Friday, May 21, 2010

Scottish Games!

Last Saturday, May 15, Brian organized a day out at the Scottish Games that were being held at the Fair Hill grounds!

Men in plaid skirts competing in Feats of Strength...deep fried food...bagpipes...great it any wonder we had a fantastic time?

Michael had his first carnival turkey leg. Lots of carnival food firsts in America lately:
And what Scottish games would be complete without some of these?
Father and son had a great time. I am so happy for Michael to have such a great dad:
And my mom and dad LOVED it at the festival:
We took tons of pictures but no video. So I bring you a photo compilation of the Caber Toss. In this game, the contestant must pick up a pretty dang heavy and tall tree...and then throw it in the air. The tree must flip 180 degrees, land on its end, and then fall onto its side. You are judged by 1)being able to complete this flip, and 2)when the tree finally lands, the closer the tree is to a noon position, the better.

Here is the world's 8th strongest man doing it. Made it look like child's play:

VOILA. I tried to find some scottish music to set it too but then got lazy about it!
Next from our visit to the Longwood Gardens!