Saturday, August 09, 2008

On Friday, Michael learned how to put his pointer finger to his lips and go "shh." Like people do at the library.

Today, we went shopping at La Defense. Michael played in a lot of toy stores and rode the indoor train. Then, we peeked into Jardin d'Aclimatation. Went shopping on the Champs Elysees and had a playdate at my friend Su's house. It was a full day!

Michael loves trucks, trains, buses, motorcycles, bikes, right now. He points to them all over the street and asks us what they are over and over again!

On Wednesday, it was so pretty that I decided to be adventurous and take Michael to a cafe for lunch with me. I packed him a lunch, ordered mine...and 15 minutes later, we were back at home! Amazing how fast you can eat when you have a toddler trying to run away.


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