Saturday, June 21, 2008

All Done

Yesterday, Michael woke up from his nap. He was on the couch so I kissed him and said Good morning! I went to the hallway to get his clothes and I turn around. He's standing right next to me doing his sign for "All Done" as wildly as possible.

I guess he was afraid I'd leave him there to sleep some more so he got up, went to find me, and tell me that he's "All Done" with his nap.

Still not saying much this one! But he understands plenty!

He doesn't understand much in French though. This lady told him to give her a kiss in French and he didn't understand until I told him in English, "Give the nice lady a kiss!". Same with when she told him to "Donne a maman." He didn't understand that until I said, "Come here and give it to me!" *sigh* Need to get him into French halte garderie (part time day care, 1-2 half days a week...don't worry, it's not much, but it's some!)


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