Saturday, March 28, 2009


Michael is sick. You know, the kind of sick where he just sits in my lap all day long. Yes, that kind of sick. Yes, that kind of sick ALL day Friday AND ALL day today.

So after Michael's night time bath, we had this exchange:

Phuong: Did Mommy hug you all day long today?
Michael: Eh
Phuong: Did you get enough hugs then?
Michael: No
Phuong: You want MORE hugs than being hugged all day?
Michael: Yes (while curling into a little ball in my lap).

My Poor Little Buddy...hope he has as better day tomorrow!


1 comment:

Eun Hwa Lee-Ravel said...

Hey Phuong. My little Thomas has been sick too (since Thursday). I hope Michael feels better soon and you can finally get some rest again. Thinking of you from this side of Paris.