Friday, April 20, 2012

Little League Opening Day Parade

 Well, to be blessed to be the wife of the head coach of a little league team means to be privileged to work on the parade banner!

Here are the little guys getting ready to get going:

This picture is worth enlarging to see Brian's face.  He knew those letters might not make it through the parade and we knew the kids weren't going to help those letters stay there:

Playing keepaway with the banner and using your height to your advantage:

The gaggle of kids begins to form:

 Michael before he realized I had coerced my way onto the field to get the closest angle on the action.

And this is what he does when he sees me:
We got some lemonade afterwards at the lemonade stand and walked the half a mile back to the car through the town proper.

Last weekend was BUSY.  And a glimpse to what life is going to be like later.  To give you an idea:

Saturday -
7:30am-10:30am:  Parade, home at 11:00am about.
2:00pm - Brian leaves for fundraising poker tournament at Sacred Heart
4:30pm - Brian back home after not doing terribly hot at the poker tournament.
4:45pm - Abbey appears and the kids play.  Brian is working in the yard.
5:45 pm - Order pizza for the sitter and Michael to eat for dinner
6:45 pm - sitter arrives.  Parents out to Night at the Races
11:15pm - we return home.  I take sitter home.
12:05am - Collapse in bed.

Sunday -
9:00am - Church
10:15am - Pancake breakfast for fundraiser for little league and then team pictures
I left early in my own car to prepare for my pre-session consultation

1:30pm - I leave for my pre-session consultation.  the boys napped at home.
3:00pm - Back home to find the boys still asleep.

We did NOT win the banner contest because apparently the kids are supposed to make it themselves.  RIDICULOUS.  :)

I hate to say it, but I'm a fan of this egg layin' hen from Hallmark this year:
Not only is she sassy in her little outfit, she says, "Whoop, there it is!"

Who here remembers THAT little diddy?!?!  :)

On Easter, we went to church, and while we were away, the Easter bunny came. Michael was on to his little hiding places though:

As you can see in the 2nd picture, gardening is not our forte.

Peeking into the loot.  Brian did not get the memo about changing your close promptly after returning from church:

Then there was the egg dying:
Michael is a fan of egg dying.

After that, we hung out around the house.  It was nice and relaxing.  I made an herb crusted rack of lamb that Brian and Michael liked a lot at medium rare.

I had just come off of being vegetarian for 40 days, and I was a bit grossed out by the whole thing and happily ate my sweet potato casserole and green bean casserole.

SPeaking of which:  While I have returned to eating meat, I find I don't crave it as much anymore.  IN fact, I don't even care for it much anymore.  I'd much rather order the seafood dish or the vegetable dish.

That was Easter.  Short, sweet, and simple.

P.S.  ANOTHER reason I love the new blogger platform:  It is super easy to select pictures AND they upload in order (no more backwards picture selecting for me!) AND if I need a picture added in the middle of the post, it adds it where the cursor is!  Before, it would add the picture at the top of the post, no matter where my cursor was!

A sneak peak of Easter

Yea, I'm a little late with Easter!  Downloading pics tonight!

Found some on one camera, a little anti-climactic but oh well!

I set the table:

And my awesome volunteers for Liturgy of the Word with Children sent me these!  LOVE!

They must have known about my flower corner!
More to come!

P.S.  Anybody else's blogger platform change?  As much as I like change (uh huh) - I do not like the time you have to spend learning where all the buttons are!

However, now, the blogging platform for my personal blog matches that of La Lume.  So I AM a fan of that!