Saturday, March 29, 2008

Spoon Practice

Today, Michael attempted to eat oatmeal with his spoon by himself. Eventually, he gave up:

Good thing it was a bit thick:

Get it IN THERE!

We gave up. He got a croissant for breakfast. Better luck tomorrow, son!

Michael's friend Oliver has started making this HILARIOUS face. He breathes REALLY hard in and out when he does it. It's so cute:
Happy Saturday!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Catch Up, Part 3 - Provence, France

Brian and I came back from Italy, and after a one night layover in paris, we hopped on a train and headed to explore Provence and the Cotes du Rhone area of France with Brian's Mom and Michael.

The first day, we arrived in Avignon, picked up our car, and did a wine tasting in Chateuneuf du Pape. There, we tasted 2 really good red wines, an incredible muscat, and 2 good white wines. They will deliver to Paris if you buy 3 cases (12 bottles each at 24 euro per bottle). thank you.

We then, by chance, stumbled upon our bed and breakfast we were staying at. Luckily too because I doubt we would have seen their small sign at the end of a fence! We loved it there as it was a small farm and Michael discovered all sorts of animals. He wasn't too impressed with the chickens there:

On Saturday, we set out to Arles to explore its booming Saturday morning market. We bought loads of Herbes de Provence, table linens, and bed linens there! Now, I can see where Pottery Barn/Williams Sonoma get their inspirations from! We paused to check out the exterior of the Roman Arena and didn't quite make it to the Roman Forum. I think we had shopping on the brain.

After this, we drove around some more and did Rick Steve's Cotes du Rhone drive backwards and as inefficiently as possible. We checked out another place for a wine tasting, saw Les Baux, Saint Remy, and loads of other places and views I don't remember because I was doing my best to entertain Michael in the backseat. He's not so fun in the car.

In Les Baux, Michael took his first audiotour ever:

On Sunday, we jumped back in the car and headed to....PONT DU GARD! I have been wanting to see this structure for MONTHS. It is a HUGE roman aqueduct and is the 2nd highest Roman ruin still standing (the highest is the Colisseum). It was a fascinating to see/learn about this engineering marvel. And of course to take pictures in front of it:

After this, we headed over to Avignon to experience dinner/dusk there. Here is Brian and Michael at the Palace des Papes:

And here is our happy family in Avignon. Well, at least Mommy and Daddy are happy!

So we concluded our trip with quite a delightful dinner in Avignon. The next day, we played on the farm and explored the animals before heading back to noisy, stressful Paris. We sure enjoyed Provence with its sunny weather, relaxing atmosphere, and GREAT shopping!

We will most certainly be back there! Especially since we lost an entire memory card of pictures so we are missing TONS of family pictures. This just means we HAVE to go back. Awww...shucks!

Whew...I think that's it. I am tired. And now off to do 40 mini loads of laundry...



Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Catch Up, Part 2 - Cinque Terra, Italy

Brian's Mom came to Paris on March 15th! After a 3 hour delay in Dallas due to mechanical issues, Brian almost nearly missed his online Fantasy baseball draft! That dreaded Daylight Savings Time too didn't help!!!

After getting all settled in and relaxing a bit, Brian's mom generously took care of Michael for 4 days and 3 nights while Brian and I took off for our first vacation WITHOUT Michael!

On March 17th, we got the hell-outta-dodge and flew to Italy where we visited Pisa, hiked the Cinque Terra coast, and then shopped in Florence. It was amazing! Brian impressed me by holding up the Leaning Tower with his nose:

The 2nd day, we began what was to be a 7 hour hike through all 5 coastal towns along the Cinque Terra. We started in Riomaggiore, went through Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and ended up in Monterosso al Mare. We had an amazing time exploring these quiet villages and hiking in the semi-wilderness. Some of the trail was QUITE difficult and I thought I wasn't going to make it. But we finished in a nowhere-near-a-record time of 7 hours. Along the way, we had fun conversations, great food, and amazing pictures.

One lady even asked us if we were newlyweds! CHA-CHING! Five going on 6 years of marriage thank you very much! Here is us being in L-O-V-E! And no, I haven't been body building. It's just my ruffly shirt shoved into my sweater that makes me look beefy on top:

Here's proof of my Ruffly shirt with Vernazza in the background:

The last city in the hike was Monterosso al Mare, where we stayed. It was quiet, tranquil, and relaxing. Everything we needed! There were frogs that croaked and went to bed at 11:00pm, every night. It was so nice to hear nature instead of the constant moan of cars/buses in the background! Here we are at the end of the hike, still happy: And the view from the balcony of our hotel room:

Our dinners were filled with super fresh seafood! One night, we had something we ended up naming the Sea Rat or Sea Worm. It had the body of a shrimp and the head of a sting ray. It was weird and awful. NEVER eat anything that fits that description.

Other than that, we feasted on fresh anchovies, freshly caught sea bass, and delicious fruits of the sea! I have never had fish so fresh!

The day after this, we headed over to Florence where Brian found some black shoes that he liked. He's been searching for MONTHS! Rick was right when he said Florence deserved a well planned day. We went to the Uffizi and Accademia and conceeded defeat after seeing the lines.

Ah well! All in all, we had a great vacation alone and were ready to be parents again when we returned to Paris! We missed our little guy!

Next: Catch Up, Part 3: Provence!



Catch Up, Part 1: The Dickersons Visit!

March has been a busy month with the Dickersons coming at the beginning and then Brian's mom came a week later! So after all of our fun with our family and friends, we now have time to sit down and blog it all.

Our Pinochle friends from Austin, Tom and Gina Dickerson, came to visit us at the beginning of the month. We took them to our favorite French restaurant, right around the corner from our house. We enjoyed wine with our French cuisine which included Foie gras, magret de canard, coq au vin, pigeon with truffles, and veal. It was DELECTABLE and a fun night out with NO KIDS! We are pretty happy about that:

Earlier in the day, we ran around with them to the Rodin Museum (2 pictures below) and also to Rue Cler (a market street) where we introduced them to the fine art of moldy French cheeses. Here we are in a fromagerie:

Gina, Michael and I at the Rodin Museum gardens.

After that, they went off to enjoy Paris which included a dinner night cruise, the standard museums and attractions, and even stayed at the hotel Brian and I stayed at for our honeymoon. Even more impressive, is that they were able to fit in a visit to the Normandy beaches while they were here!

We thoroughly enjoyed their company and loved to see them! When they showed up at our door, it was like "home" had just walked in.

Next up: Catch up, Part 2: Cinque Terra, Italy - Our First Vacation away from Michael.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Michael - The Hobbit

Michael has been eating like a hobbit lately. Here is his eating schedule for the past 2 days:

8:00am - Breakfast - Oatmeal
8:30am - 2nd Breakfast - Cheesy scrambled eggs, 1/4 slice of bacon, 1/4 slice of bread with butter and honey
10:30am - Snack - piece of cheese and one slice of cardboard tasting toast
12:30am - Lunch - Green beans, ground pork (tomato farci stuffing), rice, 1 strawberry, 1/4 apple, 1 slice of cheese
2:00pm - Snack - yogurt and fruit compote
4:oopm - 2nd Snack - 5 apple slices
6:30pm - Dinner - Green beans, 1/4 apple, 1 slice of cheese, 1 meat, starch, 1 cup of milk

Thank GOD. He's making up for not eating for about 10 days! Last night, his stomach was so big that it was hard when you touched it. Very similarly to his Uncle John's stomach.

Just had to share that.


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Dickersons Devour France

Our friends Tom and Gina Dickerson came to visit on March 1st and stayed until March 6th! We had a great time with them and congratulated them on their 7th anniversary! Their itinerary was chock full of French food, French museums, and the Normandy beaches. It is always great fun to hear about Paris from a first time visitor and also to hear about places we have never been (Normandy beaches).

I am patiently awaiting Gina's pictures that she took! I will post once she does.

And for those who are wondering...the Dickersons have 2 kids (3.5 and 1.5 years old). SO all of you have no excuse to not visit. :o)

Just kidding. Kind of. :o)


More Molars

Well, Michael has been waking up every 3 hours for the past 2 nights. We attributed it at first to the antibiotics upsetting his stomach, but now he is in a much better mood. Lo-and-behold after peering in his mouth, I discover that he's getting his upper 2 molars in. They are JUST breaking through the gums.

Michael is back to eating like a ravenous animal. He eats something practically every hour in addition to his 3 main meals. After not eating for 2 weeks, we are relieved! With the sickness, antibiotics, and teething, it is no wonder he has not been in the best of moods!

We are glad he is getting through with this now before Grammy comes! Now, if he can only stay well for 2 more weeks!!!! Everyone...think (and pray!)..."No chicken sickness!"

Michael did something cute that we have been meaning to blog about.

About 2 sundays ago, Brian was getting ready to go to the market. Michael saw Brian getting ready and immediately went to get his sweater. He tried his hardest to get his left arm in and finally gave up. He went and grabbed his hat next and brought it to Brian, only to find out (quite sadly) that he was not going to be going with Brian. 10 minutes after a round of tears, Michael settled down for his nap, which was the reason he couldn't go but he didn't know that.

Right now, it is a really fun age for us. Michael is understanding so much and picking up on things all the time. And the best part about it is, Michael really loves us and loves hanging out with us. We know it won't last forever, so we are enjoying it as much as we possibly can.


Friday, March 07, 2008

Sick Kid = YUCK!

Well, we had the head injury, went skiing, and since then no posts? What's up?

Well, we came back from skiing and then I got sick. And then Michael got sick. And then we had to go to the doctor to get antibiotics. And then there was the diarrhea/vomiting/bad diaper rash reaction from the antibiotics. Michael, not me. And then there was the returning back to the doctor for a new antibiotic. And now...there is the getting better.

So now...nearly 3 weeks later, I have time to post. Having a really sick kid is new territory for me! Michael was really whiny on the antibiotics for the first 2-3 days and all he wanted was to be held and he didn't want to eat. Now, things are looking up...finally!

How long will it last? I don't know! I am trying to keep him healthy until his Grammy comes and we come back from Avignon. So i am doing my best to keep him away from sick kids/etc!, we had playgroup and sure enough, one kid has a cough. Then come to find out the same kid might be carrying around the chicken pox because her mom has been trying to get her infected with it to get it over with.

GREAT...Michael's got the vaccine, but who knows if he'll be ok. SIGH. NO KIDS NEXT WEEK!
