Thursday, May 14, 2009

Michael's Monkey

Michael has a pet monkey. He LOVES this monkey. He does all sorts of things with his monkey. For example, today, Michael read to his Monkey, "Where's that Monkey?"

It's just too funny and cute. Brian noticed yesterday that Michael plays with this monkey like girls play with dolls. Except he shows the monkey how to do boy things like play choo choo, play ping pong, jump on the couch, and watch TV. Just to name a few!

Yesterday, I caught him showing his monkey how to drink from a squirt bottle. He puts his monkey next to him on the couch and looks at him. Then says, "See Monkey? You do it like this. I show you. You put the water in your mouth." And then proceeds to drink. He gives monkey a drink and is satisfied with the learning that has taken place.

Just too funny.

Rachel Ray

Do not fret, I have many installments of You Vote ready in the wings. I just have been posting about other things instead. But when there is a can bet there will be a You Vote. And the next subject will be: Fashion.

Rachel Ray.

Someone...please please please help me. I have tried 3-4 recipes from this woman, all of which take more than 30 minutes to prepare...and taste mediocre to awful. I keep trying her recipes because...really...She's made an empire of herself. You can't make an empire of yourself without being able to live up to your recipes/concept! So I keep trying her recipes because I KNOW I am bound to find a good one!

So please help my search if you can. I know I've got some readers who are Rachel Ray fans out there! Post a link to your favorite Rachel Ray recipe in my comments section and help me out!

Otherwise, I am going to have to relegate her magazine to the TRASH bin. Not even recycle. Straight up TRASH.

Sorry to offend any fans out there! I really am trying to like her because I like her idea of the 30 minute meal and her combinations do sound good in the recipe! They just don't work for me when I actually try to do it! It's GOT to be me...not her!

Phuong and family