Sunday, December 13, 2009

Staying At Home

Staying at Home instead of working is a blessing. But when you're dealing with the umpteenth tantrum for the day and a shirt full of food stains on's easy to forget why I do it. Especially when he wakes up and the first words out of his mouth are, "Where's my Daddy? I LOVE MY DADDY SO MUCH."

Guess I'm chopped liver right?

On Thursday of last week, I had a babysitter come from 9am-3pm so I could get some things done. I came home with food and spent lunch at home instead of out. While eating, Michael turns to me, takes my hand, and says:

"Mommy, you are home a lot with me."

"Yes, Michael, I am!"

"Mommy, I like you home a lot with me."

It was just nice to have some appreciation. To know that the sacrifices I made were worth it. To know that it made a difference to my son. It only took 3 years to get here. :)

Lately, he's been so lovey-dovey with us. Today, he walked into the kitchen and said, "Mommy, I need a hug." So of course, he gets one and he squeezes me as hard as he can and says, "Mommy, I love you SO much. I love you I love you I love you."

My goodness...if this is what happens when I let him watch TV and play on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse website a lot because I am packing/etc...I sure am enjoying the rewards of being a "good" Mommy!

Just had to blog about it. As you can imagine, we are busy busy busy. Seeing our friends, eating out a lot, and just packing/sorting/cleaning.

Gotta post our latest pictures of Michael at Brian's company's Christmas Kids' Party. Let's just say he got his face painted as a tiger.
