Wednesday, May 28, 2014

T Minus One Week

 On May 6th or 7th, my Mommy flew in to prepare for the impending arrival of our newest little one.

She spent time hanging out with Michael:

We had lunch out:

We went to the salon for hair cuts and colors for my mom:

And we celebrated her birthday at the British Bell Tea Room, which was awesome:

If you like mini sandwiches, you'll love this place!

We went fabric shopping, and I introduced her to the fabric warehouse.  And I introduced her to this fabric I have been lusting after for my piano room:

Yes, I lust after fabric.

We spent the week buying enough food to last us through a mini-apocalpyse.  :)  

May 15, 2014

Brian already blogged many of the details of Simon's birthday, so I will try to be brief and just add comments here or there along with our horribly fuzzy cell phone pictures.  I guess I should have insisted we bring my DSLR into the operating room!

Here's my non-Asian baby:

Crazy.  Red haired and pasty skinned.  What are the odds.

Here I am post surgery:

As Brian said, they placed Simon skin to skin on me, and he found his way to "meal time."  Really awesome to see nature work on its own in that regard.

Brian proudly put the baby to sleep while I was in recovery.  He really is The Baby Whisperer:

Later that day, Brian went to fetch my mom, and Michael met his little bro:

Michael was both proud and curious:
Dad did a great job of notifying the masses - as seen here in the background:

Ba Ngoai met her 2nd grandchild:

We spent the next three days marveling at one of God's greatest gifts:

We actually had one visitor, Tony and Joen from Brian's work.  A surprise!  I told many of my friends to stay away from the hospital as it's kind of a messy affair post surgery.

We received lovely flowers both at home and in the hospital that really brightened our day:

But in the end, it was this little guy's arrival that made our year:

Simon started out quite calm.  Unusually so.  On the 2nd day, he was circumcised, which made for a rough day/night.

All in all, we had forgotten what it is like to have a "baby."

There was one night where Simon was crying pretty wildly, and we eventually found out he had a dirty diaper from one of the nurses.  Oops.  Brian and I still maintain that he did not dirty that diaper until right before that nurse saw him because we checked.  

Then, there was the night the nurse said to us:  "Well, you both will have to take turns sleeping and the other will take care of the baby."


We had forgotten that part.

Two of our nurses happened to go to our church in the "middle of nowhere."  We had to meet at Christiana Hospital in Newark to find out about each other.  Then, I immediately felt pretty embarrassed at all the mess they saw of me.  I better clean up well for church next time.

Some of you may be wondering why we named him Simon Matthew.

Simon Besancon was the first Besancon to come over from Besancon, France to settle in Ohio.  I guess we felt a little compelled to honor that thought as we did something similar, but in reverse.  We went to France, and we had a pretty cush gig to explore a foreign country.

But we get it.  We get what it means to uproot your whole family and live in a foreign land where you don't know the language, and you don't have any any family.  It takes bravery and maybe a little stupidity to do it.

And it was the only name Brian and I could agree on.

Matthew, as suggested by my SIL Kelli, because that's Brian's middle name.  This kid came out with red hair, looking like his dad with his dad's complexion.  I felt compelled to honor that bit of randomness.

And also because I had no better option as well for middle names.

You could call us super prepared to have a baby.  :)

Now, IF we have a third child and IF it's a girl - I'm totally ready.  Got a name for her and everything.

So yes, it's nearly two weeks later and I need to write down what happened that day.  Before it's lost in the folds of newborn amnesia.  

We've been enjoying our two sleepless weeks.  I stare into that wide awake newborn face at 3am, and I'm just filled with thanksgiving.  We waited for 4 years for Simon, and we are ever grateful he is a part of our family.  

More to come later.  Everyone's been taking pictures!  I have taken some too, but it's not my best stuff. Plus somehow, I have the most alert newborn there ever was.  Already a tough client!  :)

Friday, May 16, 2014

Simon Besancon. Welcome!

On May 15, 2014, we headed in early to Christiana Hospital in Newark, Delaware for the birth of our second son!  The staff were great, made Phuong feel as relaxed as possible and performed the c-section quickly and efficiently.  I wised up from the c-section of Michael and didn't watch the extraction from Phuong's belly. I didn't watch Aliens to remind myself of how the process went.  I didn't have to, it was embedded in my memories. So I focused all my energies on comforting Phuong, who was a little scared of course!

At 9:23am, you can imagine our surprise when we heard the medical staff, all 19 of them it seemed like, laughing and saying "red hair! He has red hair!"  We were like what, that's a half Asian baby!  But there he was with strawberry blond reddish hair like the color of Brian's beard.

He's been great so far.  He started rooting around when they laid him next to Phuong, and he quickly made a tight latch. A far cry from Michael who's instincts were far less evident.

In many ways, this baby was so much easier. Phuong didn't have the stress of what felt like 139 hours of labor before going into surgery. So we were much fresher afterwards to take care of him. The experience of having Michael was actually helpful as we knew what to expect, although I don't necessarily remember everything. And Simon is much better behaved little baby; he kind of looks around curiously and is probably the calmest baby in the nation. Plus he knows how to nurse of his own accord which makes life easier for everyone.

He slept a lot yesterday and today he nursed a lot, every hour, before he got gas and poop and cried for an hour.

One great difference in seven years, besides all the medical rules changing (and doctors wonder why they can't be trusted!), is smart phones. We communicated to family and friends through WhatsApp and Touch with pictures and videos.  That was great for keeping everyone concerned up to date.

I picked up Vannah and Michael from home and brought them up to the hospital. They had a great time looking at the baby and they both got to hold him. Michael mostly watched Sponge Bob on the TV but did hold the baby a bit too. He's going to be a great big brother!

I still can't believe that red hair.  How did those dominant Asian genes get overpowered?

Monday, May 05, 2014

Saturday, May 3 - Little League Game

Well, I rarely ever have my professional camera at our family events because it's big, heavy, and I am paranoid about keeping track of it!  I usually have my 7 year old DSLR, which I love, but it's not "fancy."  :)

Michael and Brian had to leave First Communion portraits early because Michael had a ball game at 2pm.  So I tore down my studio setup all by myself, loaded it in my car, and hightailed it to Michael's ball game so I wouldn't miss it!

I was motivated.  :)

AND I was so glad I had my fancy camera!  Here's Michael up to bat:

I need to get that boy some longer baseball socks and a belt.

Here he is, about to hit the ball!  See if you can see the ball:

 He got it!  Off to first base!

And he made it!!!

I normally take pictures at his first ball game of the season, but I didn't this time because it was nearly dusk.  I wish I had taken a picture of his first at bat because he did hit the ball well!

And he ran well.

Until he almost got to first.  

Then he stumbled, tripped over his own feet somehow and was on his stomach to the right of first base.  Which is hilarious in and of itself because it was definitely very clumsy looking!

He is face down, and then you see his little left hand pop out.  Pat all over the ground, searching for first base.  At last, he finds it, touches it, and is safe.

It was a riot.  Everyone in the stands was laughing.  Michael came back and said, "Mom, I was safe.  But I had dirt all in my mouth."

So it would seem.  

First Communion Portraits

Saturday, May 3, 2014, I took First Holy Communion portraits for our church.

I really love being a part of Confirmation and First Holy Communion and recording that day for the families of our parish.  I love it so much that I did it at 37.5 weeks pregnant!  I love seeing all the families celebrating with their kids and seeing all the children dressed up.  It truly is a joy, and it makes me so very excited for Michael's turn!

Brian, thankfully, helped me with setup and talking to the customers.  I don't think I could have done it without him!  He made sure I was fed all day, which was very welcome!

Anyways, to meter and set up for the day, I thought I'd grab some "studio" family portraits.  So here we are!!

Michael being handsome:

So proud to be his mama!  And to be able to smooth over skin imperfections in photoshop!  :)

 Practicing for his big day next year:

 My guys, humoring me:

And last but not least, my 37.5 week belly and "full" face:

My hair is all in my face, and I'm all round and rotund.  But I love Michael's face in this picture, and I love how it celebrates the joy we've had as I've been growing as "Big Momma."  I can't play baseball or basketball or wall ball or run at all, but Michael has been such a great sport as we wait for our next little one.

I know "Plank" or "Lothar" (as we've been calling him) will be his own little person with his own little personality, and we will love him as much as we love Michael.  But boy-oh-boy he's a lucky little guy to have a big brother as awesome as our Michael.