Saturday, October 31, 2009

PA or DE?

Jet-lagged. And homeless in January when we get to Newark. Can't say our trip last week was super successful.

But it was because:
  1. We decided we want to live in Pennsylvania or Hockessin area
  2. We got to hang out with Bill/AK and realized they are only 1.5 hours away. Awesome to be so close to family.
  3. We had an amazing time with our friends who are already there and met some new ones too. What a relief to have such an awesome support network already there!
  4. Have some rental options in case we can't find a home by the end of the month we have in corporate housing.
  5. Got Thanksgiving paper goods at Target and got to go to Target. SWEET.

So...while it wasn't super successful in that we didn't find a great home we BOTH liked...

We still had fun. And we have some silly pictures to boot. And we got to see Pennsylvania in the fall, which was - GORGEOUS. The leaves were all orange/yellow/bright...SO beautiful. I can't wait for next year's photoshoots in farms with pumpkins and large farm fields with fall leaves in the back.

It's going to be great. At least I tell myself. And then I realize there's only 1 Target that serves Newark/Wilmington/Southern Chester County, PA. And it's 30 minutes away from anywhere we'd live. EEK. :)

And the nearest good mall is 45 minutes away. Well, we won't have any money anyways so it's best that those things are SO FAR AWAY.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Michael gets an F in Anatomy class

Today we were over at Karstyn's house. At some point she went to go pee. Michael followed her into the bathroom and while he was watching her pee (from a safe distance I hope - I was in the living room), I heard him tell her, "Karstyn, you have to hold your peepee down!"

Monday, October 19, 2009


So! Michael's official birthday was this past Saturday, Oct 17th and we celebrated with Michael's friends. We rented out the trampolines in the Tuileries for the kids for half an hour. The guy was 10 minutes late showing up.

The kids were READY and had settled down after attempting to break and enter into the place:
Jumping fun:
Michael lovin' his trampoline:
The kids had a FANTASTIC time. Here's my attempt to get all 9 kids on one trampoline and sitting still:
You try this too and let me know what you get! :)
After this, we took all the kids to the carousel and let them ride that. After which we walked the length of the Tuileries, which took nearly 30 minutes with 8 adults and 7 kids.

Got home, did cake. Here's Michael blowing out his candle:
Michael told me he wanted a cake with the number 5 on it. So I did that, and stuck a #3 candle on it. I think he'll be ok.

The kids were happy to chill out and watch a movie. And frankly, so was Larry:
The gorgeous colors of the Tuileries inspired me to get a family photoshoot. We went back around 1pm and the lighting was so much more different, but I did the best I could. And had photoshop help me with the rest. Here are some normal posed pictures that I like:

And we walked to the Luxembourg Gardens and I got this pic of Brian and Michael that I love.

And voila! Michael's birthday weekend done! We loved every minute of it and loved having such great friends to celebrate it with. We are just so blessed!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Big 3!

Today's the day my little boy turns 3. Seems all of a sudden so grown up to me. THREE.

At one, I was celebrating that he was still alive and so were we. And that we survived. Somehow, by the grace of God, we survived. That first year as a family in a foreign country.

At two, we didn't make a huge deal. Just a little ice cream party with our playgroup friends. It was festive, joyful, and happy to be surrounded by his playmates. And quite frankly mine too.

At three. He's started school. He speaks in complete sentences. He has a real personality with likes and dislikes. He's kind to others and offers babies toys when they cry. He pushes us because he's three. He knows Go Dog Go almost by heart. He loves playing with his friends but gets into fights with them at times. He's still not a great eater.

After our rather unsuccessful attempts at continuing our family this year, I get choked up thinking about how 3 years ago Michael came into our life, became part of our family, and changed our life forever. And how what a blessing and gift he is. And how thankful we are to have him here with us.

And so, to my Little Buddy: Happy 3rd birthday to our gift from God. I will always love you and I will always cherish the day you came into our lives.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What If

What if...everyday of my life in Paris for the past 3 years was like today?

I would never want to leave. Ever.

The day started sunny and gorgeous.

I dropped Michael off at school. He was happy to go. I saw him run in there and grab a basket and start on his craft.

I ran off to do a photoshoot. It was awesome. Here are my 2 favorite pictures that are 1) different than normal and 2) not at all altered in photoshop:
To see more standard ones and more from this shoot, you'll have to go to my photography website.

Then, went back to pick up Michael up from school, but was early.

So went to a boulangerie, ordered some mighty delicious ratatouille.

Sat down next to the Seine and ate my gorgeous ratatouille while watching the boats go by on the Seine next to the fall foliage lining the river.

Picked up my happy Michael from school.

Took him to "Eiffel Tower Park." AKA: Champs des Mars.

Went to McDonalds for lunch.

Michael napped for 30 minutes while I shopped.

Bought some birthday party supplies at Monoprix.

Met Katie/Karstyn/Elayna at Champs des Mars for a playdate.

They did the caroussel. Michael with his wand that they give the kids to get rings onto:
And then a photoshoot with Karstyn and the Eiffel Tower:
Michael trying to be a part of Katie's family. I mean, who doesn't want an Asian son?

Went home, had leftover blanquette de veau for dinner.


Monday, October 12, 2009

More 20K Pics

Thankfully, Chad Nickel took pictures with his phone for the 20K!

Here is Team Air Liquide at the starting line. From Left to Right: Chad Nickel, Albert Atkins, and Brian:

Chad took this picture after 10K. Look at Brian. All smiles...walk in the park for that guy!

We were SO very happy and proud for him! I can't even DRIVE 10 miles sometimes!


Interesting Picture

Cathedral pics...I mean, who hasn't seen their share of the same grand nave and walkway leading there? I am guilty of the same.

Mountain man took this awesome picture in the Notre Dame cathedral. I can't get over it. I'm In LOVE with it:
He's had the camera (D50, 18-200 lens) for 2 days. That's it. TWO DAYS. And he took this picture. I am so amazed. Trying to recruit him as my 2nd shooter. :)


Sunday, October 11, 2009

20K or BUST

Brian ran the 20K de Paris today, and he did AWESOME. His pace was 9:47 a mile and that was taking it slow for him. He felt pretty good afterwards!

Here, you can see his arm up, an eye ball and a half, part of his light blue shirt and his one leg. He's in the middle of my picture behind Albert who is wearing a cap and a dark blue shirt. And behind them, is another guy with his hand up, that's Chad Nickel. All 3 Air Liquiders.
Also running today was the Eiffel Tower. It also had a number:
The kids were a good sport and waited patiently for their dads to run by!

We are so proud of Brian and his great accomplishment!

Mountain Man and T-Bird

Our friends Mountain Man and T-bird decided to adopt an Asian boy to be a part of their family: So not really. But it was hilarious because here's Michael trying to get in their picture:
He LOVED taking pictures with Tracy (T-bird) and Mountain Man (Brent). It was so cute.

They flew in from Austin and spent the first part of their vacation with us in Paris. We were SMITTEN! We had a great time with them and roamed the Luxembourg Gardens today.

Here's Michael being cute with Tracy:
Incredible! And then look what he does with his ACTUAL family: Thanks, BOY! :) We got whistled at to get off the grass by the park guards while taking pictures on the leaves but you better believe I'll be back. I had an idea of what I wanted to do but could never make it happen. So I'll be back! Thanks to T-bird and Mountain Man for finding this great patch of leaves!

But I did get one good picture of these two lovebirds: We got ice cream at Amorino and saw them off as they continue the rest of their European adventures!

And so mad that this is out of focus, but I'm posting it anyways:

Friday, October 09, 2009


So we are leaving. Like. Soon.

Which makes you stop and take pause. What will you miss?

Me? THE FOOD. The lovely, fresh, delicious produce. The ga-billion types of lettuce there is available here. What am I going to do when there's only romaine, iceburg, or green leaf? And it all tastes the same?

What am I going to do?'s my starting point right here:

And I ABSOLUTELY cannot wait.

Food. It's a big deal to me. Fresh even bigger deal. I want Michael to grow up knowing GOOD food...not bologna sandwiches.

Yes, he eats hotdogs and grilled cheese. But he PREFERS confit de canard, French cheeses, a good charcuterie plate, Chinese dim sum, practically anything Asian. And I want to continue that even in the States.

So this is important to me.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

My Family

Yesterday, I was washing dishes and minding my own business when I happened to overhear Michael and Brian talking at our kitchen window.

There was a big flash of light and then Michael's face lit up with awe as he discovered lightning for the first time. Brian is explaining the thunderstorm to him, as it is the 1st he's ever seen, and he's just amazed that the sky can light up as much as it just did.

Michael says, "Mommy! Come look at the lightning!"

Heck if I need a reason to NOT wash dishes. So I stand there with my husband, holding our eldest son between us waiting and watching the sky for the next big flash of light. His little arms are wrapped so tightly around my neck that I couldn't even imagine moving. Not that I'd want to.

The flash of light appears and Michael says, "See it Mommy? See it?" He leans in, gives me this big hug and kiss. And does the same for Brian. And in this memory, I will always feel what it really means to be a family.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Compare and Contrast

I'm looking at real estate in DE and PA. Not too thrilled with the prospects...well, at least not too thrilled with the prospects considering we will be a one income family.

Anyways, for $283K in DE, I can own this house, 7 minutes from Brian's workplace:
22 years old. 4 bed/2.1 bath.

Not bad in general. A roof over our heads is a roof over our heads! However, we are from Texas and compare it to a $283K house in Houston, 23 hours and 40 minutes from Brian's workplace:18 years old. 4 bed/3.5 bath. 3200+ sq ft. In a good school district.

*sigh* I am focusing on the fact that we will be back in the USA! And that makes me happy! And to have a house at all, will be a HUGE upgrade from our 700 sq ft , 1 bed/1 bath, 2 closet place.

Friday, October 02, 2009


SO! I've been meaning to blog that on September 7, I went to the Coldplay concert with my friend Laura. Brian and I were supposed to go, but he had a business dinner he couldn't get out VOILA! Laura was HAPPY to sub in for me!And she was great fun at the concert!

It was really amazing and different than U2. U2 was very rock and roll and very standard - they stayed on the main stage in front the whole time. And played LOTS of rock and roll.

But Coldplay was like watching ACL on PBS or something. They did a bunch on the main stage. But then walked to another little stage smack dab in the middle of the mosh pit (while Singing in the Rain was playing during their walk)...and rocked out totally acoustic on this like 20 sq ft stage. It was amazing. They did a version of Billy Jean on accoustic guitar and it was fantastic.

Then, they had another little stage in another part of the pit where the piano was and a portable drum pad and they did some diddies there. In the middle of one piano lick, the lead singer, stopped. Said, "F*&#*" And started over again. How many times do you see a musician mess up at a concert? I loved it. Kept it real.

Coldplay was so awesome because the music, at times, was so pure. Just instruments and the music pouring out of them. It's so neat to see the music just POUR out of someone while they are playing. It made me really miss being able to do that although I was never THAT good. Being able to play an instrument is one thing. Being able to make music is a God given gift.

SO my funny British friend Laura probably would have thrown her top off if she wasn't a mom. She was so crazy during the concert and adorable.

Did a shoot yesterday. SO HAPPY with the way it turned out. Colors, focus, kids, everything. I took like 30 pictures and 25 of them are amazing. Here are the initial proofs:
