Monday, April 25, 2011

Please Touch Museum - Philadelphia

I took Michael to the Please Touch Museum (Children's Museum - just for clarification) - in Philly one day.

It is very far away and incredibly challenging for an Asian person like me to navigate. Let's just say once you get downtown, there are 1.5 lanes that Philly-pians think are 2 lanes and they drive like they're in freakin' Korea - all at the same time while stuck behind a tram and trying to drive while your tires are in the tram track grooves.

Nope, not my speciality.

BUT - it was SO worth it! Michael LOVED LOVED the museum.

In the craft/play room:
On the indoor carousel:
On the Big Piano - by the same maker as the one in Big/FAO Schwartz - except this one is a bit broken:
That blur is Michael in the huge water section:
And probably the most popular was this crane that dug up a balloon ball pit:

He had a fantastic time! So much to do - indoor food shopping/etc. He went CRAZY in the children's super market. All my pictures of him there were super blurry there because he was so fast. You would have thought he was on the Price Is Right or something. He cracked me up though because he went to the "fish case" and cleaned it out. I think he had about 20 kilo of trout in his cart.

Glad we went - but with gas at $4.14 a gallon, it's gonna be a splurge/treat kind of day! I want to get a membership pretty badly because it's pretty steep just to go for one visit ($41 for both of us after parking/carousel tickets/admission!). It's only $125 a year for membership up to 4 people. However, since it is so far away - I'm taking pause.

1 comment:

Brandi said...

I totally want to take Austin to that museum. I saw it on Jon and Kate Plus 8 (avert your judgmental stare) and got the "please touch me" bug. The museum that is.