Sunday, January 06, 2008

Ice Skating

We woke up early this morning to find Michael had vomited in his crib. Go over to his blog to see what happened throughout the day. At first, we thought it was a one time kind of deal so we went ahead and went ice skating at Hotel De Ville

They have a little section where you can get a seat for the baby and skate around with him in this separate kids section. But that section was set aside for skate school so they weren't offering that until the afternoon. At which point, the wait in line would probably be around 2 hours. Nope, not doing that.

They gave us these little like crampons to put on michael's shoes so he could go on the ice. But they were too large so we gave up! Brian and I took turns holding Michael so we could skate.

I didn't fall down!!! But then again, I didn't venture very far away from the wall very often. I did however do 3 complete loops without holding onto the wall!

Afterwards, we went to the International mass at Notre Dame, which means they read one of the readings in English and then do one set of prayers in English. It was, sadly, a little bit of a let down.

Notre Dame is this great, beautiful, famous church...but because it is so famous, experiencing Mass there is interrupted by tourists circulating along the outer ring, tourists standing in front of you and taking a picture while you are reading one of the readings, etc. So instead of enjoying church, listening to the homily, enjoying the choir sing, you are being constantly distracted. It's great that the church is so celebrated and holds so much interest and people come from all over to see it. But it makes worshipping there a little bit of a different experience than can be expected.

Afterwards, we got a crepe on the way to lunch. Had lunch, Michael got sick, so we then headed straight home.


Throw Up

Well, Michael isn't feeling well. We woke up to find that he threw up all in his crib. :o( After I fed him breakfast, he threw up a little bit more. Just a little though...not his whole breakfast and he threw up right after he pushed his finger too far into his mouth.

So we chalked it up to 1)dinner not settleing well and 2) Michael gagging himself.

But then we were at lunch. I gave him a banana and some Gerber stars...then some water. And he threw up. And then he didn't want to eat anything anymore. And he really hasn't wanted to eat anything all day.

I am giving him the French equivalent of Pedialyte and keeping him hydrated. We gave him 3 bites of banana for dinner and that's it. Will start with rice cereal again tomorrow. Calling Dr. Cohen in the afternoon when he gets to work.

So he's not feeling well. Any advice?