Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So I was looking out my window today in our house and I thought to myself:

"Eating on my deck, overlooking the forest on our peaceful 2 acres of land...or eating on a rooftop, overlooking Sevilla."

Which would you choose?

One other thing that HAS to make the blog for me:
Today, Michael climbed into my lap, gave me a huge hug and kiss, and said:
"Mommy, I love you so much. We will always be friends."

I hope that will always be true. I'll remind him of this day when he's 13.


Thunderbird said...
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Thunderbird said...

give me an outlook over seville. i would probably choose a different city, but seville will do. although it is nice that it is YOUR house and not one you are renting. you can only get so excited about your living conditions when they are temporary.

Brandi said...

Hahahaha. Can I choose the rooftop for two years and then the forest for the rest of my life? Hooray for updating the blog!! You DO have exciting things to say :o)