Friday, October 09, 2009


So we are leaving. Like. Soon.

Which makes you stop and take pause. What will you miss?

Me? THE FOOD. The lovely, fresh, delicious produce. The ga-billion types of lettuce there is available here. What am I going to do when there's only romaine, iceburg, or green leaf? And it all tastes the same?

What am I going to do?'s my starting point right here:

And I ABSOLUTELY cannot wait.

Food. It's a big deal to me. Fresh even bigger deal. I want Michael to grow up knowing GOOD food...not bologna sandwiches.

Yes, he eats hotdogs and grilled cheese. But he PREFERS confit de canard, French cheeses, a good charcuterie plate, Chinese dim sum, practically anything Asian. And I want to continue that even in the States.

So this is important to me.