Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Today, Michael countered my post from yesterday by listening and even helping to carry all the folded clean laundry upstairs. Without being asked. And this was no small feat. I am talking about a back log of laundry that covered the entire couch, including arm rests. I am talking in the neighborhood of 8-10 loads of laundry.

Was pretty impressed with him!

Then, we went to swim and I saw him floating on his back pretty dang well with his noodle after lesson during his pool time. Then, he let it go and floated all by himself. Awesomely. With no help. Seriously awesome for Michael who had the hardest time floating a year ago.

Then, he didn't listen when I told him it was time to get out of the pool and he spit at me under the cover of spitting out water from his mouth....hmmmm....sly that one.

We went to see the lorax today! Super cute. Thought we were gonna get a Rita's free water ice but sadly, the 200 college students already in line dissuaded me from that.


Sally Besancon said...

Glad you enjoyed The Lorax. I always loved that book.

Brandi said...

Was the Lorax scary at all? I think it could be a good rental with Austin in a few months!

phuong said...

No, it wasn't scary at all! Very cute!