Thursday, May 31, 2007


Michael is on a rice cereal and vegetable all out STRIKE.

Michael and I went in search of baby swimming lessons at a pool nearby and ran into the hotel where Brian and I stayed at for our honeymoon: Hotel des Grandes Ecoles! It still looks exactly the same with the huge green door and the charming entryway.

As I passed by, it made me smile to remember how we started our marriage there and now we are here starting our family. I remember I took a picture of Brian standing in that very cute entryway and now I want the same picture there with Michael too. It feels so weird to walk by and see our honeymoon metro stop and the streets as part of the neighborhood in which we live.

On our honeymoon, the streets all look so strange and the metro stop is the only familiar thing around. Now, I walk by and I see the Naturalia where I buy Michael's BabyBio babyfood. I see the bus stop that I wait at to take me home. I see the boulangerie that isn't very good and I shouldn't go back. I see all the things that make Paris my home now and not just a place to visit. And it is a strange feeling to come across.

Well, Bank of America notified me of some possible fraudulent charges from my Texas A&M Credit Card!!! HOW DISCONCERTING! I had to call my bank today and clarify things and everything will be ok. But it is absolutely REVOLTING to me and makes me boil! I want to find out who it is so I can...I don't know...leave a bag of burning dog poop on their doorstep like in Billy Madison! Since I am in Paris, there is no way I can be making charges in Texas so I am glad the bank is going to rectify the situation. What I think is funny is I wonder how they can recognize that there is unusual activity. Probably because my charge statements on that card (which I rarely ever use) looks a bit like this for an example:

5/12/06 - Jcrew online
8/25/06 - Apple online
4/05/07 - Mpix photo development online

And all of a sudden, in one week they get:
05/25/07 - Walmart
05/25/07 - Kroger
05/28/07 -Walmart

Somewhere in there, something went "Ding Ding DING!" thankfully! This girl never buys FOOD or necessities with this card! She just buys stuff online and things she doesn't need! And rarely ever so for there to be food and necessities within a week is absolutely ABNORMAL.

So that cracks me up about myself that I used that credit card for absolutely unnecessary stuff.

And I love the fact that Bank of America has a 24 hour line 7 days a week that I can call. Gotta love America.

Can I come home now?

So many things happening and I have not yet had chance to blog!

Not much happened on Monday. Michael went to the bank to drop off some W9 forms only to find it closed for some kind of government holiday. Shucks. Discovered that Michael can now turn the pages in his book by himself. SO cute. Also, discovered the beginnings of a new upper tooth! We now have 2 teeth breaking through on the top!

Sarah, our nanny, came and played with Michael all day. She witnessed him turning around in circles on his belly.

Michael went to drop off the bank forms finally and went in search of Piscine Jean Taris, where they have baby swimming lessons. After looking at nearly 3 pages of typed instructions, I realized it will be crazy to get him into it! I have to make sure he has all his immunizations, then provide proof of it, get a doctor's note to say he can participate and provide photo id for the both of us. Not to mention the fact that the pool has about 20 steps leading down to it and a non-working elevator! And a bum screaming profanities from across the street from it! EEK! Back home we go!

Michael woke up and watched 5 minutes of The Majestic with Mom. And then Sarah came and played with him while I readied the house for our playdate.

Two moms came:
  • Sarah and her son Ilyo: Born 1 day earlier than Michael and a full 3 kilos heavier. The boy is destined to be a rugby player. Seriously...look at a rugby player on TV and then pretend he is 74cm. Also, he is about 1.5 months ahead of Michael physically speaking (ie crawling, sitting up, etc)
  • Julia and her daughter Stella: Germans! Very funny pair! We have hung out outside of playdate too and I find Julia quite funny!

Hopefully, we'll have more some other time! But the 2 here were a good break for all of us.

Ilyo tried to be friendly with Michael and patted him and pulled on his shirt a bit and Michael just cried. Just not used to it I guess!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to say Thanks for creating a g-mail account to see this blog if you had to! I know it is a pain, but I do appreciate it!


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Peekaboo! I see you!
Today, we put Michael in his crib so he could play while Brian and I watched a movie on our laptop in his room. We see Michael just playing around and he starts to yank down on his bumper and discovers that he can see us on the floor! So he starts pulling on his bumper and looking through the slats on his crib and smiling at us! Here is a pic we took, which isn't that great. At one point, he had the bumper pulled down and his face totally pressed against the slats and smiling at us. We cracked up and had to rewind our movie.

Weekends are my favorite time. And being a parent with Michael is awesome.

Naptime. Mommy found the tripod:

Hope all of you are having great weekends as well.


Saturday, May 26, 2007

I learned a very useful French phrase: Va voir ailleurs si j'y suis.
Which translates to: Go somewhere else and see if I'm there.

Friday, May 25, 2007

OK! Tonight during P.E., we saw Michael get up on his knees and arms! But then he'd just fall back down in exhaustion. He's trying and I need to baby-proof the house in the meantime!

Tonight, Michael played peek-a-boo with ME! Usually, I play peek-a-boo with Michael and hold a towel or something over my face and jump out. But today, I let Michael play with the pillow on my bed and he was holding it on top of himself. And he used to pillow to cover his face, then he would pull it back real quickly looking for me! It was GREAT! The first couple of times were a bit delayed and I thought it was just a coincidence. But then he did it VERY deliberately 2o more times! It was awesome!

Michael is getting mobile. His developments this far:
  1. He scoots backwards pretty well. He uses his arms and pushes his whole body backwards while on his belly.
  2. He rolls everywhere. When he can't get to a toy, he reaches and reaches and then tries to roll.
  3. He can pivot in a circle using his belly as the center point. He'll use his arms to move his upper body around while balancing on his belly.
  4. When standing, he can hold onto furniture (but we need to be there to catch him when he gets tired) and take small steps to the left and right occasionally.

These 4 actions usually get him to whatever toy he is trying to reach. My nanny says she has seen him get on his knees and arms and pick his torso up off the ground, but then he kind of loses his balance and rolls over. I am going to watch closely for this because I have not seen it yet! Must happen very quickly.

Every night when Brian comes home, he gives Michael P.E.!! I am not so great with the physical stuff so I read a lot to him and help his language skills. Brian works on his motor skills!


Michael went in for his checkup and thankfully gained weight! He went from 7.5kg to 8.2kg, which is about a pound and a half gain! Yeah! I need to go ahead and have a second kid so I can stop spazzing out about everything. I need to really chill out.

This leads me to publish a story about my pediatrician in Paris. He is a very interesting and unusual person and I rarely leave the office without another amusing story about him. Yesterday, was no exception.

We start the visit and he asks me how I am doing, and I answer that I am fine, but it is HOT here in Paris (70s!). Politely, I ask him how HE is doing. To which...he sighs...shakes his head and says in the most weariest voice he can muster, "I am so very tired..." And he continues to mumble some other things that I don't understand because 1.) I can't hear him and 2.) it's all in French while typing away at his computer. I have never met a pediatrician who was so tired!

When we are about to weight Michael, I ask if he would like me to take Michael's clothes off. And he says, no...he just wants an estimate to see if Michael is ok. So he puts Michael on the scale and bumps his head in doing so. He reassures me that it is ok...but we will see! Anyways, Michael weighs in at 8.4kg and my doctor says, "We'll just say 8.2. Everything is good."

Voila, 90 Euro later, I am on my way after my 10 minute doctor's visit. It took me AN HOUR to get there yesterday!!

Usually, it takes me between 30 minutes to an hour to get to my doctor's office. I take my bus as usual to get to Montparnasse to transfer to another bus, but am surprised to see my bus taking a different route. I finally find a sign posted that says my route will be interrupted during the very hours I am needing it! This is all after a transvestite smiled at me, which in France is equivalent to an invitation to sleep with someone. GREAT. So I am sitting on this very hot bus with a very irritated Michael. It drops me off about a mile probably from where my transfer stop is so I HAUL ASS to my stop only to find a DEMONSTRATION in the place. So now my other bus that takes me to my doctor's office is not supposed to show for another hour and a half. *sigh* Off to the metro I go!

Out of the 6-8 sets of stairs that I had to take for the entire journey, I had help for almost all of them thanks to some very nice Parisians who offer to help me carry my stroller. It is REALLY very kind and I am so thankful for that. I am BOOKING it across the metro system and definitely got my workout for the day.

Good thing I am fairly knowledgeable about that line and the area that my pediatrician is in. I arrived there at 3:03 in time for my 3:00 appt after leaving my house at 1:55pm. Take THAT to the bank. Who would have thought the fast walking I picked up at Samsung would have paid off in real life!

Wish we had lived in the 15th arrondissement (neighborhood) originally! That was where our first apt was and it was in a nice residential family arrondisement with TONS of playgrounds and basically all the activities I need with children! Everytime I look up a new play yard or play school for Michael, it is in the 15th! And my pediatrician is in the 7th, which is right near the 15th as well. Sadly, we live in the 13th, which makes it pretty dang hard to get to the 15th. I have to transfer many metro lines or bus lines!

Ok, enough dribble about nothing!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Today, Michael and I went to the mall and DPAM in search for Shortalls for him for this hot weather. The French do not do shortalls as well as Gymboree so I am missing that store to bits! And DPAM NEVER has them in sizes 6 months-18 months. There are tons of French babies out there with Michael's shortalls on!

Michael hates the mall because it is hot. As soon as we get in, he starts to whine and cry and then as soon as I leave, he falls asleep because it is cool outside. Brian puts him up to this, I am sure.

Then, this afternoon we headed over to the community pool in search of Bebe nageur classes: SWIMMING CLASSES! I find out that it is not offered at the pool I visited but the lady was nice enough to tell me the nearest pool that had it. And this was all done in French mind you! AHEM! We will go to the pool later to check it out. It is near Cardinal Lemoine, which is where we honeymooned! ;)

Anyways, there was a park nearby so Michael and I stopped for a bit. Michael was not too keen on the other children, but he WAS keen on my purse until a pigeon showed up. At that point, that was the best thing in the world. He watched that pigeon until it left and then when it came back, he watched it again. So cute.

Then, we wandered down a street called rue de buttes de cailles but I can't remember the name well except that the word BUTT is in it.

We met brian in the street when he came home from work (usual occurrence really) and caught up with our Guardien. And then bedtime.

To my pleasant surprise, Grey's Anatomy Season 3 has started here in France on TF1 (which is a network channel like NBC). In my TV guide, it says that it is "propose VM sur la TNT," which means it is in ENGLISH via TNT.

So I am scrambling to find out how to get it and Brian tells me that our TV is TNT ready since we got the "integral TNT" version. Should be simple.

The blessed night arrives and Brian proudly switches the language to "Anglais" instead of "francaise." And the blasted show is STILL IN FRENCH. I am just SO SAD! Brian says i need to troubleshoot it and just plug the TV straight into the wall without the cable box since the TV itself is TNT ready.



Monday, May 21, 2007

Would have posted on Sunday, but our internet went down. Check out our other blog to see why. This blog is about Michael! ;o)

Yesterday, Michael played with his parents all day. HE LOVES THAT. He was so happy all day to be with us and ate a TON of food!

Brian was "watching" michael and had him playing on his playmat in his room. I go in there and find Michael not only NOT on his playmat, but he is on his belly on the hardwood floor, nibbling on Brain's belt that was on the floor and playing with some ties with his other hand.

Michael is standing very well. He can hold onto the couch and remain standing for around 10 seconds before he has to sit back down or fall over. Today, he took steps to the left and right!

Michael likes to watch me fold laundry. I simply lay him on the bed next to the pile of clothes and I shake the shirt I am folding over him and fold it on top of him. Sometimes, that's all he wants to do. Other times, he grabs the clothes I have folded and unfolds them. And then there are times, he grabs the unfolded clothes and just pulls them around. Today, I look over there and he's got my underwear around the top of his head like a hat and is yanking it left and right. Gotta nip that one in the BUD! ;o) No wearing women's underwear for you CAVEBOY!

Michael loves this new set of books we got him. One is called "Le Pingoiun" and the other "Le Dinosaure" They are pop up books with animals and they are hilarious. He gets all excited about the pop ups and tries to tear them out.

Today, I found Pat the Bunny in a sad state. Michael is over there chewing on the book so it's all ripped up on it's spine.

We took Michael down to a cafe for an evening beverage and on the way back, he somehow got his finger caught in this little crack in the elevator door. He cried that awful cry where his mouth is wide open and no sound is coming out and then a howl. It made me so sad and I held him until he stopped crying. It took all of 3 seconds.

Recent chain of events:

  1. Brian moves a bookshelf in the living room to a different spot b/c Phuong thinks it looks better over there.
  2. Brian has to unplug all the internet/phone/cable stuff to move the bookshelf.
  3. Brian re-plugs all the above into a different outlet because he's been wanting to anyways
  4. The cable/internet/phone now no longer work
  5. We are out of tv/phone/internet for an entire day
  6. Phuong gets done with 4 loads of laundry, cooks dinner, and plays with the boy now that she is without the time black hole called "the internet."
  7. Brian re-plugs everything back into the original outlet and everything works now...marginally.
  8. Now what are we going to do with the bookshelf?
  9. And we go back to having a dirty house with nothing to eat since the internet is back up.


Saturday, May 19, 2007

Ooooh, it's a lady.

Michael has been funny the past couple of days. On Thursday, a national holiday, we went to an Italian restaurant (no chicken fried steak) and had a nice lunch. Michael always likes to look at people but this time in particular he stared at a girl in her 20's for ten minutes and smiled and laughed at her. He never likes anyone, but it seems he has already found his dreamgirl.

Today, he did it again at a cafe while Phuong was shopping for some jeans. I went to the cafe because the stores are really tiny and there was another 20 something girl and Michael is just sitting there looking at her with a big grin on his face. Then he did it again on the bus. Usually he looks at people with a "who the heck are you" expression on his face, but he seems to have found a soft spot for young ladies.

This morning he also had his second get hurt and cry a bit later moment. He was trying to get something on our wood kitchen table or maybe eat the table who knows, but he accelerated towards the table a little too quickly and mashed his upper lip into it. He looked around for a minute and then started bawling. Phuong hugged him, he realized everything was fine and immediately resumed reaching for whatever it was he was trying to get earlier.

Friday, May 18, 2007

I guess everyday with Michael consists of eating, playing and sleeping. From now on, I will only elaborate on the things that are different (activities/behavior, etc)

Today, Michael went shopping on rue de Rennes and then decided that enough was enough and took a nap. Mom and dad enjoyed some sweet beverages at a cafe while he did so. Then, Michael found out that Le Bon Marche wasn't where he thought it was so we headed home early, which ended up being right on time.

Michael surprisingly was in the mood for his greenbeans for dinner and ate them quite happily. He must be tired of yogurt and fruit as part of his meals too since he wasn't keen on eating them even though I fed him those first.

Michael still won't take the bottle. I have been trying again for the last 3 days and no luck. We tried the sippy cup, but he just flings the formula around. Today, he got some in his eye and i had to flush his eyes out a bit first by making him cry and then by pouring a bit of water onto his eyelid while his eyes were closed. I don't think he's big enough for those eye flushing things you see in the chem labs.

Really need to get him to formula though because I think my milk supply is diminishing despite my fenugreek efforts and Michael is getting frustrated. :o( Need a solution!!


Seven Month Teddy Bear Picture

Well, we skipped 6 month ones because we were busy dealing with a fontanelle and eating. Next week, we go in for another checkup to see if he has gained weight. Pray for us that he does!

A couple of weeks ago, we went to the Foire de Paris with Tony and Joen, our surrogate parents here in Paris! Tony is Brian's co-worker and Joen is his lovely wife. They are both from Texas and have an 18 year old daughter. I think they also like to play with Michael so I think this is called a "win-win" situation. ;o) The Foire de Paris is a HUGE home and garden show. It took up 8 convention sized buildings with 2-3 floors in each building. They had furniture, decorating, arts, crafts, and even an entire building dedicated to Countries! You could buy English tea-cups, Polish crystal, and Vietnamese Ao Dai's all under one roof. Amazing! We had a great time! We're planning a day-trip to Giverny with them next. Giverny is where Monet's house is and where his paintings were inspired. Turns out Tony likes photography too so we're going to head out there and shoot it up! Pictures that is, not heroine.

Then, my parents came to town and stayed for 2.5 weeks!

It was great fun and such a nice break for me!!!! My mom and dad made sure we always had enough to eat, cleaned our house, did our laundry, and took good care of us and Michael.

They really wanted to just play with Michael all day, but we got them to go sightseeing! By the end of the trip, they were navigating the metro and taking the bus all on their own. They even made it to Versailles all by themselves! I am so proud of them! Next time they come, my mom and I are just going to shop the entire time. With all the sightseeing and taking care of us, we couldn't get out much! ;o)

While they were here, Scott Stanley (Brown Bones) also came to visit!

Scott popped over from Rome where he was presenting a poster at a conference! It was great to have him in Paris especially since my parents were here too so they could take care of Michael and we could go out together! Scott's itinerary for Paris was: "Go to Paris. See Paris. Leave Paris." We went to a couple of cafes together and even to a scottish bar where a scottish band was having a 'jam session." I swear, I thought the riverdance people were going to come out next. And the smoke was so bad in the bar, you could have swam through it. Brian's got some funny pics of them at the Catacombs that he might post later if Blogger doesn't eat his blogs again! ;0)
One thing's for sure, we really miss Brian's grad school friends from back in Austin. They are a great bunch and are super fun to hang out with. So far, Dirty has come and Scott. Next up is Shravi! Using her words, "TURN IT UP!" We had a great life in Austin with this crew and miss is it all the time.
We'll upload all the pics of Scott's pics too into our smugmug photo album. So far, we've just got my parents!
That puts us up to date. Brian will re-cap in a much more funny fashion Scott's visit!
Love, P

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Michael started green beans today. Can't say he was terribly impressed, but he usually isn't at new foods, unless it is a fruit. Although...he did like pumpkin quite a bit. THAT was surprising.

Today, Brian and I watched in amazement as we propped Michael up in the recliner and he just sat up (away from the back of the recliner). Then, he reached over for his teething ring and instead of falling over like he usually does, he brought himself back up to center and sat again. WOW.

This was immediately followed by him deciding he wanted to lean somewhere else and going head-first into the cushy arm of the recliner. Nice boy. At which point, he felt it was sufficient to use the cushy arm to hold his head up so he could chew on his teething ring. He utilizes his resources quite well.

Lately, he plays this game with us where he looks at us and goes "Pppppttthhhhhssaaa" and spits everywhere. This usually occurs while he is laying on his back on his changing pad and results in spit more so on his face than anywhere else. We echo in return and this continues between the caveboy and us for at least one minute. I usually have to mop up his face afterwards.

Yesterday, I put a spoonful of carrots in his mouth RIGHT before he sneezed. It gave me a good excuse to wash my clothes again.

When michael does not want to eat something, he mashes his lips together and purses them and I swear it looks like his lips disappear. When you look closely, his lips make a very thin line and is no longer than half an inch. It is amazing.

Today, Michael had lunch with us at an Italian cafe near our house. Then, we went to look at jeans for Mom that might actually fit since she is shrinking despite eating ravenously thanks to Grandma and Grandpa. He checked out Bricorama (hardware store) and then spent the rest of the day at home playing around.


Monday, May 14, 2007

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. It's just that we have not done too many interesting things and neither has Michael! Just the same old same old really!

Yesterday, Michael had lunch at a cafe and watched Mommy choke on a piece of lamb that she ate that was too big for her. Dad almost had to heimlich (sp?) Mommy, but good thing a good bang on the back got that piece of meat out. Then, Michael took a nap as we went to Montparnasse to buy a Navigo only to find that the fact that our bank still has not spelled our name correctly or have the right address.

Then, Michael went in the cold and rain to the Marais area, only to turn back around and go home. Not too fun for him but he took a nap on dad, which he LOVES.

Today, just more playing at home. We are trying to get naps/mealtimes/food intake back on schedule. I will post just some random information in case you are interested.

Michael's Meal Plan
(50g = ~1.75-2 ounces)

Breakfast: Breastmilk, rice cereal with 2-3 ounces of formula mixed in. Occasional fruit.
Lunch: Breastmilk, 50g fruit, 50g vegetable, 0.5 ounces of formula (to supplement)
Afternoon: Breastmilk (if he takes it), 50g fruit, 50g vegetable, 30-40g yogurt, 0.5 ounces formula
Nighttime: Breastmilk

For Michael, I have to catch him when he is a bit sleepy for him to nurse. Otherwise, he is just crazy and bouncy and will not eat. That is one reason I have started to add in formula, just in case. He won't take the bottle, so I give him extra formula on a spoon or mixed in with rice cereal that is imported from U.S.A! I am looking for a sippy cup here but it is hard to find!

Foods that Michael Eats and His Opinion.

  • Pears - ADORES them
  • Apples - Indifferent. Prefers homemade puree of apples
  • Bananas - Started out liking them. Now doesn't really care for them.


  • Pumpkin - LOVES them
  • Carrots - Indifferent. Started out hating it, but is ok now.
  • Sweet Potatoes - Indifferent.


  • Rice cereal with formula - Loves this
  • Yogurt - Loves this too

Next up:
Green Beans
White Potatoes
Prunes (mixed in with Apples)
White Potatoes with leeks

THis will take like A MONTH to get to! Then we go onto more chunkier things!



Friday, May 11, 2007

Was looking at the Loire Valley pics and found this pic of Michael that cracked me up. It was one of the family pics that didn't make the cut, but when I saw this face, I knew it should have:

Michael had a boring day today. He stayed at home all day with his grandparents while Mom ran around town. However, he did start learning how to smack his lips to make a popping sound. That was neat for him but he has yet to do it again. Then, he got excited for when his mom and his dad came home. Yup, pretty boring, but a standard day really. He doesn't go to his weekend chateau every weekend!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

When Phuong ordered a limonade at a cafe the other evening, she didn't quite know what the French had in store for her.


Not quite yet! But Michael was up on his hands today and nearly all of his torso was off the ground. He also sat up well on the bad and one time, he began to fall over, caught himself and turned back the other way maintaining his balance. Then I had to repeatedly catch him as he tried to leap off the bed.
First Family Vacation in France: The Loire Valley
This Monday-Wednesday, we went to visit Chartres Cathedral and the Loire Valley for our first family vacation! Here are the highlights:

  • The family still lives on the 3rd floor of this chateau. You could see recent family pictures in their exhibit rooms.
  • A family tree which dated all the way back to 1400 with the most recent member being born the same year as Brian!
  • Smaller chateau, but still cute.


  • This isn't the best picture of Chambord, but it has all of us in it! ;o)
  • Filled with tapestries made from the Manufactures des Gobelins, our neighbor!
  • Beautiful views from all 4 points of the chateau.
  • Staircase with 2 different entry points, but the stairs never cross
  • Horse show at 4:30pm, which we missed.
  • Terrible audioguide. Don't bother!


  • Built to span across the river.
  • Gorgeous gardens.
  • Interesting rooms
  • Pretty historically correct flower arrangements refreshed biweekly.

We also visited Chatres Cathedral, which has 2 stories of impressive stained glass and over 2000 sculptures. We had a great guided tour by Malcolm Miller, who authors the book about the cathedral. He was 73 and amazing!

We stayed at this amazing B&B in the Loire Valley called Chateau de Nazelles. It had an amazing garden, forests to romp in, delicious breakfast and great hosts.

Michael doesn't like to travel as much as his parents. On this trip, he woke up 3 times every night, wouldn't nurse because everything was so interested, and fussed almost the entire time he was in the car. It was pretty hard to travel with him so we are re-thinking about going anywhere until he is a bit older. So we say!




Brian took me out on our first date night since March when THE MOM came. We had dinner at Thomieux (sp?), which was excellent!!! The plates had the restaurant's name on it. FANCY. We shared an appetizer of foie gras and both had confit de canard, which wikipedia describes as:

The confit is prepared in a centuries-old process of preservation that consists of salting (with garlic and spices) a piece of meat (generally goose, duck, or pork) and then cooking it in its own fat or broth. Usually the meat is placed in a crock or pot, covered and poached or braised for up to nine hours in its own fat.

DELICIOUS. See our happy fat faces below:

We were joined at dinner by the fattest cat I have ever seen:

And a view of the Eiffel Tower on the street where our restaurant was. Here we are walking home:

It was romantic and magical and such a nice treat for Brian and I.

Loire valley next.

Grandbaby has been bopping all over the Loire valley!

Monday: Michael visited Chatres Cathedral and took a tour by Malcom Miller. He slept while we learned about stained glass. He tried to eat at a little cafe near the Cathedral, but wasn't terribly interested, as was his disposition toward eating for the remainder of the trip. He was actually ok in the car until we were almost at Nazelles. At which point he started to fuss, but we were close enough.

Tuesday: Michael decided to visit Cheverny and Chambord chateaus. He liked being carried around mostly and decided that the stroller was for commoners. We then went to L'Epicurie in Amboise for dinner after driving around Bloise which had absolutely nothing. This night, Michael also discovered cats for the first time. Our B&B has cat who was sleeping on a couch. Brian set Michael down right next to the cat and Michael lovingly petted it. He liked the soft fur. Then, Michael decided to beat the cat like he does his other toys. Luckily, the cat seemed used to it and didn't care.

Wednesday: Michael visited Chenonceau and seemed rather tired of all the chateaus. As if it was a bit boring. Then, he decided to be the fussiest he has ever been in the car all the way back to Paris. My mom and I did everything we could to keep him happy. It was HARD.

Michael has been having a terrible go of going to sleep at night since we went to the hospital. he fusses and fusses and fusses. Brian wants to Ferber him and make him go to sleep by himself, but I can't bear to hear him cry. I usually give him and pick him up and hold him for a while. Last night, he cried for 40 minutes. :o( After I held him for a while, he slept ok for the night and didn't wake up until 6:20am. We'll have to see what we should do now for his sleep.

Today, I am making him make up for all the food he DIDN'T eat while we were away. The baby would not nurse because he was so interested in everything else. *sigh*


Sunday, May 06, 2007


After Michael's apparent head injury, we didn't let him play on his playmat anymore because he had a tendency to roll off it onto the hardwood floors. But today we put a thick blanket underneath it and put him on there. He liked it a lot, playing with all the toys, eating the mirror and sounding the chime toy. He tried to roll around on the mat while I was putting a new sheet on his mattress, but I devised an ingenious solution to the problem of continuing to work while protecting the boy from himself as this picture shows.

Between meals this afternoon, Mom and son watched a little television. It as really cute because Michael grabbed Phuong's arm and held onto it. He's been doing a lot of that lately, reaching for Phuong and looking for his mommy. And as these photos show, he has been sitting up increasingly well.

Much of the day is spent tickling Michael in various ways so that he giggles uncontrollably. This includes tickling his armpits outright, putting your hair in his face, tickling his back or playing various forms of peek-a-boo. It's really funny to hear him squealing and giggling.

He has also been saying dadadada alot and gurgling his breastmilk. Punk.

Saturday, May 05, 2007


Yogurt, mon premier Danone!

We started the caveboy on yogurt this afternoon. He had some "mon premier Danone" and actually liked it. He still didn't eat very much of his bananas though. One time, he sneezed yogurt and bananas all over Phuong. That's always fun times when he sneezes or sits there spitting out food and drool. I've never seen a creature who generates so much drool. At lunch he ate a ton of carrots and pears, his favorite. We think his bananas need to be mashed better and then he'll love them again.

We took the boy out to Bercy, Place de la Nation and Picpus in the 12th arrondissement this afternoon on metro line 6. He slept a lot and didn't really indicate whether he liked Picpus or not. I liked it plenty. I liked Picpus and Nation was hopping. Bercy Village, an American style shopping area like Rice Village in Houston, was really disappointing. We won't be going there any more. Neither will the caveboy. I had a Magnum Blanc. Michael was jealous.

Phuong went out to get a sandwich grec tonight while the boy and I played fun games like Peek-a-boo and also had plenty of time for zerberts and tickling. I love to zerbert him near his neck because he laughs uncontrollably. He's very fun and silly. Then he got hungry and fussy. But to give Phuong time to eat, we watched some MTV. He likes to bop to the music.
Well, I found out through the grapevine that there are grandparents (and great-grandparents!) who probably would like to know what Michael does every day, no matter how mundane. So I am starting another blog just about Michael and his every day activities.

I will try my best to post everyday. It will be fast, quick snipits, and full of details only his loving great grandparents and grandparents will care about!

This blog will only be about Michael!

Yesterday, I went down to Grenoble in southeast France to present some results to colleagues from another research center. The meeting was scheduled for Friday morning, from 8:30 to 12:30 with a tour of their facilities afterwards.

I stayed with a coworker at his parents' house on the outskirts of Grenoble, and we set off for the meeting at about 8:00, running late. I've been to French meetings before and know they start late and lack structure, but I've never presented at a French meeting. In the US, I would have arrived early, set up the projecter and presentation, and been ready to go by 8:30. In contrast, we arrived at the entrance gate at 8:40. Two cars ahead of us at the gate was one of the guys with whom we were supposed to meet. It also turned out that because I am a foreigner, there were some special forms we had to fill out that we had forgotten to request. So we finally got into the facility at about 9:10. Then we met some other colleagues working there. We arrived at the meeting room around 9:30 and there was no projector. So after finding a projector that turned out to be broken and having some coffee and croissants (as it was croissant Friday) we started without a projector. It was a small group, 6 of us, so that was ok. A bit later, one of the guys left the meeting and came back with a projector that works. Then the technical director arrived about 10:30, halfway through the meeting, because he had some other things to attend to first. A second participant left about 15 minutes later. After all was said and done, it was actually very productive and went over well. So that's how French meetings work.

I was talking about it afterwards in the railstation bar with an English coworker, who was also down in Grenoble for the day, and he told me a funny story about a meeting he had been to in Spain. It was to start at 10:00am. Since he has been in France for awhile, he was smart, arrived around 10:15 and was greeted by another Englishman and a couple of Germans. About 10:45 some other people start trickling in. At 11:15, the Spanish professor who had organized the meeting rolls in and starts setting up his presentation. Finally, after 11:30 the talk finally gets going.

Friday, May 04, 2007

With my parents here, I can finally catch up on some events in MARCH.
The Dirty D came in early March just in time to see our kitchen cabinets go in. Sadly, it was the reason we had to stay home ALL DAY. The first day was fine, since Devina was still getting over partying with Shravi in happenin' Munich. But by the 2nd day, we were a bit antsy in our pantsy to get out of the house.

Devina's first night was quite eventful. It began with finding Phuong cursin' up a storm b/c the fussy baby had been fussing for the last HOUR trying to get to bed. And it ended with Brian starting the battery operated pump on her aero bed only to hear it die down within 20 seconds with a FAR from inflated mattress. EEK. Probably should have done that before our guest came.

Then, we plopped a baby in her lap. And who would have thought...Devina is a BABY person. Michael LOVED her despite the quizzical look below. I think she may be the brownest person he's ever met:
After resting all day at home, we went to Rue Mouffetard for an "early" dinner at 6:00pm. We were the only people in the place and had to wait for our dinner because the staff was sitting down to theirs. Afterwards, Devina and I went to a cafe on the corner and enjoyed a nice Parisian coffee.
On Devina's last day, we finally get out of the house and head over to the Tuileries to sit beside this empty fountain. There were other Parisians sitting there too, hoping that it would turn on. But alas, Devina and I were content knowing what could have been, enjoying our fruit cake and coffee.
Then, we were off to meet Brian on Rue de Rivoli so we could walk Devina to Chatalet, where she flew back to Shravi for the rest of her European vacation. It was great to see her!
THEN, the TEACHER friends invaded Paris in mid March!
From our arrival in January to March, we had rain almost EVERY day except like 3. So imagine our surprise when the Teacher Friends brought with them SUNSHINE! Boy were we happy to see them and the SUN!
Brian met them at the airport and helped everyone with all of their luggage to the hotel. Considering half of the luggage was our stuff from the U.S., it was really only appropriate!
I met them all at their hotel and we enjoyed a nice Parisian lunch at a cafe on Rue Cler, another nice market street in Paris. You would have never guessed they had any jet lag by the way they were so happy and giggly!
The MOM organized a great tour of Paris for them called, "Paris on Speed" and we really did not see much of them at all! We hosted a "Teacher Appreciation Dinner," which consisted of food purchased at an Italian eatery and enjoyed a nice night of company. Good thing they came because it gave us a real reason to by REAL plates! ;o)
On Sunday, THE MOM came and baby sat for us so I could cook dinner, the 1st time in like MONTHS, and gave Brian and I a break for a date. Also, another first in months! Michael was happy to have his Grammy with him despite his cheeks:
Brian and I went to the Ile de la Cite and pretended to be tourists and spoke English! It was GREAT! It made me realize how "French" our area of town is. I never even dream of speaking English where we live! We went to a nice Italian gelato place where Brian got a cool cone with ice cream shaped like petals to form a rose. It was beautiful.
Then we had a crepe. It was awesome.
That night, for dinner, I served Osso Bucco, which was pretty good. If you are adventurous, here's the recipe:
Anyways, Candy and Annette spent the day at Fountainebleu and came home to tell us all about it over the Osso Bucco and gnocchi. Then, we had a slumber party with 3 teachers, 2 air mattresses, and 1 living room in Paris. We were so sad to see them go because it is great to have family and friends from back home around. Plus, funny giggly ones. Here is a great pic of them on the Seine river. Annette is back there, but she's hiding her bottle of wine!! ;o)

WHEW! That's IT! I have been meaning to blog that for MONTHS and am so glad to finally get the chance! My parents are here now so I can have a break!! ;o)

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Phuong and I, well mostly Phuong, have been looking for baby food here in France that doesn't have additives like sugar or preservatives. Since we could seldom find anything suitable, we always asked ourselves why Gerber couldn't come over here and dominate the market with normal baby food that is just vegetable+water. Well, when I was doing my French homework, I found out why. The word gerber is a French verb meaning "to vomit". Little wonder they couldn't make any inroads to the French marketplace since I'm guessing that no French mother wants to feed her child vomit.