Monday, April 18, 2011

Annapolis, MD

This Sunday, we dropped my sister off in Washington DC to meet her friend (more on my sister's visit later!) and left tout-de-suite.

Why you ask?

Because it was gorgeous weather and The Mall was a madhouse. Parking was non-existent as there was some kind of race plus DC challenge event going on plus standard milling on the mall because it is a pretty day.

On a whim, we saw a sign for Annapolis, and we went for it.

We have decided we are very spontaneous. By which we mean - doing things unprepared. Thank God for the invention of smartphones. I'd still be lost deep in PA somewhere without it.


So we went to Annapolis and it was beautiful:
We stopped at the Visitor's Center to get our bearings and started walking around. Here's B and Michael with the State building in the back (I think):
There was a festivus for the rest of us going on. Here's a picture of me - next to a guy with a Nikon D700 on his shoulder. I wanted to reach out and touch it, but thought better of it when I saw him:
That's the closest I'm coming to that camera for a while. *sniff*

A more appropriate picture of me without the Nikon D700 in it.
Can you tell what I am obsessed with lately?

At a festival, there must be a booth with animals apparently. Here's this cute cuddly owl:
And a red snake that Michael really liked:
We walked along Main Street and along the festival street and that's about all we had time for. Here's a back alley view of the State House:
We did not get to see our nation's Naval academy, but we did get to ride a water taxi at Michael's request:
He loved it! We rode it to a restaurant called The Boatyard - which had surprisingly little seafood. However, we ordered one out of the 2 fish dishes and it was seriously amazing. Best fish I've had in a while!

We walked back across the drawbridge and caught the sun setting on the Chesapeake Bay:
Got in the car, and drove the 1.67 hours back to PA.

It was a really nice detour and a fun adventure for us. We really love to travel so it was really fun to explore a new place!

This was easy to post about because 1) I took the pics with my iphone so I don't really feel the need to edit them. 2) the post is short. 3) I just downloaded my pictures from my phone.

More posts later! All out of order. I'm sure.

Better late than never!

Off to bed. My eyes are tired after making birth announcements for a client for 2.5 hours and then doing this.


Will I ever blog again?

I don't know!

Just really quickly - because I don't want to forget.

Michael and I were at Trader Joe's with my sister last Friday. We were in a pretty narrow aisle and I was waiting for this really huge woman to pick out what she wanted from the shelf.

It is worth saying I had to wait because she took up the width of the display I was looking at and half the width of the aisle so we were all trying to maneuver around her.

I was pretty proud of myself to be patient and not make a big stink about having to wait. I was really thinking and hoping to myself that this lady was trying to eat healthier food by coming to Trader Joe's and really was familiarizing herself with the products.

So I didn't make a fuss.

But that's not the point to this story.

She goes on her way and moves to the next display over. And right as she passes, Michael says to me in a very loud voice:

"MOMMY! Did you see that REALLY fat woman right there?"

Well, that really fat woman was just about 4 steps in front of my cart and I was mortified.

All I could say was, "Michael, that really was not a nice thing to say about someone."

And I looked back and wished I had made it more of a teaching moment. To talk to him about how God made everyone different and He loves us all. And to call someone "fat" is not a nice thing to say about one of God's creations.

Sigh. New lessons learned on parenting. All the time. In the beginning, it was just making sure they didn't hurt themselves and feed them. Now - onto the hard character building stuff.

As you can see, my list of blog posts I need to do is growing longer. I will be back soon. I just need to finish another set of birth announcements for another client!
