Monday, July 06, 2009

Seven Years...TODAY!

Bah Humbug on Valentine's Day! We never celebrate that, but instead celebrate how much we love/adore each other on our ANNIVERSARY!

Today, marks 7 years. How do you post about all that happens in 7 years? I won't even try. I just know that after 7 years, I know I married my best friend, and it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

I am SO glad Brian called me back after getting a door slammed in his face instead of a kiss goodnight at the end of our first date.

Instead of posting old wedding pictures, which I am sappy enough to do. I am going to post pictures instead of us on our honeymoon, IN PARIS. We started our marriage in Paris so it is not wonder our family began in Paris as well.

Brian and I on top of something. I think it's Arc de Triomphe. I, personally, am quite entertained by Brian's hair.
Me with Tour Eiffel back there:
Brian gazing lovingly at a picnic we bought for ourselves on Rue Cler:
Brian on a gutter at the hotel we stayed at on our honeymoon, Hotel des Grandes Ecoles. It's about a 15 minute walk from our current apartment and I go by from time to time just to peek inside:
Me, at my most favorite place in Paris: The Luxembourg Gardens:
Us, in Versailles! An awesome Asian couple took this picture for us where the wife kept yelling at the man to make sure he framed it right with the landscaping etc. Well, he sure did:
So Voila! Not much has changed between us except that our love has gotten much deeper and we now have much more face fat.
Love you, Brian!

Summer in Paris

As many of you know, I am ready to come home. But I am NOT ready to come home before another glorious summer in Paris! The Parisians leave, and we are left with a calm and quiet city. Bliss. It is awesome right now. SO calm.

After the standard 2-3 unbelievably hot weeks of 85+ degree temperatures, the weather calms down and we get lovely highs in the upper 70's. And sun. Glorious sun!

We take advantage of it! After 2 years of living here, I have discovered these small paddling pools in the Luxembourg Gardens near their sandboxes. I am so sad it took me until NOW to find them!

So Michael and I did that on last Friday and TODAY (in the morning before it becomes a MUD pool of sand at the end of the day):

*Please ignore the quality of the pictures. They were taken with my 6 year old Canon Point and Shoot*

Michael LOVES it and it's not too deep so I don't have to worry much! Here is his delight at threatening to splash me:
Luckily, the boy did not follow through.

So we piddled around there today and wandered to the 2nd paddling pool, where Michael met another American: Lucien and his mom Mindy:
Lucien is 3.5 years old and his family is from Seattle. Arrived about 6 months ago and are living in Paris for 2.5 years total. Hmmm...sounds familiar! I am happy to make a new friend, even if I am leaving soon.
Anyways, time to pack up and go home for lunch...but on the way out, we hear a marching band playing. Gotta check that out at the pavillion!
Michael LOVES bands so we watched their whole concert. It was a group from Arkansas! Being a band nerd, it made me very nostalgic to watch it all. Yes, I realize being in band was (is) super dorky, but I really enjoyed it when I was young.
So we watched them play everything (even a rendition of Stars and Stripes), and headed home for lunch. Which I then realized we don't really have anything for lunch. So Michael and I ate lunch at our local cafe where he had a hotdog/french fries/orange juice/ice cream. And I had rack of lamb, green beans, and salad. Yup, that's right. RACK OF LAMB at my local cafe just 4 doors down from my place. I sure am going to miss the food in Paris. A LOT.

I think you will start to see a very wistful nature to my posts as I realize I am about to leave a pretty fabulous life to embark on another fabulous life! :o)

I love my life.