looked at him in the mirror and he's almost at my chest level. Granted, that's not too terribly difficult, but humor me.

I know kids do this a lot - you turn around and they outgrew everything - seems like overnight.

But I guess I really thought about this quote because I do not chronicle Michael's life to the minute like I used to. I do not chronicle our life like I used to. And I miss that. I am missing that because I do not want to be on my computer. I do not want to be on my computer because I associate it with work. I associate work as editing pictures. I take less pictures of my own family because I'm busy with my business.

Which makes me face the question - Do I actually like doing this (meaning photography) full time - professionally?

Hmmm...always thought that the answer was yes. That being a full time photographer was the ultimate goal.

However, I've had a busy couple of weeks - lots of images to proof and one more session coming up. And these busy couple of weeks have really made me look at photography more as WORK then as a pleasurable hobby.

I am really surprised by this. And am wondering what to do next...other than pay back the investment on my camera. :)

Don't get me wrong - I am not quitting. Nope. But just pondering what the next steps will be...