Sunday, March 09, 2008

Dickersons Devour France

Our friends Tom and Gina Dickerson came to visit on March 1st and stayed until March 6th! We had a great time with them and congratulated them on their 7th anniversary! Their itinerary was chock full of French food, French museums, and the Normandy beaches. It is always great fun to hear about Paris from a first time visitor and also to hear about places we have never been (Normandy beaches).

I am patiently awaiting Gina's pictures that she took! I will post once she does.

And for those who are wondering...the Dickersons have 2 kids (3.5 and 1.5 years old). SO all of you have no excuse to not visit. :o)

Just kidding. Kind of. :o)


More Molars

Well, Michael has been waking up every 3 hours for the past 2 nights. We attributed it at first to the antibiotics upsetting his stomach, but now he is in a much better mood. Lo-and-behold after peering in his mouth, I discover that he's getting his upper 2 molars in. They are JUST breaking through the gums.

Michael is back to eating like a ravenous animal. He eats something practically every hour in addition to his 3 main meals. After not eating for 2 weeks, we are relieved! With the sickness, antibiotics, and teething, it is no wonder he has not been in the best of moods!

We are glad he is getting through with this now before Grammy comes! Now, if he can only stay well for 2 more weeks!!!! Everyone...think (and pray!)..."No chicken sickness!"

Michael did something cute that we have been meaning to blog about.

About 2 sundays ago, Brian was getting ready to go to the market. Michael saw Brian getting ready and immediately went to get his sweater. He tried his hardest to get his left arm in and finally gave up. He went and grabbed his hat next and brought it to Brian, only to find out (quite sadly) that he was not going to be going with Brian. 10 minutes after a round of tears, Michael settled down for his nap, which was the reason he couldn't go but he didn't know that.

Right now, it is a really fun age for us. Michael is understanding so much and picking up on things all the time. And the best part about it is, Michael really loves us and loves hanging out with us. We know it won't last forever, so we are enjoying it as much as we possibly can.
