Thursday, December 20, 2007

Has it Really Been a MONTH?

I. am. embarrased. It's really been a MONTH since we've posted? Well, a lot can change in a month and it has!

Michael makes more noises now and goes around practicing his intonations. Uhhh...ohhhh...ahhhh..uhhh...but not in a montonous sound. With his voice rising up and then down. I guess he's practicing to be Vietnamese.

No words yet though...*sigh*

He gestures:
  • When he wants to be picked up, he holds his arms up and closes his fingers to tell you to come here.
  • He puts all his fingers together to a point to indicate that he wants more of something.

I guess that's only 2.

He recognizes Vietnamese words! I can say Vo Thay (which means clap) and he starts to clap.

On MOnday, he figured out how to put the rings back ON his stackable ring thing and he'll put one on and clap for himself! Same with his little pull toy with the stackable things! I taught him how to do it before we left for Rome and he would cry in frustration b/c he couldn't do it. We came back and on Monday, he did it. First shot. I'm so proud. That's really all it takes. Wonder what I'll think when he graduates High School..."My boy is a GENIUS!!!"

Thursday before we left for Rome (so that would make it Dec.6), he started looking at and playing with his penis when he would get naked before getting in the bath tub.

Yesterday, he had his first cheese soft taco.

I think that's it for special observations of Michael. Can't believe I am SO behind!


Roma: Le Fin

Sunday, December 9th: My amazing husband gave me breakfast in bed!!!! Michael was a bit interested as well...but what a treat it was for me! I didn't HAVE to share! But I did...

Here are some of my fav pics in Rome. To be honest, it was too cold and I was sick and so my shots are a bit uninspired I feel. Ahhh...c'est la vie!

Michael Playing at the Roman Ruins on Palatine Hill

Brian and Michael at St. Peter's Square

Michael at the Colliseum

Family Picture at the Colliseum!

Friday, Michael and I went to a park near Termini train station and met Brian there after his conference. Michael played in a swing for his first time! Infant swings (and swings in general) are NOT very common in Paris at all. So it was a BIG treat! Afterwards, we had lunch at this CRAZY eatery that we hit RIGHT at the lunch hour rush. It was one of those where you can order pizzas/pastas to go and stand there and eat. I met something called Lasagna Genovese (which is like a lasagna with pesto and cheese) and I fell in love.

Afterwards, we went to the Borghese Gallery, which was beautiful and set in the Borghese Gardens. Go figure. The Borghese gallery has awesome sculptures of Bernini and had an exhibition of Canova going on which was pretty cool. But it's the STUFFIEST museum I have EVER been to and the most expensive. I was not too impressed with all their rules:
  • You must make a reservation to go because they only allow 300 people in at a time to limit crowding
  • No strollers
  • You must go DOWNSTAIRS to check your stroller...and only after you have purchased their overpriced ticket of 13 euro. I think the Louvre is less...and it's like 60 times bigger and more famous.
  • No diaper bag or anything like that allowed.
  • You must be out of the museum within a 2 hour time frame.

I understand these rules are to protect their collection but COME ON. Ok...done ranting now.

Michael liked the rooms there! He wandered all around and tried to touch things...but of course he's not allowed. I was holding him and standing near a bust of a nude woman. He smiled at her really coyly, looked at her breasts, and then tried to touch them. Uh. Oh.

After that, we strolled through the Borghese Gardens and went shopping near the Spanish Steps! There were roasting chestnuts everywhere and now I can understand that song "Chestnuts roasting on an Open fire." And I know the smell now! I never understood why that song came to be but now I see...

On Saturday, we shopped...pretty much all day. And since we got a late start, that was fine! I was sick and it was the coldest day of our trip so I got a whole lotta nothing! But Brian made away like a bandit! We wandered over to Campo de Fiori, the Pantheon, and went home.

Sunday, we woke up and should have shopped b/c I felt better, it was warmer, and there were STORES OPEN AT 9:30! We didn't know...and so we missed the boat. I got a pair of boot socks.

Then we went home. VOILA. Le Fin.

Next entry will be The Parent's Visit, and then our party last night at Pierre Dufours' (Air Liquide's 3rd in command or somewhere pretty high up there). As you can see, this blog is my virtual scrapbook so when I do my actual scrapbook, I have everything I need right here! So you must suffer through the rather uninteresting details.
