Thursday, September 10, 2009

1st Day of Preschool!

So we did it! Michael went on his first day of preschool and was a star. Here he is outside our apartment, ready to go:
He took off running down the street to catch our bus. Got him to turn around really quickly:
And we made it to school just fine! He was a bit scared in the beginning, but 3 French teachers immediately welcomed him and helped him feel at home. Here he is getting the nerve to attempt his first craft:
I think he was really scared...but he didn't cry and was a big boy! The teachers were all very nice and he is in the same class as Aiden, so he has a friend already.

So I picked him up later and he didn't have any peeing/pooping accidents at school (knock on wood THERE!). When I got there, he was sitting in a circle like all the other kids and was happy to see me! Some funny observations:
  • When I picked him up, he was the only kid not wearing shoes. Do not know how that came to be.
  • When the teacher said: "Prends tes chaussures," he went to his shoes and picked them up. NEAT right? Well, she WAS pointing to them at the time so we can't take full credit there.
  • He knew exactly how to use the bathroom there and flush. I took him before we left and he knew the drill.
  • Have no idea what he did with paint, but it's all over the bottom of his shoes...and had little specks on his face. Look closely around his left eye:

SO VOILA! Let's see how the 2nd day goes. With all our friends so far...the 1st day isn't bad because they are not fully aware of what's going on. Then the 2nd day they burst into tears because they know they are being left!

Michael said he did have fun at school though and he wanted to go back tomorrow. SWEET!

Me, I went to a cafe, had breakfast, read my Gourmet magazine and wandered up some side streets. It is really great fun to get to explore a new neighborhood intimately!

**Aside** I know some of my readers live in Paris and want some photographic services. I now have mornings free and would love to do some shoots in the Musee du Rodin/etc! E-mail me if you are interested. *Aside done.*


Mary said...

Yay Michael!!! Glad the first day went well, hope all the subsequent days are smooth...

Thunderbird said...

your kid is so cute. i am glad to hear the first day of school went well, and i am glad you got a picture of him on his way to school.

i like that he didn't have his shoes on when you picked him up...

Sara said...

yay for Michael and yay for you P! I so wish you guys were here....the boys started pre-school the same week! :) I'm super glad Michael had fun and hopefully every day will go that great. Enjoy your "free time!"

Kim Kropka said...

Glad his first day was such a success! And Yay for Mom!!

Eun said...

Hooray, Phuong! I don't need any photo services at the mo', but if you'd like to meet for coffee sometime, let me know!

Sally Besancon said...

I personally think he did not have shoes on because he knows not to wear them inside! He must have thought the other children were rather silly to have their shoes on instead of putting them away.

Suzanne said...

That's awesome!!! Go Michael!! On a side note, he seems to resemble Dad. I think it may be the hair and the sweater. So cute though!