Sunday, September 06, 2009

Downward Facing Dog

Well, I spoke too soon with the potty training. Michael still has accidents and they are no fun to clean up. One day, he peed on my rug. Then peed on his rug. The pooped a bit in his underwear. And then decided to draw with green marker on the rug he peed on already.

It wasn't a fun day.

Lately, Michael will do the yoga position Downward Facing Dog and just pee...pee...pee. I suppose it helps him to see his pee stream better and where it's going.

1 comment:

Sara said...

That's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time.
Don't worry - he will stop the accidents soon! Colton did great for the about the first month and then relapsed and was having accidents EVERY day. Now, he seems to be over that and hasn't had any in a while.

Now, that I said that, he'll probably have one at preschool today. :)