Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I don't have the attention span to read this whole article, but what I did read was entertaining.

It's an article on an article in Texas Monthly about the top 50 barbeque places in Texas.

In case you're bored.



On Monday, I got Michael enrolled in his gymnastics/tumbling class. I did it all in French. I understood about 75% of what she said. Yeah me!

Then, I went to get Michael his haircut on Tuesday and the hairstylist didn't understand me at all. It was like we were having 2 separate conversations. Back to being depressed about French


If you are wondering what Michael does during the week, I just keep him at home with me and we look at each other ALL day.

No really, when we are not sick, here is what we try to do:

Monday: Afternoon, weekly playgroup
Tuesday: Morning, weekly tumbling/gymnastics class. Will start on Tuesday!
Wednesday: Morning, bi-monthly Mom's Bible Study with kids playing downstairs with the sitter
Thursday: Morning, bi-monthly Storyhour at the American Library
Friday: Usually nothing, but normally playdate with his best friend Jonah.

Just an FYI.