Friday, October 29, 2010

Tree Farm

Today, Michael and I visited the tree farm with my MOPS group! We saw our future Christmas tree there:
We rode this wagon. It was Seriously COLD. 48 and windy. All the kids were dressed appropriately - us moms - we somehow forgot about ourselves!

We were told when Christmas comes, we can pick out our tree and they give us a saw to cut it down. SOLD. Brian's gonna LOVE that!

After the wagon ride, we were introduced to their reindeer:But we were not allowed to get too intimate with him:
And here I thought reindeer only existed in stories! What's the difference between a reindeer and a caribou?

Here's a picture of Michael - just because I can:
And they had this play area called "Mulch Mountain." It was hilarious. Lots of mulch with plastic tunnels built into it and different slides/valleys. Michael loved jumping around on it:
We got to make a pine cone craft where you smear it with crisco and then dip it into birdseed. It's supposed to be a bird feeder! They fed us popcorn and hot chocolate - a serious fun time!

Can't wait to go back and take pictures of us picking out our Christmas tree! YIPPEE!


For people who like to save money

Here is a website that was given to me for saving money:

It has lots of specials and coupons and things of the sort.

On the main page - I find lots of deals/steals/freebies. Some are very useful. And some are very not. And some of them are things I would never buy so I ignore those. And some require me to give my address to websites I do not know - so I don't. So use this at your discretion.

Also useful is a tab for store deals, which you can click on your local grocery store. It shows you what is on special that when combined with a coupon results in a high reduction in price OR being practically free. That is useful too - and not at times. Because even though I can get that Hungry Man Swanson dinner for free at my local Giant - I'm not going to buy that. However, if you are a fan of the Hungry Man Swanson dinner, then it would have been a good sale for you.

Just a tidbit. Next up, pictures from our visit to the tree farm and its reindeer.
