Friday, November 02, 2007

Today is the official day that Michael started to walk. He let go of us and took 5-8 steps all on his own. And he is also starting to walk to nearby things instead of dropping and crawling. We have video so we're going to try to post later today.

So today is the day. Today is the day my little baby turned into a little toddler.


Here is a video clip of Michael walking. He takes a good 5 or 6 steps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

are you sure you want him walking? now you will have to follow him around everywhere when he goes exploring in the apartment.

thanks for the video. it is really neat to see michael walking, and i really like that i can relate to the scene since i know exactly where that is in your apartment. kel and i had such a good time this summer. we can't wait to come back.

the dino costume was incredibly cool.