Saturday, April 04, 2009

Natural History Museum and Jardin des Plantes

Ok, now that I have your attention...

We spent the afternoon at the Natural History Museum in Jardin des Plantes:

Michael is now at the phase where he understands to say "cheese" for the camera. So now, instead of just giving natural smiles, we get this:

I just like the motion in this picture. Michael is levatating here, Matrix style:
Michael spent LOTS of time squatting and looking at the televisions on the floor. I spent a lot of time cursing my 50mm and its blurry shots. Next time, i am bringing my external flash.

HOWEVER, once we got outside, the 50mm was indeed my favorite lens of choice. Michael did not agree:

This is his dodo bird. He rides the carrousel at Jardin des Plantes a lot because we have been running there "often." So he gets all excited and runs straight to the dodo bird every time we ride the carrousel.

Jardin des Plantes has 2 blossoming trees. Michael is plotting how to next attack that pile of mulch behind him:

And these 3 shots are the reason I have this 50mm lens:

(wishing Michael's head was just a tad bit to the left there...)

And how is it that I have aged so much and Brian is still as handsome as he was when we met???

Awesome. f1.4...

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