Monday, August 22, 2011

Gettin' it Down

So I am tres behind when it comes to posting. We've had a busy month - The Parents came to visit, we had a vacation in the Outer Banks, NC (OBX), and I've had a couple of sessions. So I am really busy proofing, designing announcements, etc.

Plus - Liturgy of the Word with Children kicks off in about 3 weeks. And I'm the lead on that - so I'm stressin' out about that going off without a hitch. My church really needs it. My family really needs it! So I'm hoping the ministry is successful and reaches out to other families/children within the parish.

But I really want to post about Michael. Soon. I have some very random pictures - but all worth posting as it documents Michael - which I don't do as much anymore because things don't change as quickly as they used to!

However, before I do - I just have 2 memories I want to put down before I forget.

Saturday at dinner, for whatever reason, I just had a memory of taking Michael to the little park in front of Le Bon Marche after his gymnastics lessons in the 6th. We would play there and look at the fish in the tanks in the cosmetics department of Le Bon Marche. I shared it with my family at the table and Michael says to me,

"Mommy, we used to play ping pong in Paris."

Why, yes - we did. And Michael remembers. On his own. With no "memory planting" from me. It always shocks me what I think he SHOULD remember as opposed to what he actually DOES remember on his own. But then my mind wandered to all those afternoons I would take him to the park with our ping pong paddles, his head barely peeking over the concrete tables, and we would "play." I was just so very thankful for that period in our lives where all I did was hang out with him. And it made my heart happy to see that he remembered too - which I hope means that it made him happy too. It is interesting to think about his memories forming, even that early on. Oh how I wish I could take my little Michael to Paris now. The memories we would make...

The other thing is something I am really proud of Michael about - and I'm sure this will fade with time and really growing up. Michael has shown 2 instances where he does not fall to peer pressure.

The first: He was grounded from Wii. He went to play at our neighbor's house where all the kids were playing Wii, and he told them he couldn't because he was grounded from it. So he just watched. Then, he came home and told me this. I commended him for adhering to what I had said, even though everyone else was doing it. There will be many more instances where he has to choose between what everyone else is doing and what we say is "our way." I truly hope he continues on his path, but will love him regardless. All children eventually do something their parents don't necessarily agree with.

The second: While in the OBX, Brian told Michael to stay seated on the little seat in the pool. DO NOT GO ANYWHERE. And he did just that. Even though Mr. Scott told him - I'll take you around in the floaty and keep you safe. Don't worry.

Not working. "I'm not going anywhere. My Daddy told me to stay here."

So proud of my little guy who isn't so little anymore. It won't be long now before he's grown and gone - but until then - I sure am enjoying all these little bits of life that was so generously bestowed to me.


1 comment:

Brandi said...

What a big boy! I am always thrilled when Austin listens to instruction and follows through with it. And Michael is a stronger person than me. I probably would have caved on the Wii thing then cried a confession to my mother.