Sunday, July 27, 2014

Simon: Two Months Old!

I can't believe two months have flown by since Simon was born, but here we are, with a bonafide baby on our hands!

Simon is sweet and has a wonderful disposition.  At this point, he cries when he needs something:  food, change of diaper, nap, gas, not feeling well, or to have some interaction!

We love his little personality, which is full of curiosity and laughter.  When he is interested in something, his eyes get really large, which seems to be all the time.

He loves looking at his brother Michael.  Michael fascinates him and makes him laugh a lot.  Sometimes, I catch Simon just STARING at Michael in the backseat of the car when we are off somewhere.  It is hilarious to see him looking completely left out of his carseat to see what Michael is up to.

Simon loves interacting with you on his diaper changing pad.  I'm not sure if it's where he can see us best or what, but he gurgles, coos, talks, and is all around enjoyable up there!

I dragged him out for his two month photo shoot and he did not disappoint.  Love this little boy, who we say almost daily, is "our gift from God."

I'll add more in a bit.  He just woke up from nap, but I have another series of 3, which are adorable!

Wednesday, July 09, 2014


At the end of the day, I kiss Michael goodnight.  Sometimes.  When I haven't fallen asleep myself nursing Simon goodnight.

But what always astounds me is that when I get to Michael's face, I always think to myself, "Oh goodness - his face is so...BIG."

Because all day long, I am staring at Simon's face.  I play with Michael when Simon's nursing.  I try to play with Michael outside when Simon is napping.  I certainly don't just STARE at his face the way I do Simon's.

So it's no wonder that when I look at Michael, I'm surprised at how large his face is compared to Simon's.  And it makes me realize how much I miss Michael and his big boy personality.  Most of the time, I'm annoyed at the incessant "Mommy MOmmy Mommy watch this Mommy Mommy Mommy will you do this Mommy Mommy Mommy I want strawberries." Because at the same time, i'm also changing diapers, nursing, changing diapers and nursing.

At the end of the day when Simon's finally gone to bed and it's just Michael and I, I am reminded about how much fun I had with Michael when it was just the two of us.  And I immediately feel guilty for all the times I'm short with him or reprimand him, maybe a little too harshly, about only thinking about himself.  I know he misses me too, but he's a good enough boy to still be helpful and be in good spirits.

He helps me with Simon - watching him, playing with him when he's fussing.  He picks up my burp cloths when I have dropped them.  He even remembers what time I last nursed simon and which side I started on.  He's started wanting to hold Simon even!  And lately, he's been learning how to pick up Simon out of his cradle after nap.

Michael is a great big brother!

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Chillaxin: June 25, 2014

Simon was born into the right family because he really is quite captivated by our trees.  So much so that for about a 2 week period, he spent time regularly in his infant papasan chair, happily staring out the window:

Here he is, staring at the floor and making me a liar:


Glad I took pictures then because he is still adorable on June 25th.  :)  From birth, we've always loved Simon's cute little face.

Aaaannnddd....then recently, his face is enlarging to funny fat Asian face status.  All us Asian kids go through it - some are cuter than others.  I noticed it this past weekend (june 28th) when I took Brian and Simon's Texas Rangers picture:

Daddy's Boy: June 17, 2014

We all knew from the beginning that Simon is a unique and special baby because he has red hair.

He looks American.

He came out of me.

So it's no wonder, he is his Daddy's Boy.  

Simon A.D.O.R.E.S his dad.  He would scream at my mom and me all day, but as soon as Brian walked in the door, Simon would calm down and do this with Brian all night:

A look of amazement wonderment and awe.

And Brian was the first to crack a smile out of this one:

Simon would just light up - starting around now (plus or minus 2-3 days).

It is hilarious and aggravating at the same time.  :)

I am glad I grabbed these pictures because Simon has now realized that I am his primary care taker.

So he gives me lots of great goos and coos.  He smiles at me when he's well fed, well rested, and has a clean diaper, which is about 15 minutes out of every 2-2.5 hrs.  That look of amazement that he used to reserve solely for his dad isn't as prominent.

It makes me both kind of sad, but glad at the same time.

More later - still have to blog the Strawberry Farm visit, Easter, Father's Day, and other things, but I'm going to blog quick stuff now.