Friday, February 06, 2009

family bed

When Michael gets hurt, he asks for a kiss on the booboo. Yesterday when he was brushing his teeth, he slipped off the stool and Phuong caught him, but he looked like he strained his groin pretty bad. It certainly would have hurt me in my old age. Then we put him back on the stool and he pointed to his crotch and said "kiss". We were like, no Michael no way. Then he went back to brushing his teeth.

The other day, I woke up before my alarm and I heard Michael push open the door to our room. I saw the door open, and then I heard some grunting as he tried to climb into bed. Then hear more grunting and I see Phuong rolling. Then I look over and see Michael settling down into the space he had created by pushing his mom out of the way. Then I went back to sleep and missed my bus.

Phuong said a couple of weeks ago, she woke up in the middle of the night. Michael was asleep between the two of us. She said she saw me pick up Michael's stuffed animal dog and make it dance around on him like I was trying to entertain him and I was saying doo-doo doo-doo as I moved the dog around next to him. Then as quickly as I had done that, I put the dog down and went back to sleep.

Tomorrow we're having guy time. We'll probably go to the zoo or dinosaur museum, shop at Hugo Boss, and eat at "Breakfast in America". Mom's going to scrap and watch "Emotion" or maybe "Frisson" if Underworld or 13th Warrior is on. If she's lucky.

Don Juan and Kelli have decided to take a trip to London so we'll probably meet them there. And we'll have to have a few feats of strength, especially since Wild Bill won't be there to humiliate us. Michael will compete in booger picking, farting, and jumping. The boy is really proud of his jumping ability.


I have merged Michael's blog and ours together! So everything will be right here from now on.

I also merged his previous posts into this blog. I started to double check every post, but then got tired of doing that and Michael got up from his nap. So I am just going to have to trust technology!

I am pretty proud of myself for figuring this technology thing out. Now...onto Photoshop CS or Lightroom? Anyone have a preference?


Squirt bottle

From Brian:

Vannah gave me a squirt bottle so I could efficiently iron my shirts. Michael has since found it and taken quite a liking to it. Unfortunately, or fortunately for me, he has not figured out how to use it. Well, that's not true, he does know how to use it, just not in which direction.

From P:

I had the following conversation with Michael today at lunch about his dreaded Doctor Cohen:

Michael: Nut!
Mommy: No, it's not a nut. It's a seed from my clementine. Are you allowed to eat nuts?
Michael: Doctor
Mommy: That's right, if you eat a nut, you have to go to the doctor.
Michael: Doctor Cohen
Mommy: Do you like Dr. Cohen?
Michael: No (pause)... Candy
Mommy: Oh yes, Dr. Cohen does give you candy. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?
Michael: Bad thing
Michael: Metro

Well, at least MICHAEL knows he's not supposed to have candy. And as with everything in the whole wide world, it all comes back around to choos choos or metros.

Today, MIchael found a tiny little splotch of snow left on the ground at the park, he laughed, and then proceeded to throw it at my head. THANK YOU DAD for showing him that little trick.

Yesterday, we had a playdate with Jonah at Kirsten's house. We had fun, as always!

Today, planning for special date night has commenced. I am thinking steak with these fancy mini potato gratins, haricot vert wrapped in bacon, and an upside down pineapple cake with a nice bottle of Saint Emilion....mmmm....heaven....