Monday, November 26, 2007

Michael, The Squirrel

Michael sometimes does resemble a squirrel.

His hair is chestnut brown...and for a while he had kind of long bushy hair that hung over his collar (now, it has been trimmed).

He's got lots of big front teeth, perfect for gnawing nuts (that he's not allowed to have until he is 3).

He's got the chubby cheeks to store nuts in if needed.

He takes his food, hides it around the house, and then finds it a couple of days later and eats it.

He chirps/barks sometimes just like a squirrel once did to Brian at tu.

He gets around on all fours but can balance on his legs if needed.

I think that's it. Luckily, Michael is a human despite all these similarities to the animal kingdom.



Anonymous said...

Funny. Kiera also likes to eat food that has been hidden for a while. mmmm.

hey, i tried to comment on your Besancons in France blog, but i'm not a team member......

Anonymous said...

No this comment isn't about Michael. How can I send you a Christmas card? What is the exact address we need to send it to?